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Show The EPISTLE Book I. Part I I I. tbe Heart; Dr. Charlton, Sir Thomas Millington, Dr. Lawlon, Dr. Tylon, and all tbe Fellow: of our Calledge, are 'very r ilful in Anatomical fDiflefliom of e/Inimalt, wbere- in tbey bare laid open mam! Secrets of Nature. The Brit B 0 OK; ‘Upon tlait account I ba'ue giren you the trouble ifa Hiflory if"? fDifcooeriet, made by mofl Learned Anatomiflr in tlye (Body of Man , and otber animals, in curiour Di/fi'éli, The Third P A R T. on; ; tlJat you may fie the great ‘Ufi' and {Dignity of flnatomy, and if your glamour ‘Tbeater 5,607" ned to it) valet-rein all our Learned Exerci/es are cele ratef, to the advancement of C H A P. I. Natural Tbilofopby, and tbe Republick of Learning, to wbicl) I have contributed my Mte. 0f tbe Spleen; Thur making my mo/i‘ Humble flddre/fl't to tbe e/Ilmigbty Creator, ‘Kedeemer, and ‘Preflrroer; ‘Tbat out of bit 1am goodnefi be would be graciou/ly plea/ed to return all your ample Favour; to Me, and our Society, fieenfold into your 0W7; ‘Boflime, and to Grant you all Felicity in tbu World, and Eternal glory in tbe World to come; ubicb a tbe earmfl Trayer of Have fpoken of the feveral parts (in which the Chyle, The manner ~ the Maleria Subflrata of Blood is prepared, and perfeétly 2; a??? Concoéted) and firf't of the Month, in which, as a Room WW5 FC" menu in the of entertainment, we treat our felves with variety of Mauritianmac in Meat and Drink, which being broken into fmall Particles Guts, angits = ( . impratgnated with Nitro-aereal Atomes, and Salival Sfimg'fil , . . Laétcal and Liquor, deflilhng out of the Oral Glands) are, convey- Thmcick ed through the Gulet as a Gallery, into the Kitchin of the Stomach, Dufls._and Subclavran where the prepared Aliment is farther Cooked by the natural heat, and Xeinsfinto , . . M ‘ r Setous and Nervous Fermenrs, oufing out of the Terminations of Arte- Efiudfl'afid tics and Nerves , implanted into the glandulous Coat of the Ventricle, gfimfif}: SIR, and thence tranfmitted through fecret pallages into its Cavity , wherein Harnhl-yness the laid Ferments embody with the broken Aliment ( confifiing of difi‘e- ilgmoisiim rent principles) prcinlpired with Elal'tick and Volatil Airy Particles, and "mm Your molt Faithful, And mol'c obliged Servant, intenerated with Saliva‘i Liquor ; whereupon a Fermentation arifeth in the Stomach, making in lbme manner a dillblution of the Cempage of Meat, (by Colliquation) out of. which a Milky Tinéture is extrgiéied in the Ventrielc, and tranfinitred into the Guts, wherein it allociateth with new Fer- ments of Pancreatick and Bilious i iquor, giving a farther Concoétion to the Chyle, ( as rendring it more attenuated and white) which is afterward difpeiilhd through the MelEnterick Laéteal Vellels, into the common Recep- tacle, and from thence through the Thoracick Duets, into the Subclavi‘a‘n‘ Veins ', where the Chyle confederates with the Blood, into which it is alli- milated by degrees, and is imported by the Vena Cawa, into the right Chamber ol. the Heart, by Whole contraétion made by Carnous Fibres, the Vital' SAMUEL COLLINS! l iquor is coveyed through the Lungs by the Pulmonary Arteries and Veins, into the left Ciliern of the Heart, and there fome fireams of Blood are impelled through the common and defcendent Trunk of the Aorta, and C2- liack Artery \( a Branch of it) into the Spleen; which is my Province at this time. So that having dilbourfed of the feveral parts, in which the Chyle The 3109M: is generated, and difpenl'ed by many Vell'els into the Blood, and by. various $353?" Intel‘tine and Local Motions, is aflimilated- into it. My Task is now to give you an account, how the Purple Liquor, the perfeétion of Chyle, is perco- lated and refined in the Spar-tn : .And to that intent as ambulatory to it, I will handle its Membranes, Situation, Connexion, Colour, Figure, Magemtu , |