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Show 211 #T/Jc Tar/Jalogz'c of [/30 Terr/J. Part I L -\ The taunt: why the Teeth Ionic [l‘Clr due propertin]. Thefe lnfiruments 0f Mailication loofe their due Dimenlions, both out~ \rardly and inwardly, when their Exterior and. Interior parts, are Corny (led by {harp Humours, in V enercal and SCOfbllt‘lClx'.IDJlL'Ri‘CS, which perfo. rate the Teeth ', and by depraving their proper Nurriment, do corrupt their iiibl‘tance, and rentlerthem Carious and Rotten, whence they are ieabed piece Part I I. m. CHAP. 111., by piece, and are leilened in their Dimenfions ;- which 15‘ caufedalio fre. qucnrly by Mercurial Medicines, by way of Unfiion, and hucus made With Mercury. ' iilhil.i's in :‘ie Teeth prorlue (,l't‘l by rar- ruptmaitcr. Curious Artifls have difcovered Fii‘tula's in Teeth, out of which being perforated, doth deftil a thin Gleet, and fomctimes corrupt {anions Hu- mours, which give a factide mile to the Tongue and Palate _5 this noifome bdatter paffeth loinetimc through the Roots of theTeeth (into which the Arteries and Nerves do creep) and afterward dilcliargeth 1t felf through the Cavities of the Jaws, the Allodgmcnts of the Teeth, and at left ma. keth its way between the Gooms and Teeth, into the Cavity of the Mouth: And this corrupt Matter deflilling through the Roots of the Teeth, fomeAu lllcrrof Illt( hm {mm putrid nutter, titllilhrg will: (if the Roots of (Ice '1 :cth 7793 Tar/roiogie am! Cure; of Ted/J. times falleth down to the bottom of the Chin, making Apoi'temes, full of purulent Matter7 disburdened by an Ulcer ( and is hardly Cured, except the Tooth be drawn out) which elfe will conflantly fupply it with a fource of new Matter. And there is another way proper to the upper Mandible (by which fair and {harp Humours are tranlinitted ) which is a large Cavity, feared under the lower region of the Eye, in a Bone of the upper Jaw, which bath a Protuberance wifely framed by Nature, for the prelervation of the Eye: This Cavern is very large, and fornewhat ofa tha‘rical Figure; in the lower region of this hollowed Bone, may be difcerned many Minute Prominencies, in which the Roots of the Teeth are repofetl, and the Cells, in which the Teeth are faitned, are engraven in the lower margent of this Bone. This Cavity is often found empty ( and fometimes full of a Mucous Matter ) into which Humours deitil out of the 01' Et/mzoz'der. A Gentlewoman of (mality was feverely treated for many Years, with a Deltillation of Salt Humours, rendring divers Teeth carious or rotten; whereupon [he ordered them to be pulled out, to free her felf from a farther difcompofure, which did not anfwer her expeétation, becaufe {he was flill afiiiéted with Pain which {lie endeavoured to difcharge, by [51111ng 0‘" her Eye-Tooth 3 and thereupon was broken a thin Bony Interfepiment, parting the greater Cavern of the upper Mandible, from the leiier Cavity, the Repofitory of the Tooth, through which Nature difcharged a quantity of Salt Humonrs flowing from the greater Cavity of the Jaw, reaching to the lower region of the Eye. Ecth, as rendred Carious, cannot be refior ed to foundnefs: And the only Remedy left in this cafe, is to prefer ve the part not afieacd \vith Rottenntfs, The rotten- by preventing afarther Corruption of thein ; which is cifeéted by Purging, Cleaniing, and Dryin g Medicines which do take away the overmuch Moiiture, and foulnefs of Humo urs )be iinearing and nefs of the Teeth is WC" vented by cleanfing an} drying Medi cincs, by Dentifiitcs and Gargrrifins. highly afl'liéted with Pain, produétive of guy Swelling,7Abffelgu%:dhl;i arctu be pul, led out: corroding the Teeth; which are made clean by Dentifrices and Gawarihncs, prepared with Antifcorbutick, Deter gent, Exficcating ,and Healiii Gargarifmes, and the hollow Teeth are to be [topped with Dryin 3.11% Afiringent Powders of Maitick, Franckincenl e, Mirth Pellitory of fig ain and the like. , P ) And if the gteatelt part of a Tooth be town Carious or ' Cariocs tccrh in the Cooms, or foulnefs in the Mandible, it will be requifite iii order to the Cure, to pull out the Tooth, elfe the Ulcer cannot be Cured and the Mandible preferved. , , And Teeth are not only leilbned in uantit as bein ren ‘ {harp and falt Recrements of the Blood? but alfo acquirggreactlg‘lgizfiié‘filfisohs), as crufted with Tophaceous Matter, and disfig ured with Nodes whofe, Caufe is afcribed by fome Anatomilts, to Vapou rs arifing out of ,the Stomach, and others derive it from Humours deflilling out of the Brain and from the reliques of Aliment , flicking to the furfacdof the Teeth after, Ma- i‘tication. But thefe Conjeéhlres feem impro bable, by reafon Vapours or Htlingiurs, flowipghfronli the Hiad , which in truth, proce ed from the éaliva ants; an t e rei ues o Aliment c ' ' to be turned into a Bonyqfubltance. annot be {0 hlghly mdurated, as Vanbelmrmt is of opinion, That the Nodes of Teeth are ' the Gooms, which adminifier Aliment to the Teeth: QrghogiigzaEZ: {£041}: z/le) mitrimzt denier, topbo: iflor ab Excre mentir carundem prowling. But I humbly conceive, If the Nodes {honld borro w their Birth from a Recrement deflilling out of the Extre amities of the Arteries relating to the Gooms the Roots only encircled with the Gooms , would be affeéted with Nodes, flips; 2{/11ixelflyyfhole furfac NoJcs cannot proceed from Vapours and Humoursflowing from the Head. Nodesarc no: propagated from the Arteries relating to the Gooms. e of the Teeth; which hath been obfer ved byz Zacum: Luritamu, Lib. 1. 'meeor iveth an Infia ~ mark, in Which he proveth Nodes to bf produced by ECT/Ihvctblii:ylsf;ltt:indurared by the heat of the Teeth . And this Learned Author givet h 2i farther account of a Woman, Fifty year old, obnoxious to great Catarrhsr and ldong‘tormentecl wfith fevere Pains of the upper Teeth, where he difco: Vere a Home, not in erior to a fmall E w ‘ " [hi], and touch intercept the courfe of Ehgd Brgdfhx. ("d "COP UP the left No" . Rzolan the younger, mentioneth a Fungous A Fungons EliydOf a Tooth, that grew to to prodigious Bone arifina out of the Ca-r Bone adheari C the whole Cavrty of the Mouth, 15? a bignefs, that it would have ing to the ;th hindred Refpiration, had Tooth cured by a Cauteryx It |