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Show 0f the Tart: of generation Book-Em: into it by the Hypogaflrick Arteries, and by Animal Spirits, carried with the Liquor between the Filaments of the Nerves, inferred into the Body of the Penis, whereupon it is thrufi firl't out of a Cavity running between the Rump and lure/imam Refizmz, and afterwards immitted into the Vrrlva ohm Hen, and bedeweth it with a thin Seminal Juice, Whofe Spirituous parts are conveyed into the uterus, and from thence, by a Tube, to the Eggs, which are thereby gradually impta‘gmte‘d through the Ovary. L Book I. Part IV. in the Mn/cr (y-PIflJ. 549 The Milts of Filh are truly fubllituted by Nature inflead of Teflicles pla- WW" 0‘ ccd in other Animals, as having the fame ufe in reference to the production gariialffldt of Seminal Liquor, whereupon they are fumilhed with divers kinds of Vef- c "5' fels, Arteries, Veins, Nerves, @c. The Spermatick Arteries are derived from the defcendent Trunk of the Aor- Thh Spanita ( pailing down the Spine, and imparting a Trunk, the whole length of 33,???" the Milts) out of which do fprout fruitful Branches, elegantly divaricated R°""°'F‘"‘through the outward Coat, and do terminate into the Milts or Tellticles, into which they traniinit Blood. And the Spermatick Veins, arifing out of the afcendent Trunk of the Vemz hiifiiiiilfii Cam, do {port themielves in numerous linall Branches through the Coats and n13, Milts or C H A P. IX. Subfiance of the Milts, and are Companions ofthe Arteries, and have their in," w Extremities all'o implanted into the Glands, relating to the Teliicles of Filh, ofFillolrmyeibcl commonly having the Appellativc of Soft Rowes, out of which, after :1 Se- 51:?" Tm" Of the ‘Pam oijenemtion in gala/rs of Fifi). cretion is made of the Albuminous part, the more red is rc-conveyed through He Tefticles of a Porpefi: are lodged within the Cavity of the lowdl T Apartiment, and have Parai'tats too, which are affixed to one extremity of the Tel‘ticles, feared about the Spine, and are affixed by the mediation of Spermatick Veilels, to the Trunk of the Aorta and Vemz Cam, which the Trunk of ((1114 into the Liver, and f0 to the Heart. The Nerves of the Milts or Telticles of Filh take their rife from the Ver. gzc'gfigfigf tebral Nerves, lprouting out of the Spinal Marrow, the elongation of the Fiflb Brain, and do impart their numerous Fibrils to many minute Glands: their Subflance is an agregate Body, compoled of many Spermatick Arteries, do fend Branches to the Teflicles, and are divaricated through the Clan- Veins, Nerves, Velicles of Seminal Liquor,whereupon they may well be de. dulous parts of the Tefiicles, into and out of which the various kinds ofArteries and Veins do import and export Blood for the preparation of Genital nominated Tellicles, as performing their Office, productive of Seed. Liquor, formed out of the Albuminous part of the Blood, feparated from end‘ued with an Oval Figure, which I difcovered in the lower Region ofa unfailing the reel Crailament in the Glands of the Tellicles, and conftederated With Skait or Thorn-bark, and have many Extremities of Arteries, Veins, Nerves, 15,3333? Tlxefe Glands of the Milt are Very finall and numerous, and feem to be $3: 33",? Liquor, coming out of the terminations of the Nerves, which various Juices and Seminal Veilels, implanted into their Subfiances and every Gland is en- 332mg, are the Materia Subfiram of Seed, more crude and watt-y than that of more circled with a proper Coat, befide the common Integument enclofing them of Vdfcls perfect Animals; {0 that this Elixir being firfi generated in the Teliicles, and all, and are accommodated with divers forts of peculiar Veffels, tranfmitting more matured in the Parafiars, is tranfmitted through the deferent Veflels,in- various Liquors into its body, fubfervient to the great end of Propagation TheGlandsof to the Seminal Veficles and Profiats, placed at the Root of the G'mir, which is framed chiefly of two Nervous Bodies, called by fome nervous Ligaments, Glands, furnifhed with minute Pores, leading into thele Cells, the .Repofi- $635333:- of unequal bignefs, the one being (mallet than the other. tories of a kind of Milky Humour, which in truth is Seminal Liquor. The G'e'ni: isun- der-propped by a felt Cartilaginous Bone, fomewhat refembling the 0; Hyoiale: in Figure. All Cetaceous Fifh are very much akin to a Porpefs in their Preparing Veirels, Tellicles, Paraftats, deferent Veffels, Seminal Veficles, Proliats, and The Milts all?) are endued with many little Cavities, attending their MiltsateenVim The great ufe of the Milt in Filh is to procreate Genital Matter, which mlfigifihc I humbly conceive is produced after this manner, , The Blood,a{Tociated with Chyme, is imported by the Spermatick Arte- Tpemgmg.' l'iCS into the Subf'tance of the Glands belonging to the Milt, wherein the Erl'srfmilnai"" Penir, which hold great Analogy in their Structure, Situation, and me, with more (of: and Chymous parts being not ailimilated into Blood, are fecerned $33333: thofe of more perfect Animals. from it, and do aiiociate with a noble Juice, (deltilling out of the extra. mity of the Nerves, Impregnated with fermentative difpofitions, exaltmg ' Cetaceous Fill), and thofe Armed with Shells, have Paraflat's, Proliats, and a (Pt-nit, and other Filh have only, as I apprehend, Spermatick Veilels and Milts in Read of Teliicles, and are defigned for the fame end, win. the Produétion of Seminal Matter. ‘ ‘ The Milts of Fiih are adorned with a kind of Conick Figure, 35 beginning and ending into {mallet Extremities, and havea kind of 35115, in their midfl, by reafon of a greater Ptotuberance. ' They are feared on each lide and under the Inteflines, and are conjoined to each other in their lower Region by the mediation of a Membrane, anfl are faflened to the fides of Fiih by thin Tunicles, adjoining to, and derived from the common Coat of the Milts. thefe Scrous and Chyrnons Particles, which are farther Concoé'ced by a. Pe- culiar Ferment, the relicks of the Milky or Seminal Juice, adhering tothe Coats of the VelTels, feated in the Glands of the Milt, whereupon the white Genital Liquor, being well prepared, is received into the fecretory Pores, agreeing in {hape and file with the Atoms of the Seminal Matter, and is repofed in many minute Cells, 3516 many fmall Receptacles of it, till-it IS difcharged through a common Duct or deferent Veflel, upon the Spawn, ( excluded the Female Fiih of the fame kind) and lodged upon fome Sand or other convenient Bed of Earth bedewed with this choice Liquor, givmg Life, Nourifl'iment, and Enereafe. ' 1 ‘ ' ~ ,, In great Cartilaginous Filh I have feen the Orbicular Glandsof they The Milt, wherein the Milky Seminal Liquor'being Concotfied,‘ is carnation: - Bbbbbbb «‘"u‘i -' ‘ of |