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Show 586 0f the Fluor Albus. ' Book I . Part IV. ‘ \ W Book I. Part IV. 0f the Fluor Albus. 587 oéienuio ante fittere teflarunt, mine iude ab auno rca'euulia, [ed inordinate; per trier men/er eodemfluare Corripitur Alba, copiofl), fluumaq; emu wirinm dcbili. rate : Sewn; auflo, adeo ut flauti ambulanliq; feuqcr invim quid fig/fillet.llcrimouia humans abditi Natum loci multum oredelmntur, urinaq; juxra fupPW‘ Learned Sennertur is of an opinion that Diureticks may be fafely ptefcribed after Purgatives have been premifed; Q4." reliquzlw Morbi (nit illc) ad mahatur: undo grmui fanguinitprodierunt, ingenti cum dolore pmfertimin 1-1}. pocoua'riis : Ale/w per die! quiuq; continua; adflrifla W'zll.' Ail/Jibim {tutem give this Reply 5 That Diureticks do provoke the Flux of Humours by the Womb as well as Kindeys, and fo do encreafe the Fluor Album and therefore I humbly conceive it molt reafonable to forbear Medicines provoking Urine , and infift rather upon gentle Purgatives , which difcharge inca um fuerunt ti Medici: Excellentzflimis 'Pbarmaca, tandem fitperwniemibm intolerdbilibur rirm pullem er auum truciatibur, (3" womim matrix Biliofie, Mortua tfi. flzfleffo pofl marten: Carlee/ere fequentia iiotarz/imm, I. Omentum tenue fine rener dirt/errant, é» per Mrinam warrant; to which I take the boldnefs to Diuretitk may be advifed after Purgatives in this Dit‘ezfe. acmrding to Jenner!"- the Grofs, Pituitous, Bilious, and Serous Recrements of the Blood by the I t. T'ulmoner fllfli, l 2. (R971 fimfl'er duplici Cavitate, pelwim eflizrmante, Pmditm. 13. Ve 1m Urinaria lotia adbuc turgebut : 14.. "term urge undiq; par- Mifenteriek Arteries into the Guts, and f0 divert them from the Womb, and do leffen the purging of the Whites by the VVomb. And above all, Baths may be very advantageous in this Dilbafe, which Bathl may be in the do empty the Body of ill Humours, by SWCat and Stool, and thereby proper Fla" 1151". drane them off from the part affeéted, which is Corroborated by the Bath, and its cold, moiil and flabby indifpofition taken away. And lafi of all to Confummate the Cure of the Whites, drying and afirin- Dryin and ent Medicines are to be advifed after univerfals have been duly Adminiflred, Afttingcnt Diet drinkarc ipozemes made of the Roots of Cumphrey, Biflort, Tormentil, the Leaves life in this Dircafe when of Plantain, Moufe-Eat the Great, Knot Grafi, Self-Heal, (7'6. Sweetned Purgatives; have been with Syrup of dried Rofes and Myrtle. premircq. Eleétuaries alfo are very proper made of Conferve of Red Rofes mixed with Powders of Red Coral or Red Saunders, Bole Armen. Dragons Blood, Iibm Vicinir tidbit/it, fundo ejw: cum r6530 Intefiino, Ive/itaq', urinaria uuito. Sealed Earth, Powder of Pearl, Calcined Hearts-horn, @c. pinguedine, 2. Ventriculmn magnum, ac exalt/e tapatem Bilio/i [Jumorir plenum, interne (Rubemem, (7 multit gum]; Glandulir confpicuum. 3. lute/11nd tennis in inguiue finiflro tonnage penitzu, é» crafl}: tumflaiibur tum dim}: Extreme):- Ii: dzfleuta, pmterca twtriie in loci: rueluti aerluflz. 4.. 734710645 cium'i Edam, durum taéiu. 5. Lieuem eolorir uigritanm. 6. Hepar pallidum, ad flawedi. new Biliofimz Vergem, nee fanguiueo tolore tinaum .- Hujm wefitulx topioflz bi- lir inemt : 7. Glandult in regioue lmnborum plurer, Conglnlmtae, atq; alid.‘ Prop: ‘Uterum, ryal'de alum- erant, bumqrem crafium, febaeeum, flaw/cement (7 [Ju- ri analagum ex [e fundente qua (9v rmflz Lymp/Jaiim diflenta turgebant. 9. Va. mrum junguis ttuuiflimm fuit, fem multo dilutm, Io. Cordi Poljpru em!. t5. Circa Ttfiicu/ar, urrog; in latere, Hydatidu fat magnet Can/piciebantur, Lymplaa turgente: infipida .- Ifii Tefliculi purulenti (7* ulcerati fuerunt, Tubarum procefliw rile apparitit: Liquor in Arteriam Spermaticam injefim‘, omuiu ‘Uleri é» Vagime Vafa implevit, indeq; lee/i Compreflione, tum ex ‘Utera, tum éVagimt manna/it: lit/mu magma erat, intrinfetm rubenr, Exulteratur, Extoriamr, pure furéfur, inq; Siniflrum magie [amt inclinan: .' eru: extra uteri Pomeria, in I'itinam quot]; I'aginum ferpfit, Nam i941 qua/i Gungmua 14674, pror/ur uigriwre Mfr efl .- Vafa uteri amniu [more turgebaut. "an": The Cure of this diIEafe is performed by the taking away the Caufes, which "Mgltijll‘j‘f‘flf being done, the Flux ceafeth; wherefore a great care muff be had that we affix? do not adminifter Aflringent Medicines before the Vifcera are freed from their lives. Grofs, Bilious, and Serous Recrements, by proper Purgatives. Therefore "0 muff confidet whether the Fluor Album be derived from the ill habit of the whole Body, or from fotne peculiar part, from the indifpotion of the Womb 5 if it come from a Cachexy of the Viftera, gentle Pur‘ ging Medicines are to be advifed of Caflia, the Lenitive Eleauary Ruburbt‘: mixed with Chio Turpentine, which doth cleanfe and heal the "term, often Corroded with {harp and falt humours. purganvcsm A qllefiion may aril‘e,‘ whether Bleeding be proper in this Difeafe, to more proper which I make bold to give this Anfwer, That feeing the Fluor Allan: prathan Weeding . , . . , . in the fluar went! a Cachicbynm, @710): a Plclbora, 1t doth denote rather Purging than "W Bleeding: Again, it doth not feem reafonable to call the foul humours of the Womb into the mafs of Blood and Vijcem above, which are belt difcharged by the uterus. VVhen the grof‘s humouts of the Body have been prepared and evacuated in a great degree, Decoétions made of Lignum Sand-Yum, Roots of Stir/4 parilla and China, and a dry and flender Diet is to be advifed. Learned |