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Show Book 1. 1Jarti V Book I. Part 1V. 0/ the Seminal Liquor relating to U 'Oi; have with their Father and Mother; 605 and I conceive he meaneth that Children more relernblc their Father when the Mafculinc Seed is moft Plc‘t Valenr, and when the Fauniiiine hath dominion, the Foetur is like the Mo- C H A P. X X I I. ther; So that I conceive Children borrow their outward form from the feed, which being derived in reference to its firl't principles from all parts of the Body, imparting their vifible images to the Blood and Sumo" Nutririur in 0f Feminine Seed. their pafliige through the Brain and all other parts of the Body : Whence it may be inferred, That feeing Children have not their likenefs only from the ima/a' Oman having an Ayparatm of Organs fomewhat refernbling thofe of Man, in reference to the production of Seminal Liquor, cannot be {aid to be wholly defiitute of this feleét Juice, left Nature, who doth nothing but with great reafon and Wifdom, fhould make Parts holding Analogy with the Spermatick Infiruments of Man altogetherA diflerVieeablc h . to the‘fame action and ufe. the Arifloxiefaiih, Arifloile, A great Mafier of Philofophy, hath 0t er Sentiments of Seed to generate not them concludeth and Women, in n Generatio of mammal" arts iiiiioi'iitmpi 1:5 Men but faith that Menftruous Blood fupplieth the place of it, which is Lil). 1. Cap. 20, "MORE". the Matter of Generation, as this Great Authour aflirmeth 79 3 gm (fem ) 4mmay, '3‘ enmity zen "Aifity 79 m 12'. Animalimu. (la Generatione r i \ r ', . - ‘ -‘ V ‘ " ‘ ' " ,. >- yviiir n‘ S-Mu wvfliMam 0v ammtw» Mm', Mtg _, ¢IIJVKTDU wmmmy K9711 3% 171/ h. , (4'; 7w fil'Apifiy‘ :m"‘yz)v 125};le {hair Erlrvi 76v wwperlmy ou'm. ' ' . ‘ (Lugdfi um efl ut mot/em (9» agent; few-""4, (11M fcemmra, 5!! pattern, fiquzat , quad tur ut ad marir genituram, fazmnm non <gemturam, fed matermn-z confer zu eff. c9» eri ita widetur: Natnm errlm Menflmorum pro przma mater gination of the \r'Voman, but from her Seminal Liquor too (contained in the Veficles lodgedin the Teiticles ) derived from the lame principles of Viral and Nervous Liquor, taking their progrefs through the Head and all other parts of the Body, communicating their likenefs to the firfl: Elements of Semen in Woman as well as Man. Another Argument may be offered to prove that Women have Feed as Well WW": fwd as Men from the F urnitiirc of Organs, as Spermaticlt Veins, Arteries, Nerves, eniifrriiriiiiiiiii Lymphaduéis, Tefiiclcs, and Tubes ordained by Nature, for the importino fights?" by the Arteries and Nerves proper Liquors for the generation of Genitarl Juice in the Teliicles; and to export thofe Liquors that are Recremental through the Lymphxdué‘ts, and the redundant Blood by the Veins, and when the Feed is Elaborated in the Teflicles of VVomen, it is there laid up as Natures treafure in proper Veficles, as f0 many Cabinets, till they are fireceflively Impregnated by the Spirituous Particles of Mafculine Seed, and afterward being parted from the Ovaries, do defcend through the Tubes, as Deferent Veilels, into the Cavity of the womb, to receive a farther accom- i plilhment. he This Pofition feemeth very improbable, That Menflruous Blood fliouid Again, The Spaying of Women, which is the taking aWay their Tefii- Wommgrow :19?! $332: the matter of Generation, whereas it is thrown out of the. Body Monthly, , "Sign" and therefore cannot paflively contribute to the production of a Farm cles, ( whereupon they grow Barren) doth clearly demonfirate the ufe of iiiigflg thefe Organs, which is to procreate Semen, and afterward to lodge it in frfifx‘f Mcnfhuous letting which it often walheth away and deitroyeth‘, and therefore BloodAbor- is advifed with good fuccefs, to prevent the Menfiruous Flux and thefe Ovaries as in many Repofitories till the time of Coition, whereby they are infpired by Spirituous Particles, and rendred fruitful in the hilt rudi- . M . 11 Hypocrater, the Great Father 0 f our Fa.cult1y]:hath a. different fenfe from Hytonuu af- tron. Women have'Semina iquoras'we as fl}: ‘35 If Qiaihrnighatit Ariflotle, alTerting that ale Gemtum: New") 4; n M»; am: rns wife-rte; m M: e: m M. of both Sex in the womb (as the Antients imagined) but in the Ovaries, whofe Pores are penetrated by the Volatil Particles of the Mafculine Seed, Semen with it in order to Conception, which is brought to greater Maturity in the bofom of the womb, wherein the Impregnated Egg defcended from the Ovary, appeareth filled with f0 great quantity of Seminal Liquor; f0 that a ment of Conception, which is performed not by mixture of Seminal Liquor 5m is very plain in Lib. 7m: d; '5M4776," iewkiu W‘VWT‘": 37*- 3 15} '53", "V 76mm" 4: ("'wa WW" ‘73 Wm. mm «2 eorpore ctiam emittit Mulier, interdum qmdem m Mtemm, ex que buat : midur redditur‘, nonmmquam Wero fora/5 , [2 plus eequo uterus debt/e Here this great Phyfician giveth his Sentiments, that Women emit Seed into the Womb, and afterward backeth it With reafon, that Children refemble from the Fa:- their Mother as well as Father in likenefs, which proceedeth um. minine Seed, as may be found afterward in the faid Book de (Jemt Km? 21'" "‘ f '67!/ n70 e} drift}; 7T).£.OV 'éAFrr 5i; m‘r :flwlr ii rift Memoir, rm‘ enlxygy :95?" ijav 't's1 Bun ivm'r 7mm 7}? i haw Zurm‘ iii; awaits/3:73? nah/.476}, Miro ij/w 717 ,uimu‘. Thcliktnef‘s a»: dppa-figmy, «Zydynn'n'iel‘lu, '71; '5 747:? paddy, ii mi évun'ov wit/7w, mJt‘ én'gw tamer/ax Ma't‘y' Cumq; 1)]qu ex VIZ: ne'er/9y. m} E; 25 Rapier 7541271154 madam, or rm7v dyes-rig an' 221v tend-rm mi. 137/29 1! £7?! "E $34237 7mm Mulierir Corpm'e ad (geniturzmz attcflertt, Foam: zlle pair; magi: e) _ e prodierit, Matrem mag" referet. Neg, fierz p0 , plus ex Mulier rz/ero Man-i Cum0mm?! .5"‘d Pm, f‘""‘"‘"txts. ftmilir fit, 'Patrem nibz'l referat, aut contra, neg; alterum Ire. ofbothS emf. em 6; "Zlfq; Verirm Miriufqa aliqua in re fimilem efl'e 71ch efl, figuzd Greait :1; Siie Semen ad protrmndum Fwtum Prue/wit. The Scnfe of this on er in n Seme ibute contr is, That Woman as well as Man doth Chili‘iiir: de procreation of a Ftetm; Which he proverb from the fimilitu till it arriveth the Farminine (contained in the Veficles ) and Confederates it cannot in reafon be apprehended to How wholly from the Mafculine Seed, which is final] in quantity and great in vertue, feeing only the V0: latil parts of it do afcend through the body of the womb and deferent chliels into Veficles of the Tefiicles, great with Seminal Liquor, which being pregnant year after year are carried down the Tubes .into the freer capacity of the womb. Learned Fallopz‘m is of an opinion that the Veficles of the chticles in Falloriwfaith Women are receptacles of watry humours, and not of Seminal l iquor, 017- Eiiiliciilfii [ere/at. All/Inn". p. 472. Owner Anatomici mm are aflerunt in Trflibm fdzmina- féfgdfa‘rig‘ rum Semen fieri, ('9‘ quad Scmiize refertz' reperz'antur, quad ego muziyimm widere ""mw'sv potui, quanta/i: mm lee/em operam, Mt bot cagmfterem, adhihuerim. Vidi guide": in ipfir qua/glam rz/cluti Vchm/5 aqua 7/21 humore aqueo, aliM Luteo allies were Lympido turgenter. Std mmquam Semen with, iii]? in Vafir ilflr Spermatirir, we! delarariit (Effie, faith this Renowned Author, Modern Anatomiiis do aifcrt with one voice, the Seed of Women to be made in the Tei'ticles, and that theyare OJ] ‘1 q ‘1 ‘1 q found |