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Show _-______,__._.____ The EPISTLE DIEDICATORYI. Tbe IQn re embling god, a: being a-‘Particle of tbe Dz".vine Mtugre,fand as being bit I/icegerent in tbe Sacred 0/", fice of Government, it to be treated wit/a mo/Z reverential Efleemt, and mo/t fincere 'flfleflion and Obedience. We ought to entertain our Neighbour with kind Rea/petty, in reference to bit Humane Mture, as created by god, after bit Image; and wit/o greater love at a Cbriflian, redeemed In your [Mtgniflcent Fabric/e, our anniyer/ary. Orationt are celebrated, in wbicb tbe grate ulzCommemoration of your Mu, m'fmu Favourt, and, tbe great Benefacrlionr of otber ‘Koyal and Noble ‘Perflm: it fl/lemniged, by flzeaking in a more pecua liar manner, our mo/LL Humble- Duty and Tban/g fer tbe bur/9 Obligation: laid upon toe by (You our generout Tatron and Benz; failor . . nit/2 tbe [Merits of our B/efled Saviour, and wit/9 our inc/t Far‘tbermore, in your mo/l elegant Edifice , you bate gig afl-ec‘lionate Efleemt, as a Tet/en [antlified by the Holy Spi, ven ut tbe opportunity offrequent Dififliont, nibicb may be bigltly improved in tbe dijcovery of unknotrn partt, Veflelt, Li. tit, and adorned wit/2 Heavenly gracet. quart, ( and tbeir motion) oft/98 fBody of Man and otber Mina In tbe/e feveral capacities of a Man and a good Clan; malt. tan, we are bound to carefs you wit/9 all degree; of Leave, and nio/Z afloc‘lionate IQndnefi, a: you are big/sly our entire Vefalius and Fallopius di/Zmier'd tbe carnous Fibre; of tbe Friend, ‘Benefaflor, and Treferver, and bave loved our Na, Stomacb and grate," tbeir proper Organ; ofmotion, Dr. Harvey tion, and built it! a Synagogue. tbe Circulation of tbe 73/0041from tbe Center to tbe circumfe» rence by tbe drteriet, . and/(rain tbe ambient part: if tbe Bo; dnd baving read many Leflures upon tbe fBody ofMan, and otlier fluimalt, Difleéled in a flately Tbeater ( built at and t/JC' motion of tbe Lympha to tbe common Receptacle:- your great charges) I‘Dedicate tbir part 2); anatomy (a! t/Je Pruitt of your Wunificence) to T ‘U tbe wort/9y cbyle tbrougb two kind: (yr mefi'nteric/e glandt, into tbe come ‘ ‘Patron and flipporter of our Society. man Cyflern, and Dr. Wharton tbe true 1%? of tbe gland; - "Your elegant Structure may be flyled tbe Seat of Pallas, a; it is a kind of A'cademy of e/[rtt and Sciences, niberein our e/[natomical Letluret are celebrated; by wbicb, experimen« tal ‘Pliylo/oplry, and tbe Faculty of Tbyflck and berurgeryit advanced, by prying into tbe fecrett of Nature, manifefled by laying open tbe fe'veral apartit‘nentt of fiodiet, relating to at al/o tbe gland: of tbe Liver, Spleen, and [aneyt, and dy to tbe Heart by tbe Veint 5 Dr. Jollife tbe Lympbaeduflt Dr. Glyflbn and Dr. Wharton found out tbe motion of tbe and Malpighius tbe glandt andfibrout compage of tbe Brain'- nations kind: of flnimalt, and more articularly to tbat 0f cflfml, nibo/e part: are under/food y diligent iizflteflionmnd illu/lrated by tbe partt of otber flnimalt, deflgned and engrae ven in large CopperaTlatet, at curioua Monument; cy' tbe 1301 ~dy ofJVfan (and otber Creaturet) andae [0 main Hieroglye ploic/g of Mture, explained by Mtet and Lettert, relate/J are very conducive to tbe knowledge of tbe party reflected, and cure: of Dijon/2'1, tending to tbe prefervation of Healtb and Li e. f In tbe Lobulet, and Veflclet of Alir in tbe Lungt; and Bartho, lomeus Eufiachius tbe ‘Urinary iDuElt of tbe IQdflUJ" and De GraaftbefeminalVefilt oft/9e Tania", an Dr. Gly'mm, Dr. Wharton, and Dr. Willis bave dycovered tbe Succus Nervolus ; and tbe lafl oft/9cm, it! produflion into tbe cortia cal gland: oft/1e firain 5 Dr. Grew and Malpighius tbe Véf' felt ofe/[in Sap, Milk, rRefine, Turpentine, &c. in 7'lantr Dr. Croonc dfcovered tbe Wufcleualled Prerigofiaphylini to belong to tbe ‘Palate and not tbe Uvula, and batb very well ex» plained tbe nature and u/e of tbe partc of tbe Ear ; Sir George En: bat/9 {Dzflfled maiy flnimalt, and made new difcoveriet of part; (not mentioned by otber fInatomi/lt) and more particularly int/:16 Rana Pitcatrix ; Dr. Lower, and 5&3hW out tbe [pzral Fibret, and many other unfit, difpdedin greatqrder in tbe |