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Show 7799 Tar/yologie of the IQr/n‘ejr, Bee. Book I. Part III, and to render its warty parts more fit for Secretion ; to which may hc added gentle Diureticks , mixed with Emollients, as Apozemes and Emullions, made of the Cooling Seeds of Melons, Pumpions, White Poppy, as alfo Leaves of Mallows, Marlh-Mallows, Pellitory of the Wall, (‘76. And in cafe the DAM): proceed not from an Inflammation of the Kidney, but from a too clofe Compage of the Blood, Diureticks mixed with Chio Turpentine, and Hollands Powder, may be given, as alfo Millepedes, Spirit ofTur- pentinc, Powder of Bees, may be adminif'tred in proper Vehicles, with Strong Diureticksare daugerous in likyriet. great Care, after Univerfals have been premifed; left thele firong Diure- ticks lhonld bring a fource of grols Matter (accompanying the Blood into the liibltance of the Glands ) {topping up the Roots of the Excretory Veil 1e15, whereby the Current of the Urine may be wholly intercepted, and the Difeale rendred more difficult to be Cured : Fomentations and Baths are excretion of Urine, 0! Diabetes. Delbendent Trunk of the Aorta, and Emulgent Arteries, into the Patch; cliyma of the Kidneys ) which is the true reafon why Perfons labouring with this DilEafe, have an Einaciation of the whole Body, whole fucculent parts being Colliquated by great heat, do defpoil the Membranous and Mufcular parts of their due Nutricion, as the fame are remitted From them into the V ital Liquor. So that the warty Recrements, and the Colliquated Cryfialline Juice, and 81mm Nutririm of the folid parts, accompany it into the Lube fiance of the Glands, where they are I'eparated from the Red Crailament, and conveyed into the Orifices of the Urinary Veliels, mucli enlarged by the great heat of the Blood. As to the principal Indications in a Diabeterfirlt intenle heat (Colliquating (12:33:3the various Liquors of the Blood,and SuwM Ntttricim,and the accreted Juice of WW"the folid parts) is fatisfied with lncrailating and Contemperatiug Medicines, very proper in IDiYcales of the Kidneys, and particularly in the late menti. giving an allay and due confil'tcnce to the thin and boiling Mals of Blood 5 as Apozems made of Lettice, Purflain, and Eniullions prepared with the Cooling Seeds: As to the fecond Indication, relating to the enlarged Roots of the Urinary Ducts, it is fatisfied with the Decoétion of Calcined HartsI-Iorn; and Medicines prepared with the Roots of Cumphrey, Tormentil, Leaves of Ladies-Mantle, Prunel,Male Fluellin, Plaintain, red Role Leaves, on to the warty Particles fevcred from the Blood. On the other fide, The Kidneys are difafieéted with too large an Evacua- tion of Serous Matter, much exceeding the quantity of Ingei'ted Liquor: This Difeafc is very rare, and requireth care to give a good judgment, that we be not deceived in our Diagnolticks of it. And therefore in large Excretions of Urine, We mult confider, whether it doth not come from Tome Ex- with old Conferve of RolEs, Red Coral, Sanders, Bole Armenick, Dragons Blood, Calcined Harts-Horn, (7r. made up with Syrup of Coral, drinking a ternalCaule, From good Fellowlhip, and the like, which will afford a large ejefiment of Urine: Which if it be the work of Nature in Sicknels, the Ingredients. Patient receiveth a manifel‘t benefit in the Alleviation, or Solution of the Difeafe. But if the profiife evacuation of Serous Liquor be Pretermtural, it rifeth greater and greater, more and more exceeding the proportion of received Liquor, wherein the Urine is pale, thin, warry, crude, as wanting its due Confidence and Hypofrafis. This Ducal-C is accompanied with a great Drought of the Mouth, and Thii'li, proceeding from the unltindly heat of the Blood, wanting a due allay of Potulent Matter, thrown oil‘ in too great a The raufc of a Diabttrs. 0f the Turbo/ogre of the IQa'mfi, (Sec. oned, to open and relax the Compage of the Blood, and enlarge the Origens of the Excretory Vellels, that they may become more fit to give receptiThe too great 6301.1. Part III. quantity by the Kidneys, Ureters, and Bladder. As to the Caufe of this Difeai'e, it may be worthy our enquiry, by rcalbn it is great and rate; which is afligned by fome Phyficians, to the hot Di- fiemper of the Kidneys, highly attracting Serous Liquor our of the Veins, which oppofeth the Circulation of the Blood, made good by the contraction of the Heart, impelling Blood by Arteries, into all parts of the Body. And [humbly conceive, that the cattle of this tintlfual Diliemper, to be the Potulent parts of the Blood, running only confufed with it, as not perfeéily embodied; which not having recourfe to the ambient parts of the Body, and fo difcharged in any degree through the Pores of the Skin by Sweat, or Tranlpiration; but the Serous parts, or Vehicle of the Purple Liquor, is impelled in a great quantity, down the Defcendent Trunk of the AW", and Emulgent Artery, into the Glands of the Kidneys, where it is fecerncd and tranfinitted into the Urinary Ducts. And I alfo apprehend, that not only the purulent part of the Blood, is the Materia Sullflrdia of this Difeafe: but alfo the 1110115 part of the Blood, and the Shem Nutritiws, and themofc Liquid and Succulent Matter (contained in the Pores of the l‘olid part5) Colliquated by the intenfe heat of the Blood, opening the Marine of thC various Veflels; whereupon the melted Suctm Nutricim is received out Of the folid parts into the Mafs of Blood, (and is carried with it through the Del‘cendfiflr (9%. dulcified with Syrup of dried Roles: And an Eleé‘tuary may be made good Draught after it, of an Apozem made of Cooling and Aflringent In this I)ifeafe, I conceive Blood-letting is very improper, becaufe the Bl°°d"",‘7nfi notgoodma, Cryl'talline parts of the Vital Liquor, and Colliquared parts of the Sitcom- Diabetes. Nurrin'm are much leli'ened, and the firength of the Body very highly impair- ed, which is inconfillzent with Bleeding and Purging; fo that Reflorative Medicines of China, Sarza, Lignum Sané'tum, mingled with Cooling and Afiringent Medicines, may be Well advifed, to flop the Colliquation of various Liquors, and to [hut up the Orifices of the Veilels of Urine. Sermertm, giveth a wonderful relation of 3 Diabetes", which M'drtm Gattimtrizt, in Lil).9. Wmfazpdc Cum irztI/olzmtarii exitm "ring/y» Cardanm,Li/1. 8. Cap. 44,. de rmtm 'Z/ilrictrlte refcrunt, dc quadam paella armor. 18. qua: Anna Cbrifli 1481. Q'afla rfl fupcrflmmz l/lrinie profluwium, adeo ut fingulis dielzm urimr lily-M rircitcr 36. eiilingeret, cum ex pom (:7 rilm mm pIM feptem Libri}: a unzeret. (14111751905 60 dielmr perfe‘wraret, emiflt ultra tibz' (fiu palm quantiMtem lilmps I 74.0. quad pondm [angr- excedcrct panda/5 paella, (5" ji rant in uri- 7mm fuiflét refolum 5 Cum pnella not: potuit cxeedere punch», a; 5 lilvrarnmjmo nee I 50 attmgeret. Sandra autem eflipafi duo; illo: meufer a media: Francilco Bulio, Cauflzm Imjm‘ fymptamati: flatuemnt iMedici flufle aereqz, qui in Aflerig‘r rtlliq; Continebatur, gut in aqua»: com/erfm fuerit, Clti alim; izgerfmteflerit. Carddnm addit frigidam (9° bumidm aeri: ilzremperiem. An- Inflammation of the Kidneys, may arife from firong Diureticks, hard £?fl,3,';",'§§‘f'"‘ Riding, violent Labour, or a Stroke upon the Small of the Back, Lacerating iiiigiiiiiicthe Capillary Arteries, or from Stones grating upon the tender Veflitls, "drab". whereupon a large quantity of Blood is impelled into the Parenchyma of the Glands; and was there fiagnated, by. reafon the {mall Capillary Veins could not receive it, and reconvey. it toward the Heart. This Diléale is attend- ed with a great'heatand beating pain of the Back, a Stupor in the Thigh, and ahigh coloured Urine. The Kidneys in this Dilimfe, are fo {walled by aquantity of Blood lodged in their fubfiance, that every Gland hath 2Iiiiii femblance |