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Show Book I. Part I I: .- I'Lzm'm giveth an account ofaWoman, called Ifabclltz , the Wife of one Bomu, in whom he dilcovered all forts of Tumors in the hdefentery, Lib.Vi. gtf Terlio (up. Trigcf Sexto. Mefemcrz'um tomm, Iatque m Mcfmrrcrzo 'szcrcM (tumurc mira, preps/13 illcredz'bili turg'w aizilizadlr/ci'tziirllrg (161601105 [11mm damn @. (II/llif/iillll pendcret, Stirrbofitm alllflillfl extriflficur, fo/zfquc Priflzca pane, lnmbornm Q/Crlibi'if adiMrtfi'em, mitim autrm PC)"if0}7:(?U Srirr/Jofo punter, acpmirm Cam'- liigz/mfb, fribcrmir infiniri in corlem Mcflmterzo abfreflurflm quzq; tzflz mclufi, 411'," (juidcm oltojo, alii mellco, alizfcbaceo, allralbngz'neo, alunyuofo lmmore, (y [1"quart dlflerri, cram quorum canola/4 matcrm pultzculce fimzlrs eflet .- deniquc quot fermc alifreflm Grant, to! cram materierum comentamm fpet‘zeJ 0" 10124:. Book I. Part1 I. 0f t/Jt' Tamra". 399 So that the I'dmrea/s may be defcribed 2 Competition, made up of manv { Globules, (which is molt confpicuous in the Thymus of a Calf 'l- +) and evd- finish ry Globule is integrated of numerous Glands f, which is very vilible, when friabizr 3. the common integument is taken ofl‘. ""- This Bowel hath a common Trunk +, beginning toward the origen of the ins F , @iznrrm, and determines into the Duodenum, f0 that it paffeth all along from "'1" I i one Extreamity of the Panrrem to the other. The lateral Excretory Branches 1‘, have their Capillaries, or Roots, feat- ed in fruitful Minute Glands, Where the Blood is defzcated, and the Re~ crements tranfmirted by the fide Branches into the common Trunk 1-, and from thence into the Origen of the Guts, by the Pancreatick Duet 1-. "11.8 r, «, ""' I "1.31.3. if? f, The Origen of the Tommi/s 1‘, which confineth on the Spleen, is much i113. M. lefs in Dimenfions then the Termination of it, which is adjacent to the Dnodcmmz r}: CHAP. i as. g g, Thefe fruitful finall Glands, making the fine Compage of the G'amrem, The PM," XLII. are f0 many rare Syflems of various Veffels, Arteries, Veins, Nerves, Lym- 30:, Cgmizj phadué'rs ( as fome imagine ) and Excretory Dué‘ts. artistry val: It rcceiveth Arteries from the left Branch of the Caeliack Artery, lodged iiiiifiiiiicm' 0f the Tamra/w, under the Back (and fornetimes from the Splenick Artery) and difpenfeth 23%??? many Divaricarions into the feveral Glands, integrating the body of the $2,353,?" (Pailt'VEA/S. Eli‘fhg‘lildifc‘i: MHe lower Apartiment of the Body being laid open, the Pancreas may doisol'ailan- be ealily inlpeéted, its name doth impart all Flefh (quafi efli't totum "mum" tarnojimz) which is not Mufcular, as having no Flelhy, not tendinous Fibres, and is of a Glandulous nature, different from the fubl'tance of the Heart, Liver, Spleen, Kidneys, (five. and hath a White foft Compagc. nourilhed with a gentle albuminous Liquor, in a great part defiilling out the Nerves, and the milde part of the Blood, flowing out of Extreamities of the Arteries. The iigurcof The Figure of the Pancreas is long and flattitli, full of divers inequalities, isl'i'oiiéniifias flowing from many Globules, not fo clofely conjoyned, but you may fee the numerous ' The Coeliaek Artery is accompanied with an equal number of Veins, Xflilstrjifiiin- which are derived principally from the Splenick, and fometimes from the mm" Meferaick Veins: The Arteries and Veins have alfo Nerves for their affociare, which fprout out of the Par Vrgum, and the upper Abdominal Plexe, which impart fruitful Branches into the Pancreatick Glands. Burt/901mg, fiiemrrbroeck, and others, do aflign Lyrnphzedttéls to this ffifl"? part, but upon a curious fearch, it will be found that the Lymphatduéts do Lymsphgrluléi? only pafs near the confines of the @amrt'm‘, and do not enter into its fubftance. :[ifhiiii'g‘ The Excretory Veflels are very numerous, and begin in fmall Capillaries, 35:13:51}, 2,3,",‘32‘Arigjl Interllices ofthem through the Coats; its dimenlions toward the Duodeimm, which borrow their Exrreamities from many Minute Glands, feared near the "‘6 "WW IiIiL'Sare broader and thicker, and narrower and thinner toward the Spleen. Theliruation In its termination it approached) the confines of the Liver, and is lodged flcfih‘m". under the hinder Region, and bottom of the Stomach, about the hill Verte- Ambient parts, and origen of the @amrem, and from thefe Minute Capil- Eifiiiiigcrhs its Origen and fmaller part near the Spleen, and greater toward the inward lsries, do branch themfelves and grow greater and greater, as they approach the middle of the @ancrem, where they unite, and concenter for the molt part in one common ])l]&, and rarely in two, and then they are of unequal bignefs ', the greatel't running along the middle, and the fmaller a little Cavity of the Liver, and its Connexion is with the 'Duodemmz, (Porn/1 iii/grim, below, and do both coalefce near the Duodelmm, into which the Termina- 333%.; tion of the Pancreatick Duct is inferted, about four Fingers below the Pylo- mgimw rm, where a Prominence, or little Trot, may be difcovered near the Flex- ‘h‘P""'"‘~ i'lemagni- Splenick Branches, Caul, and upper part of the Mefentery, and upper ahdorninal l'lexe, to which it is chiefly Minil‘terial. Its Dimenfions are fmall, if compared with the other Vifcera, lodged in 3:3;325‘." the lower Apartiment of the Body, but if it be confidered, in reference to bre of the loins, and hath a tranfverfe liruation in the lower Venter; and other Glands, it may cafily challenge the pre-eminenc in greatnefs 3 it weigheth in molt Bodies, about four or five Ounces, and is about five tranfverfe Fingers in length, its breadth about Two and a half, and One in thicknefs. prhrcuggfif" This is a part, as ufeful as eminent, whofe fubl'tance is White and (reasistendtr tender, as ofa Glandulous nature, much different from the other Vifcem,3fld 3"" mm 351 humbly conceive, is integrated of numerous minute Glands, (enCiIClcd with proper Coats ) which are enwrapped within one common Membrane: and are fo neatly conioyned to each other, by the interpofition of Velfelsi and membranous Fibres, that they feem to confiitute one entire Gland. So ftifimniiiiif [ffilflfifliff "HUM," Ofitth'anch- tire of the Duodenum, about the egrefs of the rPam/r Bilarim in Man, and in Dogs at a Fingers breadth dil'tance below the entrance of the Hepatick Duét (into the Duodeimm) into which it is fometimes inferred, which is common in Sheep. It may be worth our time to examine the Pancreatick Ducts, and their infertions in feveral Animals, which are more plain in fome, and more oh- feure in others, fo that no Man can truly determine the true action and life of any part, except he confider the Structure, Situation, Veffels, and other accidents in feveral Animals 5 and now of the number, and infertion of I'ancrearick Duels. . A Man for the molt part hath but one Pancreatick Duct, and rarely two, Awmmph" which was difeovered in a Woman Diffeaed in the Colledg Theatre, who 3:533:11: had two Pancreas, and two Ducts ( inferred into the Duodenum at fome little £23?" dif'tance ) |