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Show ‘4- 1 ,0 0f» Mgr/er relating to Trogrefrive Motion. Chap. X VIII, mV l l l. 0f Ali/Her relating to ‘Progre/rive Motion, 1 I I from Hurting out of their Repolitories, in frequent and violent Motions of with an oblique defccnt, is inferred into the leis Trochanter of the Thigh- the Thighs bone. . _ , _' ‘ . . prindial The Legs being the middle Story of thofe Curious Pillars, confilieth of 826.13 two Bones; the principal is the 01‘ Tibia», as the more large and fl'rong, And the Ilium; Interim}, the Coadiutor of the Pfoas, is derived Within the Belly, from the inward Surface of the 0! Ilium, and palTeth downward over in mm the head of the Thigh-bone, till it is comoyned With the Tendon of the "0:15, hearing it company to the leis Rotator: VVhereupon all Motion be- . ing made in lbniewhat unmoved, the P'foas is fal'tned above to the Verte- $13,935, bres of the Back, and Loins, and the Ilmcur Intermir, to the Surface of the W "W Vs":Or Ilium, as to the centers of Motion; and both the Pfoas, and the Iliacm', 1532:2316 which xmulateth in its various tides, the figure of a Triangle, and is finely Carved with two Appendices, and the upper being more large, is beauti. fled backward as with two Heads, and in the top is hollOWed into two ob, long Sinus (which give reception to the lower appendix of the Thigh Bone) to which it is falined by a [bong Ligament, as to Phyfical Points, Upon which the Bones of the l. cg do move: And the inferiour Appendix of the Dr Tibia, is carved with an eminent Procels, which being prominent toward the infide of the Leg, maketh the inward Ancle Bone. Mulcles, and (0 by c0nfequence the whole Thigh is bent and lifted up (as :éifllfzftgm The OJ Tibie is alto hollowed into divers Sinus, the one lateral, into which the 0: Fibulc is entertained, and into the other two (parted by a being more readily pulled toward the Vertebres of the Back and Loins, then lion. tliole toward the Thigh) by making a flexui‘e of it. are tied below to the leis Trochanter, as a part more eafily move-able, is Iiiihiiabiciie thereupon drawn upward by the Contraction and Abbreviation of the {aid fl‘figfflf‘c‘g thin Protuberance) the Or Aflmguli, the firft Bone of the Tarfus is ad- The oppofite Motion, the Exteiilion of the Thigh, is aéied by Antago- $321329 iiiitted. The lull: The other Bone, appertaining to the Leg, is {tiled Fibula, much finaller {‘L'fl‘fu‘lf and weaker than the former, which growing thinner from a thicker back Oil-MIL into a blunt edge, is wrought witha double Appendix, that above being nili l‘vililcles the Glutiei, one heated under another, called the Culhion cfiltciigon‘or round, is hollowed into a finall Sinus, to which the outward prominence of the Tibia is joyned; but the other lower Appendix is received into a Ca. viry of the Tibia, emitting a Procefs, which being cotifpicuotis in the out- ward part of the Leg, formeth the outward Ancle Bone. Tlieliiilaricf Thefe Pillars of Mans Body, are feated below upon two rare Pedelials, W;;,§;‘°,L"g, compoled of many Bones of the Tarfus, Mctatarliis, and Digits, which are iii ,_ rarely carved in feveral Figures and Sizes,and being beautified with divers Sirius and l'rotnberances, mutually adapted to each other, are firmly tied together with firong Ligaments, left their Heads and Protuberances fliould flip out of their Cavities, in various brisk motions of the Foot. Thus l haie given a rough Draught of the Bones, and their Articulaa tions as the feats of the Mufcles, and the Hypomoclia of their many diH'erent Motions : It may not be improper now, to {liew you the Principal parts The third and lealt Clutter", hath its Origen in the Or Ilium, under the middle and upper Glunmr, and palling downward, endeth in the greattr Trochanrer, and all thefe Glutaei do joyntly aflifi each other in the Exteri- lion oi the Thigh7 as they are all ialliied above, either to the 05‘ Ilium, Satmm, Mum/i Tl‘w‘mm» , an I and Corgx a as the (ileum; Major 7 and the middle and lower to the OJ Ilium, Cervix. are the centers of as the Hypomoclia, or unmoved Terms, toward which the Extenlion of the Mmio.'i' tr" Thigh is performed; for thefe Extenfors are inferred, either a little below, ffiéci‘flfgi," or into the Trochanter Major of the Thigh-bone, which being lefs ponderous, then the Trunk (to which the ()t Ilium, Sacrum, and Coccyx are the whole Fabriek 5 which is celebrated by divers oppofite Motions of the fafined ) is more eafily moved, then the other more fixed and heavy Bones, became the. Thigh-bone playing in a Socket, made up of the concourfc of the 0; Iribium, Ilium, and Share-bone, may be ealily deprelfed in Exteniion by the Gliitari; which being Contracted and fliortned, pull the Thigh downward, rendriiig it more firaight, in reference to Progreliive Motion, in which the contrary Motion of the Flexure of the Thigh-bone exerted by the Pfoas, and Iliatur Intermix, do pull the Thigh upward: But the Flexors 3311:1220 of the Leg, have a different Motion in pulling it backward, and are Four ruuicbackin number, the Crarilir, Seminerwofur, Semimembmnofm‘, and Birepi‘. The wm' 4 Cracilit taking its rife about the Commiliure of the Share-bone, and pafling 'l‘highs, Legs, and Feet, made principally by their various Flexors and downward, is inferted with a round Tendon into the infide of the 0: of the lower Limbs, the Mul'cles themfelves ( with which the Bones are invefied) and their Contraéiions and Ufes. The more inward and {olid parts of thele Elegant Pillars, the Supporters of Humane Body, are encircled with fofter flefhy Integuments, which being in many diftinét Bodies, fevcred from each other by proper Coats, may be truly {tiled to many Machines of Motion, by which the lizveral parts of there Columns are putinto difi'erent Poltures, giving Progreflive Motion to rl'cnl‘ors. :iii:('rii:§igl The upper part of thcfe moving Columns, being tliofe of the Thighs, 1,, E""‘"‘°" are lifted up by two Flcxors, the (Pflmr, and the Iliimir Intermix; the other if, ,filfiufljjf tvm which are afligued by learned Wefllingim, to this Motion, the Triceps term. Multles, upon which we fit : The firfi arifeth from the Margent of the 0: t i "E" Ilium, the 8.2mm, and the Coccyx, terminating under the great Trochanter ; the Glilfii‘llf Mai/m, is feared under the 0!"th Major, and fpringeth from the Ur Iliiwi below the former, and is inferred a little higher in the greater Ti‘ochanter. and lividus being ( as I conceive) rather Adduétors, then Flexors, do draw tliC-"l highs inward according to their fituation, and parts into which they are inlerted. ‘ The Pfimr taking its Origen about the lower Vertebres of the Back, and tlzevthree upper of the Loms, is carried down the Vertebres of it, and after palieth out of the Belly, betiveen the Share-bone, the Coxendix, and the (Pt SJN‘ll/fl, and is carried me: the head of the Thigh-bone, and Wheeling with Tibia. The Seminerwfur borrowetli its Origen from the lower part of the Coxen- dix,‘ and running down the backfide of the Thigh-bone obliquely forward, endeth in the infide of the OJ‘ Tibix ', and the Semimembmnofli/S obtaining the fame rife with the Serizinerri/ofm, as deriving it {elf from the lower region of the (oxalic/ix, doth terminate with a firong Tendon, into the upper part of the 0; Flbltlcc'. ‘ Whereupon the Gratilir being tied above: near the Commifliire to the gfjjhggijp Share-bone, and Semiuerrwfit: and Sellzirriembrauofiir, falinerl to the lower 7,",331,1?" region of the Coxmdix. and inferred below into the 0! Tibix, and the Bicep! 3:53:3ch- having the lame origen above with the Semimembmnofm, endeth in the ticitionorttc upper |