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Show a¥ Eoolt I. Part IV. 596 0f [/16 Deflrem‘ I/e/‘fe/r of [Von/4n. 0f the @efcrent Ve/[e/r of lVoman. -Book I. Part IV. .z-vibnt ()t/ztm Owizrio, (7 fit Iva/111'! in The fourth Argument. 'Utero qrmfi 0mm: cfi'ermari, (7" Impregnated Eggs are excluded the Tellticlcs and dcfce‘nd through the Tubes into the Bofom of the Womb, which was not dilcovered by ngr- lawn/mm qtmfi CY 0720 Ilflfti. we}; Bernardnr mm vidit OllI/iid. to be generated out of an Egg , but this may be deduced oiit of his Oblervations, That the Eggs are not produced in the Teflicles A fourth Argument is {titted thus; ngd Milliercr ton/nemdine rzziri d:flilula: nun/[item 0w Subwnta/zm dapmnmt, zen! id fin'imzt Gallina: allay; dryer, (mu tame); nalmmzquam in LII/Um: Cogitahonilmr (9‘ Noflttrnir fPollutio. nilmr, ipfir 71011 mimu Semen (mm mm 0111‘: fl Otzz adeflent) e‘ Teflibm in "term/1, 71mm wirir per (Penem Efiluat; As to this, I refer the Courteous Becanfe Harvey hath truly faid all things of \'ivipz1rous Animals, but in the l/llerur, and that after the Seed of the hide and Female injected into it, about which two Membranes are drawn, the one more hard like the Shell of an Egg, and the other after the man- nerof :1 more thin Tunicle ofan Egg, as the Amelia! 3 the thicker groweth to the Womb, by a kind of Stalk, as the Egg to the Ovaryin Birds, and fo he Reader , to the lafl (Paragraf of my Anfwer given to the Second Argumerit, and add, That Maids having not converfed with Man, have their Eggs f0 firmly faf'tned to each other, that uulcls they be Irupregnated by Mafculine Seed, they cannot be mutually parted and excluded the Teflicles. The fifth Atgument of Dremeybreerk, The fifth Argument followcth; (um Uterus in Mnlieribltr idem [in/r105! Ovarium in art/ibur, quad binc Ova (fl mode talia in ii: Gianni tliecndum j}! ) fil/em 71min 'Jtflilmr, feel ill enrum Ovario, it! off, "two necefllzrio Cigm' debcrtnt ex Semine Mir/icbri eagle/II modout i'rz dvibur, itlz]; 71077 mi/mr ante, qua": Pry? hftrir Cargrcflnnz, ('9: fit neteflhrio 0'04 Sir/werztanea mullatier cleric/11', quad tame): pem'mr inaudimm eff. When the W omb in Women is the fame with the Ovary in Birds, that hence the Eggs ( if it may now be faid that fuch are generated in them) at leaf‘t none in the Tefiicles, but in their Ovary, that is, they ought neccllarily to be generated of Feminine Seed, after the fame manner as in Birds, and that no lefs before than after Coi- tion, and f0 neceflarily Wind-Eggs mult be often laid, which notwithllanding is altogether unheard of: To which I humbly prefent the Learned Authout with this Anfwer, 'l hat the Ovary or Vite/larium is much different from the uterus in Birds, and is the place ( where the Yolks are generated) to which they are (irlt fal'tned, and when they arrive to a due Maturity, they are parted from the cluller of Eggs or Ovary, and defcend through a Fun- nel into the W'omb (wherein the Yolks are firll: encircled with Whites, and afterward ineircled with Shells) of which Harm}: giveth an account, Lil). de General. Animal. Exereitut. 27. Pag. 105. Malta magi: tonflalzit minim»: ei imfl-g Cozzfic/erame, qua 174070, quorw mature, spite/[M rorimdm‘, é» ampluri vitallarii raremo abruptm, per infimdilmlum (exigmtm nempe tubnlum temu'fli- um Membrane Contexmm, lift/1%; Fibri: Nlotoriir inflrufium defreua'at, wiamq; fibi apcrieudo "term/1 per tmztar Angrflias adeat', ibidemq‘, fifi: nutriat, augenl, ,c‘llumzine (my! : and farther Great Harvey adds, calling it the 0%"), where the Eggs are impregnated ( and not the "term where they obtain their accomplii'hment, as it is exprefled in the precedent words) Fag. to7 Dcnique, r/uouiampiqwla m Orzmrio exiflem, a (aim fienma'itarem artipilé {0 that the Ovary is called the Bunch of Eggs fallned together and rendred fruitful, and not the MIL-rm in which the Eggs are perfeéted', whereupon it may be reafonably inferred, that the Vcfides of Seminal Liquor feated in the Teflicles, do rcfezuble the Ovaries of Birds made fruitful by the Cook: as they are Impregnated with the Spirituous Particles relating to the Semen Eiemrbmek] firth Rev-(on againf} the Eggs 0? \V 0their. of Man. The Sixth Reafon which Famous fiiemerbraetk btingeth in Oppofition to Eggs feated in the Tellicles of Women, ngd Haiti/rem guide»: dixerit, omnia Gigni ex 0710', Vmm mm mm volume but ex furl: obferIz/atianibm deduci, 07m frilicet aliqmz Gigm' in Viwiparorum Téflibm‘, fie! in Micro, idq; P0,,i fw- minez' Merifq; Semen in cum Efl‘ufitm 3 Cui max dud: Mmbrame (mm durior In: fl‘ar Cartier}: exteriorir 072i, fcilicet Clmrion, Alterzz inflar Tenniorio‘ Tellieulae 0w frilmt A'm'i‘") CirfllmdlmlllfI/r, <9 peeliculo quoa'am were as'nafcmzmr, fiat]: 1" art/i 115 wouldhave it that womens Eggs are formed in the Womb, and that lVlan is generated as out of an Egg : I confefs that Learned 'Diemer/Jrocrk hath truly quoted I-lztrrvcy, who hath not fpoke in favourof the late Hypothefls, as not found out in his time, that the full Conception is made by Impregnated Velicles full of Albugineous Liquors (leated in the Tellicles + ) called Eggs according to the late Anatomifls, by reafon they refemble the White enwrappcd only within a thin Tnniclc before the Shel is formed; and I verily believe, thatif molt ingenious Harm) had lived to this time, he would have been highly pleafed at this new difcovery of Eggs in the Tellicles of \Vomen, which being rendrcd fruitful by Mafculine Seed, do quit the hordersof the Tellitles, and are tranfmitted through the Tubes into the bolom of the VVomb wherein the Eggs grow more mature as encircled with the Chorion and Ant/liar holding fome Analogy with Shels and thinner Tu~ nicles, iiumuring the whites of Eggs in the uterus of Birds. Divers Learned Neotericks, fobamzer Hominy, T/JeodarM [{Ci‘ckringizrr, Regrets/tr Gmaf, yobrtmzer s2pillllilii'rdlullltf, and Clariflt'mur Ruifcbilu, 8cc. do aflirm, "l hat the Malimline l'rolifick Seed doth not only bedew the bottom of the womb, but its Spirituous Particles do afcend the Tubes 1- unto the Tellielcs and Impregnate the next Seminal Veficle, that is difpofed for Conception, which fwelleth, as if it were after a manner Inflamed, and the next defcrcnt Vefilce groweth red and dif'rended, and the adjacent Fimbria + or jagged Extremity of the Tube doth clofcly embrace the neighbouring part of the Teflicle as with contraéled Fingers: This Rednefs, Dillention, and tenure of the Tubes Famous Knife/Jim fhewed publickly in a great Bellicd Woman Dilleétcd after Death at Amflerelam, in the Year, 1673. Three or four days after the Egg 0r Seminal Veficle of the Teflziclc is Impregnared , the Egg is invcfted with a Glandulous filbltance , by which it is loo‘l'ened from the neighbouring V'eficle, and exeiteth the Ovary to exclude it, and although in Women not with Child, there appeareth no hole from the Teflicle into the Tube, yet in a Woman newly Impregna- tcd Raft/Jinx difcovered an Aperture, receptive of a large Pea, and faw the place of the Ovary (in which the Egg had been lodged) after the exclufion to contain a thick fpongy fubflance befet with flefliy Fibres: This exclulion of the Egg into the Tube is the true reafon, as I conceive, of the Naufeoufncfs and Vomiting of Women prefently after their flrfl Conception 2 And when the Egg is entertained into the Tube, The paffage is ready and eafy into the Cavity of the womb, except upon an ill Formation the motion of the Egg [hould be intercepted in the Tube, which is very unkindly, and may be called Conceptio Tubalis, or Tubaria, which is fatal to the Mother, as the Fuetnr acquiring greater and greater Dimenlions doth Lacerate the Tube, and fall into the Cavity of the Belly; but this unnatn: ral Conception is very rare, by rcafon for the molt part the Egg being dil- charged the limits of the Ovary, palfeth freely down the Deferent \'elli:l inOoooooo to The Spirituous parts of 1h:- Mal‘tuhnt Stet! do all (end the Ori‘ drifts and int- prtguate the Eggxof Women. {T. 14.1], f T. 14.;- The Egg is loofrncd by I Glaurlulou) fubliantc. |