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Show 0f the Stones of the [Qt/7205, ‘49). ‘ 7 Book I. Part III. W mentary, Vital, and Nervous Juice, as allb Pancreatick, Biiions, and Strong Zhfiil‘il' Li uors. (ifhe Stone generated in the Stomach of an Indian Animal, rcitmbling a zcarbturic. Goat, is derived from filine and earthy Particles (extraéted out of Wholefome Plants ) afiociated with a Petrifying Juice; whence arifeth the oriaen C H A P. XXVL of the Stone in the Ventricle, which is very iinall at firfi, and afterwzrd enlargeth more and more, as it receiveth new, thin, faline Accretions, Which encircle it like lo many fine Lamina, or Plates, making up the Curious Com. page of this {alutary Stone, commonly called Bezoar. , TheGlandsof The Glands of the Liver, have been often difcerned upon Diifeétions ta iiiiiciiifl "c' be petrified, which is derived from grols Blood (carried by the Branches of the @orta, into the Parenchyma of the Liver) depraved with fixed Salt, and earthy Atomes, embodied with a Lapidefcent Juice, turning the Glands of the Liver ( refembling Cubes in Figure) into a {tony fubi‘tance. But by reafon, fome may conceive the Petrification of the Glands relating to the Liver, may be produced by the grofs parts of Choler, petrified in the Excretory Veiiels, appertaining to the Bladder of Call, and (Porn; Bilarim, taking their rife in the Glandnlous part 0? the Liver. I will take the freedom to propound another Infiance of Stones, lodged in the Ventricles of the Heart, which can proceed from no other caufe (as I apprehend) but 7790 Stone of l/JC' [Qdizcyn and in (firm. He Stone in the Kidney, in a Pcrfon of Honour, was broken into (pieces in the taking out ofits Bed) as being ofa friable nature, and was formed of divers unevennefies ( defacing its outward Surface) in irreguiar Figures, forncwhat refembling a Race of Ginger: This Stone was com- "Wm" , poiigd of numerous thin Plates, ( the outermofi being araied with a dark hue, and their inward compage with a White Colour) clof‘ely Caimented to each other; lo that the body ofithe Stone, may be {tiled a Syiieme made up of many thin Flakes, lodged within each others embraces, to which they are cioli'ly afiixctl by a vifeid Concreted Liquor, and ibmc of it enWrapping the Stone, not yet Coagulated. The-{e {tony Plates, were produced of the Tartar oi Serous Liquor (very nunifeft in their whitiih Colour) confaede- from the Tartar of the Blood, confaederated with a pettifying juice, coagu- rated with a clammy Matter, the Camcnt to conjoyn the various thin Acn lating it into Stones. StonergcneStones have been difcerned by Sennertur, and Skencbim, in the Ambient parts of crude Nervous Liquor (generated in the Cortex of the Brain) em- Cretions, made up of Earthy and Saline parts; and the molt inward Plates are iimllcii in (In‘curnfirence, as being the firfi in order of Generation, and aircrwaid are more and more enlarged, as they are encircled with new Flakes oi iiiline Accretions, whence the body of the Stone putteth on greater bodied with a petrifying Spirit, concreting the crafs parts of the Smart Nu‘ and greater Dimeniions. gm)" a" parts of the Brain (which I judg) to be produced by the Saline and Earthy triciws, into Stones. zgfjgsflxma' Stones are not only propagated from crude Chyle, Viral and Nervous Li- variuus Li- quor,but from the Recrements of the Blood,the Pancreatick,BiIious,and Serous $3233? Liquor ( whole Tartar efpoufeth a Lapidefcent Juice) which are coagula- iiiiiitiiriirc ivljskiiicmid RS," °f Oi" g . The Stones of the Kidney, when they grow great, do iomerimes fill up the fill)il;}x1CC of the Kidneyin their various Branches, comprefiing the Urinary Duéis, and other times are lodged in the Pelvis, wholly intercepting the itreams Oi~ Scrons l'teereinents, into the Ureters, and Bladder of Urine. §'c'}fcf,,"j§§;c, ted into Stones lodged in the G'amrem, Bladder of Call, Kidneys, and Blad- I Paw a Stone taken out of Doé‘tor I} 'zz/rlron's Kidney ( a Learned Fellow Manners: der of Urine ( Which I conceive) is made after this manner: This firf't beginning is very final] at firft (derived from Saline and Earthy parts of different Liquors, accompanied with a Lapidefcent Juice) and afterward acquireth greater and greater Dimeniions, by the accefs of new Tartar, formed into thin flony Accretions, which encircle one another in the manner of fine Flakes; which is very evident in Bezoar, and in Stones of the Kidney, Bladder of Urine, and Call, are. which being gently broken into pieces, the Stones may be feen to be integrated of many fine Laminar, or thin Plates, enwrapping each other in elegant order, which is very pleafant to behold. of the (lolitdg, and one of His MajeflcicsPhyficians in Ordinary ) which re- iii-11m" fumbled. a 'l‘ree in Figure, "hole Branches were clothed With White, and were diraritatcd through the fiibiiancc of the Kidney, among the Urinary Ducts, and Pa "ltry (Turniiclcs; whereupon the Patient was afliié‘ted with pain, carried by the coniprer'iion of the Nerves, and often made a bloody ng from the gauling of the tender Capillary Vefielsg and Urine, pron the Trunk 01 this Stony Tree was lined with a deep Red, infinuating it {elf through the Papillary Trunks into the Pelvis, where it caufed a total fuppref{ion of Urine As to the Cure of the Stone of the Kidney, Bladder, (fave. Three Tl‘e‘flmat" [wheat '13 preterit tlieriiihlv'es: The firit is to hinder the generation, iiirckliircni'i‘m and in (e of the Stone. The iiwond is to Expel it when it is generated. msmc' The third i3 to Alleviate, and take away Pain, which is very affliéiive in this ])iiLiliL'. The indications are firli to be farisfied by Purgatives, to take away the "1533,33,, caufi‘ of the Stone, the grols Vilizous Humours, and the Earthy and Saline ""5"?"- parts of the Liquors oi the Body 5 which may be edeéted by Purging Boles nude of Catiia, or the Lenirive Flectuary, of Chio Turpentine, Hollands 1'0ng r, Creme of Tartar, (1-5. and after two Hours, amiart of Northal, 0r Bari" ': Poiiet may be taken. E" n' n, Anti l‘ni ng Medicamcnts having been Adiiiiiiilired, Emoliient and Diu- andoniirciick retick Aplvnrm, are proper in this Dill-ate, made of the Opening Roots of gopo‘i‘lzcihniifiin Lllll l Dogs-Graig mm" |