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Show 7720 ‘Pzzt/Jolog} oft/9e Mcnflrmw Purgation. Book I. Part IV. by themfelves, or upon Pills nude of the Trochifcs of Mirth, n ixed with Caltor, and the like. . ‘ Fomenranons and Baths are very proper in this Dileale, mad-e with the Leaves of the former Plants, to which may be added the Leaves ol~ Mallow», Marfhmallows, Fcngreek , and Line-feed, 6‘6. and after Purging and 0pening Medicines, bleeding in the Foot may prove very Beneficial near the common Courfe ofrhe Menltrua, or in cale they have been long lhpprefled, about the new and full Moons which is the ordinary time oftheir Flux, Powders ofGallmnum, Franltincence, Styrax,$avin,and Bay-leaves, being call upon the Coals,and the Fumes received into the entrance of the Vri‘gi/mby a Funnel, proveth often very efficacious in bringing down the Bupprclled Menflrna. The dinlinilhed Flux of the MenPcrua hath very often the lame cauli's with The Symptomsofrhc immorltrare llnx of the Menyhua The immodelarc l lux of the Mmflru fluuing frrm a" :l'iqualifi'd Hood. The txuhcIZ'K‘,' or the Mmflm; (Inning Vri m the x irmitic-s ofthe \W'clr or'rh: Womb too much dilated. if the too great quanti- tv ofth: ivfmflruz proceeds from too much "Ill1(l) it inihtatts B‘ccding, <incs are pro- pa. ()l‘Corall, Red l'tofes, (76. Al'tringcnt Powders ofPted-Saundcrs, Bole-Armcn. Dragons-Blood red Cor;tll,Powder oi‘thc Roots of Cumphrey and Tormentil, arekvery proper to flop the irregular Flux of the Marja, and Milk and Water boiled together and Detection of Calcined Harts-horn, are good For an ordinary Drink. > But a depraved Flux of the [Wm/firm: may be termed when they are difcharged with great difficulty and high Pain, and many other great Symptoms When a grievous Torture of the Loins arilEth, carded by a great dificntiori of the defcendenr Trunk of the Aorta and Hypogaflrick Arteries, cornprefling the Vertebral Nerves, and the Branches of the far Vagum. This Difcompofure is not quieted till the worft of the Blood is fecerned i‘n thefubfiance is Curtd by the fame lpecifick Medicines, of which the mildelt are to be of the Uterine Glands, and tranlinitted by the Excretorv Duets into the chofen. ‘ The fuper-abundant Flux of the Menflrua is eafily )udged, by realon when too great a quantity ofthem dorh dcbilirate the firength ofthe Body, which is aflociated with thele Symptoms, lols of Appetite, weaknefs oi Concoaion, Cachexy, change of Colour in the Face, appearing in a faint Afpeé}. This DiIEafe is alfo often accompanied with an oedemarous SWelling of the Feet. The caufes ofan immodcrate Flux ofthe Men/er may be attributed chiefly to the quality of the Blood,or the too great apertion of the extremities of the Chamber of the "term. VelTels belonging to the "term. A; to the ill qualification of the Blood, it is either hot or fharp, confiflzing of bilious or laline pungent Particles, irritating the VefTels to an excretion, and felons Blood,by reafon it is thin may eafily be tranfmitted through the Termination of the. Preparing and Hypogaltrick Arteries into the rubfiance of the Uterine Glands, and thence freely pals through the Pores of the inward Integument of the liter/tr. The Orifices of the VelTels are too much dilated, either externally, by hot moiltning, and emollient Baths and Fomentations, when a erient, alterative, and. Purging Medicines have been firl'c too freely adminillied, or when the Terminations of the Arteries have been very highly opened by hot, fharp, and thin Blood, or iometimes when the tender Capillaries are broken by the exuberant quantity, or corroded by the Pungent Vitriolick quality difafl‘eét- ing the Purple Liquor, or when the Blood, long fiagnaring in the Veflels doth vauiie a Purrid corrofive quality. The immoderare Flux of the Menfirua, if it do proceed from too great a. quantity of Blood, doth indicate a free Million of it out of the Arm, and if from {harp and hot Blood, it is better to take away Blood often and little ata time, (to make frequent revullions of it from the Uterus) by r6315" nature being weakened by too great a Flux of the Menftrua, the Blood cannot be drawn offin a great quantity by opening a Vein at once. Ligarures and Frications may be made in the Arms and Thighs, to hinder glut: M (ll- 58; t ‘ as Moufearc, Shepherds-Pouch, Plantain, Ribwone, Leaves of Oak, Myrtle Hor'ie-Tail, Mill-foile, (9%. and let the Decoélions be fiteetened with Syrup, the fuppreired, only they are fomewhat more low and mild, and therefore it the Recourfe of the Blood to the MlerM. Irv an Ill man of Blood l'ur- Boolt I. Part IV. 7710 Tat/20103} ofthe Mei/imam Tm'gation. V And in reference to Bilious and Salt Humors mixed with the Blood, gentle Purging Medicines may be given, made of Indian Mirabolanes, Rubarbe: Callia, Tamarinds, (9-5. and Juleps made of defiilled Water of the Spawn of Frogs, and Oak-Buds, and a little Cinamon Water Diltilled With Barley, and Sweetened with Syrup of dried Roles. Apozems alfo {peak a great! Advantage to the Patient, compounded of cooling and incralTating Medl- cincs, of 'Wood-Sorrel, Pntllane, to which may be added afiringent Plant% as i The Diagnofiiclts of the depraved Flux of the Mnflma are evident when the Patient complaineth, fome days before the M'enflrua appear, of the Pain of the Head, produced by a hot or {harp Blood, carried by the innate carotide Arteries, into the Membranes of the Brain, and of the Stomach, b offenfive Purple Liquor, carried by the Coeliack Artery, and of the bottom of the Loins, and bottom of the Belly, proceeding from {harp Blood diltending the Hypogaftrick and preparing Arteries belonging to the womb, whereupon its adjoining Nervous Fibres are aggrieved, made by a diflention of the Neighbouring Blood-VelTels. As to the Indications in this Difeafe, the caufe is to be removed, and the Symptoms are to be alleviated; if the Humours be grofs, they are to be at- tenuated and incided, if hot or lharp, they denote contemporating Medicines made up of gentle Purgatives, and of opening and cooling Emulfions. ' And after Univerlals have been premiléd, emollient Fomentations and topid Baths may be ufed to take off Pain, and the heat and flaarpnefs of the Blood. The drpraml Flux of the Men/1mm. |