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Show 4-2 2 Book i. Pfifi: ESE"; OF The Spleen of a Hare is very linall in Dimenfions, which are finnewhfit ‘ greater in its beginning, and very Minute in Its Termination, which endeth in a kind of Point, it is faitned to the Stomach, by the mediation of ch. itls. TheSplttn or In a I-Iedg~I-log, it is endued with a longilh round Figure, or rather with ""5""3" an o‘nrnle Cone in one part, and with a more acute in the other, and is fafl. ned to the Stomach, by the help of a Membrane. Theipl-‘senof The Spleen of a Land Torroife, is feared about the Duadenum, inclining 1'31:le toward the hinder region of the lower Apartiment 5 it is very fmall, and of a blackilli Colour, and fal'med to the Duodenum, by the interpolition of ma. Book I. Part I II. 4.2,; about the middle of the lower Apartiment, fomewhat bending in its Cone toward the Left Side, and is hued with a brighter Red then the Liver. .The Spleen of an Eagle, is graced with a round Figure, and a melt foft Eigfiglcecnaf . Quiet, and 10W" « fubliance ; and is tied, as in other Birds, to the Guts, and Region of the Gizard. The Spleen Of a Hawk, is very final], and {Omewhat round; and the Tacslplcenof Spleen of a Daw, is adorned with a round Figure, and both their fituations a M i are alike to other Birds. ny Blood Vefiels. CHAP. C H A P. VI. V9 The Tar/Jologic of the Spleen, and its Cures. 7723 SID/em of €827th married of The Spleen of a Goofe, is graced with aTriangular Figure, whofe Bale " is tied to the Right Side of the Gulet, near its Termination, and the lower Extreamity of the Gizard, and its Cone to the Guts. It is tinged with a darker Colour then the Liver, and is feated in the Left Side, iinnewhat under the lower region of the Gizard, near its Origen to which it is conjoyned by a thin Membranous interpolition. , ' Th? Spleen of The Spleen of a Duck, is endued with a brighter Red then the Liver, "m" and is adorned with a Triangular Figure, and its Bafe is joyned to the Cuts, and its third Angle is affixed to the lower Region of the Gizard, near its Origination, and another part of the Spleen is fafined to the Termination of the Quiet. WSW, cf The Spleen of a Partridg, is adorned with a hind of Pyramidal Fionre, ""3159 of various parts; as Inflammations, Apof'temes, Ulcers, Oedematous, Se- rous, and Scirrhous Tumours, wonderful for greatnels; of which in Order The Inflammation of the Spleen, hath for its Diagnol'cicks,a great Heat,and Elam: Swelling, accmnpanicd with a beating pain in the Left Side, proceeding from ifflgg‘gjgm a quantity of Blood lodged in the Interflices of the Veffels, by which they are divided from each other, and their Spaces enlarged : So that the Arteries being cornprefled by the fiagnated Blood interceding the VelTels, have not a free play in their motion of Dilatation, whence ariIEth a troublefome Pulfation in the part difafl‘eéted, from a quantity of Extravafated Blood, or {ome- its Bale is placed inits Origen, and afterward groweth leis, and endethbin 1 time from an Exuberant quantity of it, diltending the Vellels from within, Cone; and in the Whole, it may be deferibed a Colleétive Body (as in other Animals) of an innumerable company of Minute Glands, different in and hindring their free motion; as it appeareth in great pains of the Head, {ize and {hape : It is hued with a light Red, and affixed to the furface of the Kidney, by the interpofition of thin Membranes Tiwerleen of This noble Bowel in a Turkey, is highly tinged with a dark Livid Colour, """y' and is lodged under the Liver, being of a. Pyramidal Figure, whofe Bale leaneth upon the Erbinm, or near the Termination of the Gulet, and its point upon a great Cut, to which it is tied by a Ligament, or narrow thin tViembrane. - :ftpcfpmnof He Spleen (being a Contexture of Membranes, Arteries, Veins, Nerves, Fibres, Lymphatduéts, Membranous Cells, and Glands) is obnoxious to variety of Difeafes, dilbompofing its fine Frame and Texture The Spleen in a Teal, is beautified with a Triangular Figure, feared in the Len; Side, and is tied to the lower region of the Liver, under which it is lodged, and is alfo afl‘ixed to the lower part of the Gizard 5 it is much akin to the Liver in Colour, and if any way different, [conceive it is of a brighter Red. iiié'flgim . The Spleen of a Pidgeon, is adorned with a kind of Pyramidal Figure, 5 its bafc is Joyned to the Guts, and its point leaneth upon the upper {mines of the Erbium, near the end of the Gulet, and its lowor Region upon the Guts, and its upper furface is conjoyned to a Lobe of the Liver, it is feared about in a Pletkar/z qnoad Vafa. The carile of the Inflammation of the Spleen, is feared fometime in the Thefcat or Glands, and othertimes ( as I conceive) in the Membranous Cells. As to 2:331:11?" the (Mt, It arilerh either from the grofsnels of the Blood, confederated with 59m"a thick indigef‘ted, and aflimilated Chyme (commonly called Pituitous Blood) or from a Eeculent black aduf't Purple Liquor, (found in Hot and Melancholick Conflitutions of Body) full of fixed Salt, or grofs Tartar, or debafed with Acid, Pancreatick, and (harp Bilious Humours commixed, Which is a frequent caufe of Arrabilarian Humours; which being aiTociated with the Blood, hindrerh its Circulation in the Parenchyma of the Spleen; by reafon the finall Extreamities of the Veins, are not capable to give admiflion to the black Faeculent Blood; whence arifetli a Baltard Inflammation, A, Mama, often degenerating into a Scirrhus, which is an indolent hard Tumour of the $2532; Glands, coming from grofs Concreted Humours, as mixed with fixed Salt neratingizro and Tartar, and Acid \Recremcntss of which [will {peak more ina Subfe- "mm" quent Difcourl'e of a Scirrhus. ' , An |