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Show Book I. Part1 I. Book I. Part I I. 9720 Tat/L‘m'ogie of the Expu/flre Paar/t}, &c. 33 s The lol'c Tone of the Stomach, flowing from the Fibres of the Brain, £23513?" Comprefltd by aquantiry of stagnant Blood (lodged in the Cortex of the gitclxpuiffiv: C H A P. XXXIV. . Of the ‘Pnt/ao/agie and Carer, relating to the Expulzrue 4 Faculty of the Stomach. Aving Treated of the Caufcs, and manner of Produélion 0f Chyle, H and the Pathologie and Cures attending it; it may not be improper now to confider the Expulfivc Faculty, and its Pathologic and Cures, in re, ference to the Stomach, in which the Alimentary Liquor being extracted, and to [hew how the grofler parts being Secerned from the more refined, may be Tranfmittcd out of the Ventricle into the Intellines, as the Faces and reliqucs of Concoétion, which do give a trouble to the Annular, Right, and Oblique Fibres, to Contraéi: themfelves more firongly (then in the retention of Aliment) thereby briskly to {heighten the Cavity of the Stomach, to expel the Recrcments ( as difiurbers of its repofe) and dillérviceable to Nature, and vexatious to the Stomach. Many requifites concur to the due qualification of the Expulfive power __ of the Stomach, founded in the good Tone of the Fibres, refenting the { trouble of the R ecrements ( the refults of Concoélion) as {0 many ill Guefis, - folliciting Nature to its advantage in their avoidance; which fpeaketh the fecond condition appertaining to the Expulfive Faculty, the troubelfome fienfa- 1 tion of an ill Object, inviting her to free her {elf from it, by throwing it out t ‘ - - . aLU [ '0 E 6 Srvmaih. W" mm" mmmprcm- girléroifitificn. min; by '4 latiur: to the Head. gliillitahlid The loll Tone of the Stomach is derived alfo from the grol'snefs of the gallium Nervous Liquor, {topping up the Origen of the Nervous Fibres, whence $353033; the propagation of the animal Liquor, and Spirits, is hindrecl into the eighth ‘1‘"um pair of Nerves, implantingmany Branches into the Stomach. This Difeafe doth dwiote cephalick Decoé‘tions, mixed with (17114 Remix, Comp. Brian. Comp. l guidirl. (in/27p. (fist. Cepiialick Pills, and Elef‘tuaries, compounded of Coril‘ervosoi Lime Flowers, Lillies of the Valley, Flowers of Beto'ny, and Retain-sir)! , mixed with Powder of Amber, Caller, (3%. and made up with fame cephalick Cyrnp, Drinking after ita large Draught of a fpecifick Julap, which do attenuate the grofs Saline parts of Blood, and Animal Liquor, rendring them fluid, and fit to be received into the extreaniities of the nervous Fibrils in the Brain, and to pals into the Interfiices of the Filaments of the Perl/aging, and its Branches, inferted into the Stomach; whereupon the Tone of the Stomacick Fibres is rectified, difpofing them to exert their due expnlfivc Operations, carried by the influence of a well qualified animal Liquor, giving vigor to the Fibres feated in the Stomach, in order to difcharge its Excrcments and Reliques of Concoétion. The [mood Error of the expulfive Facuity may be deduced from a remif- The Second , . . . . . . . Errorofthc Faculty, confil'ceth in the flipperinefs of the inward Coat of the Stomach, g: which is derived from linooth and Liquid Particles, as creating a {oftnels in the third Tunicle, giving an eafuiels in the ways, and difpofing the Melitter, by rendring the infide of the Ventricle flippery, and fit for Ex: mentof the Head; whereupon the Fibres of the Stomach being deflitute of Sromamk laudable nervous juyce, render the expulfive Power fiupid and unaétive. mm The remifs action of the Stomacic Fibres may alfo proceed from a cold and Tfhe mam" The third Condition, relating to the laudable condition of the Expulfive pu lion. moift Dil'temper in Hydropic, and other Chronick Difeafes, produced by a finish;- \Vheteupon the Expulfive power being well regulated, confiflethin a moderate motion of the Fibres, as not being too remifs, or over-active in lhper-abundance of watry Humors, not fecerned in the Glands ofthe Kidneys, hugoldoannd and tranfinitted by the urinary Ducts, and papillary Caruncles into the Pel- :31" mm" the performance of their duty, which fpeaketh them good Servants, as ch- fervant of their great Millrefs, Natures commands, which is very jult and kind, and requirerh nothing of them, but what is molt for their own Intetefi and Advantage, vis and Hreters; whereupon the Blood groweth Watry, and is returned through the Heart, and Lungs, by variety of Veflels into the delcendent Trunk or the Aorta, and thence watryBlootlpaiTeth by the Cseliac Artery in~ to the StomJCl), imparting to it a cold and moift indifpolition, whereby the The firl't and greatefl error of the Expulfive Faculty, is, when it is wholly Fibres of the Ventricle are rendred flabby, and unable to) erform fuch a Con- c wanting of doing its duty, by reafon the Fibres do not at all contract them- tradition as is requifite for a due expulfion of the dregs o Concoétion 5 altos gether unprofitable to Nature, in point of Refeaion of4 the Body by Aliment, which itvitiateth by its over long Ray in the Stomach, infiituted primarily éiiagiigiitil: lelves, which is produced by a loft Tone of the Stomach near Death, and m; a nels in doing its Duty of Contraction, wherein the Stomacrck Fibres being cxpulfiveFr faint and lazy, by reafon they are not aéled with good animal Liquor and Flight? Spirits, as the efficient of foporiferous Difeafis, lodged in the upper Apart- fyfiéqnecih? . ol Doors. 1 . Brain, and mtecepting the admilhon or the animal Liquor into the Extrea' ‘ d'real t e Bloo dl ettrng, H F'b l - nervous f tnt " mmgso i n'l s) d o tli in to ma 1re good the c"dilation of it, and to difcharge the Brain from Its impottunate extra. "flit-ion, defrrué‘tive of the Principal, and foinetimes ofall the Ftinélions re- ‘ iii-great Dileafcss when the Animaleiquor either is not generatedin the Cortex, or being generated,-is f0 crude and grols, that it obllruéterh the by Nature, to bea receptacle of Meat, and Drink, and not of Recrements, which the Stomach dil‘chargethias irkforn to it, ,CorticalFibresxin the Brain, andfo proveth a 'Bar to its own'enrrance, 319d Farther reception-drug the {paces interceeding therNervous Filaments, {63th in the Brain, whereupon the Animal Liquor cannot have any accefs into the Far Vagum, and its Divarications terminating into the Coats of the Stomach, The remifs Aétionvof the .cxpulfive; Faculty, caul'ed by weak Stomacic Fi- 323;?" bres, may alfo urife from immoderare Drinking of cold Water, and other cool- 32k Fibres, ing Liquors, which do confound the natural heat of the Stomach, and make proycecdfirm its Fibres‘ilupid, and Haccide, whence the Ventriclegroyyeth infenfible of its $221:fo whence the Fibres grow fenfelefs and fiupid, wholly unmindful of their 'duty of Contraétion, producing the greatel't mifdemeanor of the EXPIllfive , Faculty, the lofs of its Function, whereby it giveth no eafe to the Stomach, burden, and faint in Contrafiion, inorder to thezdifchai-ge pfrfiétulencys, a "'1" "‘"r and other grand impediment to Concoétion. walrus"qunrs. which iscured by by taking off its burden of Recrements, the reliques of Concoélion. Th warmand dryl. e The in; rcmsdjflr |