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Show 7770 Di/eafer of the Tnncrcar. ‘i-Cé'iiii ,Book I. Part I I. Fibres, whence arifcth a perpetual defire of Meat, to gratifie the trouble- I l I J m fome Sollicitations, feared in the Fibrous parts of the Stomach. This acid Ferment making an unkindly Ebullition of the Chyle in the In. 1, teliiiies, is produétive of Vapours, and Windy Matter, which being Traniilmi grand fmirted with the Chyle, through the Laéteaz and Thoracick Ducts, into the iiiiiiiiiimmi i‘iliiiiiwili :f‘fifjgdtff' ilgii-[iiiii-W lib/mtg ‘sii lidilimm Subclaviaii Veins, and from thence through the Venn Cat/a, into the right Chamber of the Heart; in which it being mixed with the Blood, doth produce a greaE Ffl'crvelizence, giving fornetim‘es Palpitations, which are overfrequent Puliations, proceeding from this acxd PancreatiekLiquor, afflifiin the Carnous and Nervous Fibres of the Heart, which being over-afied in often repeated and violent Trembling Motions, do caufe Lypothymies, and Syncopies: And this four Liquor of the Pancreas being confederated with the Blood, is carried out of the right Ventricle of the Heart, through the Pulmonary Artery into the Parenchyma of the Lungs, where it is hardly i" [if admitted into the fmall Extreainities ofthe Pulmonary Veins; whence arileth a great difliculty of Breathing, making frequent infpiration of Air, which sulfur; "21‘ enoble the ill qualified Blood with Spirituous and Elafiick Particles, to make iiiikiictiillniii‘ good the Circulation into the left \cntricle of the Heart, out of which the Iiiiihiiiileiif figg‘flffiffi; t1:‘-‘fi"-l,fff\€a_ it I'm‘ fvgful‘lll‘m}.cs if M ‘ ' ‘ N : '1 i.is four liq ii ,t‘ ti e ‘ in! I Blood (being allb atibciated with this four Pancreatick Ferment) is impelled fil'll‘ through the common, and then through the afcendent Trunk of the Aorta, and Carotide Arteries, into the Dun: and Pia Mater, and ambient parts of the Brain, where it vitiates the Concoétion of Animal Liquor; and by afliié‘ting the Fibrous contexture of the Coats and fubftance of the Brain, produceth Convulfive Motions, commonly called the Falling Sicknefs. Farthermore, The Animal Liquor infected with acid Pancreatick Juice, is tranfmitted by the Fibres of the Brain, into the Trunks of Nerves propaga- ted into the Mufcles; whereupon their Nervous and Tendinous Fibres are highly irritated and drawn into Convulfive Motions, to expel the acid oEen~ five Particles of Pancreatick Juice, confederated with the Nervous Liquor. E‘Viiii‘iii‘cAnd if the unkindly four Liquor of the Pancreas be embodied with the "ninth lll‘L' Blood, and carried by the Arteries into the fubfiance of the Mufcular parts, '" ‘C it giVeth great Pain, by aggrieving the tender Coats of the Nervous Fibres, 1 WW producing a Rheumatifm. 'crvuus And if this Acid Juice . the Pancreas, mixed with the Vital Liquor,_ is . of _ "mm"? ImPellCd by the Arteries into the fubfiance of the Membranes ( covering RllL'leJlll'IV, insisting". the Joynts and Bones of the Limbs,) it makerh a vexatious pain, by highly :ir‘f'ycfi‘jfu afflicting this tender Membranous Contexture, confifiing of many Nervous fibres, and fiiciiiibiiiiii-c Fibres, curioufly interwoven; this painful Difeafe, is called the Arthritis, mnlcmkum‘ 01‘ Joynt-Gout. ‘I'ngfifi 211:. And if this four Liquor incorporated with the Blood, is carried by the iiiiil'fil "'d' Emulgent Arteries into the Cortical Glands of the Kidney, andthere fecerned paring" iii: from the Purple Juice, and Tranfinitted with the Serous Liquor through the C "'i . n a Blood, by ihc Urinary Duets, and the Papillary Caruncles, into the Pelvrs, and from thence ' 1 Al" . , . hiiiiiiiiiic through the Ureters, into the Cavity of the Bladder; to whofe tender Com}j.‘jf,‘,°{i,jg‘clc iyirciilpicutglg tlical'crqu? . Du s. [e \‘lS. mummy, gttgfigjfggg" ms 5mmgury, leeacirll‘anl‘Xn "U triatitk L,- tpior page, thefe aCid Particles of the Pancreatick Liquor, offer a great Violation, as it is framed of Nervous and Carnous Fibres,which frequently contract themfelves with great pain, to difcharge the troublefome acid Particles of Urine: This Difeafe hath the Appellative of the Strangury. The Add Liquor being blended with the Chyle in the Guts, is carried with it thr0ugh the Mefenterick, and Thoraciek Laéteal Duets, Subclavian VeiTels, and Vemz Caz/a, into the right Chamber of the Heart, and from mixed withthc Blood, and carried by the Mcfrnterick Arteries into the Grits, li produfiivc of Dimliu‘a and Dyknteriu- thence. Book I. Part I 1. 0f the Tantra/Ia. 409 thence through the Pulmonary Arteries and Veins, into the left Ventricle, and afterward this foure Pancreatick Juice, affociatcd with the Blood, is impelled through the common and delcendent Trunk of the Aorta, into the Mefenrerick Arteries ( belonging to the Intefiines) whofe Terminations be_ ing opened, the ferous parts of it ( infeéied with the faid acid Particles ) are fevered from the Purple Liquor, in the Glands of the Guts, and difcharged into their Cavity 5 whereupon the Intefiines having their Nervous and Car" nous Fibres much irritated, do briskly contraét and expel the Contents of the Guts, whence enfueth a Diarrhoea. But if the faitl acid parts confazderated with the Blood, and Tranfmit~ ted by the Mefenterick Arteries, into the Glands of the Guts, be very fierce, they are immediately thrown without any Secretion of the Serous parts from the red Craflament of the Blood, into the Cavity of the Iiiteflines, whence arifeth an Ulcer of them, proceeding from the foure parts of the Pancreatick Liquor, difaffcfling the Extravafared Blood, and corroding the tender frame of the Guts, which [conceive may be one caufe of a 'Dyfentery. Lafi of all, I apprehend this Acid Juice of the Tammi/5, to be a great T1115: A agent in Hypochondriacal and Melancholick Dillempers, proceeding from 5mm": in Atribilarian Humours, which may arife from the mixture of Bilious and ducerh "mm"Arra1'" Pancreatick Juice; as Learned De Graaf hath well obferved, Traiiatn dc gigging]? Sure. Puiztreat. 'Pag. I 34. Cum itaq; neq‘,Hcpar, 71qu Pancrmr, my; client Ven- Cili‘iiiiiriaii‘ trirnlm, atrnm illanz Bilcnz at! Inttflinmn bot clemandafltt, fit/[Jitter Cepinzws guano". 411mm ex dnarmn, ant trinnz z'llarum bumorum fihi in'ZJiCEIn permixtarmn nnione fig?" Aim Bili}: i114 emergerct : De qua re ut certiorer ewadercmm, Bili é weficnlafua "lucid Spiritnm Vitrio/i eflndimm, dig; filnztljiinéi'a in folis «flu cal/064711791144, uncle ta/ir fcre ex atro wirefcen! Liquor excitatm efl, qnem prime in tenui Innflifla inwmmmm .- Hint conclnfimm pmdz‘tffuw Inmzorenz Armin Bilem appel- lation, non ex [me ant il/zz parte promanafle, fed in duodeno Inttflino gem‘tnm fuifle: szztenm‘ [vi/ire! Bilis Color nzzturalir ab uric/[arid Szzrci Q'zzntreatz'cz' eon~ . _ . curfu in arm»: at! viridenz fleéicntem immnmtm fnit. As to the Curative part of Difeafes of the (P47106115, in pomt of Inflam- giéiicliriifif. mations, Abfceflets, and Ulcers ', I refer the Courteous Reader to the former 2:15:,3,the Chapters of the Mefcntery, and Guts, where I have Treated of their Cures. , As to the defect of Pancreatick Liquor, proceeding from want of {115531133325 Serous part of the Blood, and Sue»: Nutritim, it doth indicate a quantity Jnisc, inc. . , , . . . paired by Reof thin Nourilliment, eafie of Digefiion 3 as good Broths, made With China, iterative; and other good Suppings of VVater-gruel, made of Oat-meal, or Barley, Barley Cream, Milk of it fclf, or mixed with proper Milk-water, prepared with Snails, (9:. which do repair the decaied Midis of Blood, and Suc- (M Nztlritim‘. ' But if the pcnury of Pancreatick Liquor, be derived from the obllruétion $5332? of the Excrctory Duels (relating to the Pancreas) produced by grofs Chyle, iiiiiricriiiilgb 0r forne other Vifcid Matter, it doth denote gentle Purgatives, and Aperi- flruflion or - ' ‘ ' ' , theE c torent, lncrding, and Detergent Medicines, which do open the Excretory Vef- Dua yam! fels of the Pancreas, and incide and cleanfe the grofs clammy Matter, flop- my Matter. denotcth A. Ping the Channel of the Pancreas, leading into theGuts. Eggicqqdigcci- And the too large Current of the Liquor belonging to the (Pancreas, doth tctgcntMcdi. indicate a fpare Diet, which will leflen the ferous Recrements of the Blood, "‘5' and Nervous Liquor, in the Pancreas. _ . _ tThricpzcidityor -The acidity of the Pancreatick Liquor, is countermanded by LixiVial ($333" Salts, both fixed and volatil, and is allaied by the Powders of Coral) Crabs55331123, Eyes and Claws, prepared Pearl, and by Chalybeate and Antifcorbutick Me- and volatil Nnnnn diPinesi 5" |