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Show A The EPISTLE "we DEDICATORY. Mfg-"WW [hall receive a Candid Interpretation; and whatfliever iiamife Arm} "0w "0' Lord I hog the freedom, with your permi It; fliall have the Honour ofyour Lord/hipe ‘Para'on, and he in [onto fort rendred flgnificant in your acceptance, who can make finall things great , if you fet a value upon them, as ordinary Stones are made fewelt, when worn hy ‘Per/ont of Honour. Alnd now my L0 7(1), the {Refit/t: of my Retirement; and Studiet do tend toward you, at a Center of high Learning, ' and great "now/edge; and plead no excufl' for their forward, rte/t , hut the aflurance of your great goodnefl, that re. jetty no application made in high Devotion, in which I pro; mi/e to my [elf a fair interpretation, at ofi'ring an occaflon to your Loriflhip, to exerci e your profound part5, in making a great jearch into the Mflerieeof Nature, in whichyouhaoe been long highly oer/ed, at entertaining your Self in your vacant Hourt, with much plea/tire and flititfafi‘ion. dud although thefe little notiom which I hate heaped toa get/oer, cannot add any thing to your more Learned apprehen- flont, yet they may finnetimes giroe hinte, wherehy you may afluate your more elevated Thoughts, and employ your Fancy, and put the hooy of your Learning into Fermentation, hy P'e'. [enting you with the circumflances and part: of fueh Senti' merits (which hold Analogy with your more deep Conceptions) on, to tell your Lord/hip , without Flattery, I have mo/t high e/leemy, not only for your intelleflual, hut [Moral ‘Per, feEliom too, a; thofl' of a greater Magnitude, and highe r Orhe which render you illu/lriout in the eye of the World: You; greatinclinationt to do aft: of Honour, Charity, and fu/tice and your mo/t Qeneroua IIumeur of Treating your Friend; with a mofl civil Deportment of kind Lookt, amieahle 9efluret, and pletflant merry Language, do endear and captivate your A'flociatet in a free, open, and ingenuout Conwrfl', at. tended with good Cheer, and excellent 73in, a: fit many ex, prefix ofyour nohle Entertainment. [Ind your heroick Vir, MEI are covered with Humility, as with a Vail, likea Beau, ty jhaded with Tifleny, which trait/mitt it; excellency to the Eye, made more greedy and apprehenflve hy a thin {flirt/[7.51- rent reflraint. find new I take the holdncfl Huinhly to prefint your Lord/hip with the mean Dyiouifee relating to the Organ; of generation, corflfling of a Mia/e Apparatus ()jl-gt‘EtZl‘L'vtli‘ieU of excellent part5 (framed in admirahle order) which your Lord/hip, and your accompli/h'd Lady have highly improved in a fruitful and hopeful Trogeny, which I hope will render you immortal in flute/tine generatiom, till time fhall eerfe, and he fwallowed up in a happy Eternity. the Page temps to alleviate your more finere andferiou: Hourt. 114} great intention at thit time, i: to giw you my mo/Z tau Humhle Duty, and mo/l e/{fleétionate E/i‘eemt, accompanied with |