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Show Book I . Part Hi. 370 new fiorm ariletli, caiiled by the EFFervelcence of the Blood, flowing from the fermenting qualities of the Phyfick, tranhnitted into the Glands of the Guts, where the angry, lemurs, and windy parts being iceeriied from the Blood, are exonerated into the Inteltines, flirting up a Tcmpefl‘, highly agh- tating the tender Fibrils of the inward Coat. C HAP. Bool; I. Part ll. 0/" the TM/ao/ogie of the (firm, and its Carer. 371 As to the firf't difaffeétion of the loft Coneoé‘tive Faculty in the Inteftiiies, 35:53:; §§§lflrickapid Bilious and Pancreatick Liquor, caultfl by the nu‘ififfl P roeeeding from the defect of and Pancreatick Ducts, it doth indicate PTO- obliruétion of the Hepatick per-Aperient Medicines, made of the Roots of Dogs-Oral}, Wild Alparagus, giiiilcni'ymc. Parfley, and Salendinc the great, the Rine of Alli, Taniarisk, Barberies, (hunts, Tlt‘C ":3ch'r x may be pre _ m1 ' ' iApozcins ' Alterative ' ofi Ivory, (five. Of which and the lhavmgs Fayed with Pnrgatives, to which may be added Chalybeat Medicines, mix- I'arfion. ed with Antilcorbuticlts ; which will regain the Concoétive Faculty of the Guts, as well as Ptomach. The fecond diflemper belonging to the Concoétive power of the Guts, called the Catliack Alleélion7 wherein a Secretion of the Chyle from the XLI. Faces is not performed, by reafon of unaé'tive Bile and Panereatick Liquor, and dilpirircd Serous and Nervous Liquors; it doth denote the lame method Of the Tat/Jologie of "16' (jun. of Cute, and Medicines, proper to a Lietzter}, from which it dill'ereth only in Degree. ‘- ~ ‘ . ' le C' As to the Cure of the third Dilali‘eétion, the .ClCPI aved function of the {35335; J Aving given an account of the Structure of the Guts, framed of Vari. ous Coats (as contextures of many fine Filaments, curioully inter- woven ) to which numerous Glands are affixed 5 and of their actions, flow- ing from the Concoétive and Expullive Faculties, to which may be added the diliribution oi" the Chyle, after it is extraéted and refined in the lute- flines, into the Extreaniities of the Lacieal Veflels, to be tranfmitted through ~ . ower£135; ' the acrimony of 5mg ‘ from I I i to the Guts, derived ' power appertaining COnCOélIVC iéi‘imonynf of reafon by denoteth it Juice; Pancreatick the of Bile, and the loiii'nels . . . . re, an a '- the {harpnc-ls of the Bile, ACids, as Juice of Oranges, Ponigranates, Berberies, dity attire0 and the like; and the acid quality of the Pancreatick Liquor, maybe re- figfigfi "(Winfieétified by 'l‘eltaeeous Powders, and by Antifcorbutick, and Chalybeat Pre- CCULIS powders parations, which do lirfi correét the acidity of the Blood, and afterward the ggg'cpinii?h I the Melt/Iraqi, into the common Receptacle. lady intendnient at this time, is to entertain the courteous Reader, with the Diifleil‘es attending the Concoftiiw, and dlfil‘lbuthC powers of Chyle, and of the Expullive Faculty o? . ‘2' Faces, and of Inflaminations, Ulcers, Gangrcens, Csncris and divers (tn v-l‘ Pains, relating to the Inteliincs. TheCorieoCtiVeFacuLy is uilaliiétiv d, Firli, as it is wholly abolillied, Mimi)" \ihen no Chyle, or very little, is exttafted in the Stomach, or Inteliines, WW" l'ii'oceeding from the want of natural heat deficient primarily in the Blood, n. l and From a delec‘t of good Succus Pancreaticus, and Bilious l iquor, and a laudable i~erous and Nervous Juice, not imparted by the Extreamities of the "'"", Arteries and Nerves (inferred into the inward Coat of the Inn-{tines} to iiiiiiiuliiil- the crude Aliment lodged in the Guts : This difafiEétion is commonly called (A l'lllllk‘ Kcvil, The wk" promorcth the Digel'tion of the Stomach and Cuts; to which. may be added cccdiligfiolll Attcnlmting, Inciding, and Detergent Medicines, which do thin, and cut the 353333;, wherein its Conipage is not well opened by duc Feriiieiits, and a Secretion made of the Alimentary Liquor from the grofler Freces. , '1 1C ' i h clammy gum-yrs; 2 the Intel'tine s from ovcrmuc oiA the Chyle, and cleanlc - I Vifcidity . Another diliiH‘eétion oil the Intcflines, is near akin to the other ( as dif- Chyle embodying with the crude Aliment, is excerned by the Expulfive affumpnpn of Phlegm and alfo open the over fmall and obltruéted Extreamities of the La- good Aliment}, ' The third iiidilpofitioii of the Concoétive Faculty7 belonging to the In- (mp5: tel‘tines, is its depravedaétion, produced by ill Fermentsot (harp Bilious, and tour Pancreatick Liquor, V'ltlating the extracted Aliment in the Guts, and afterward fpoiling the Mafs of Blood, when it is received into aflociation with it in the Blood Vellels, and Chambers of the Heart. . As andhynttc-I 1 implanted into the Guts. éteal Veflels nuatmg, IncrThe Intellines all?) are incident to divers Difeafes, in reference to their dingrandDe- Expulfive Faculty, when the Periltaltick Motion is too flow, or too quick, Eggs Mm" or aggrieved with the dilcompofiire of Pain. rs l {1 ' from the Pcu- Eff"??? ' of the Guts, proceedeth either The llownels of the Motion lclxaléifctlésglrlit-s' grofs of trouble the pid indilpolition of the Nervous Coat, not refenting Excremcnts, when the Nervous Fibrils inferred into the inward Coat of the dciifvctirmm net' its [Upll ‘ ‘ ~ Iiitel'tmes, have their acute Senle leilened, proceeding from the want of Am- wuscmmh nial Spirits, intercepted hilt in the Fibrous parts of the Brain, and by con- fifafi‘m‘d, - Faculty. ' éieal Vent-ls, leated in the Intel'cines, or by the natural itraightnels of the ‘ ‘ . . ‘ Extreamities theinlelves, as having too Minute Perforations. The Cure of this Dileafe, may be allilied with a good Diet, in‘eating of Hamlffilcu Meat ealie of Concoétion, and by drinking of good Wine, which much Eiiitcypfii; Liemtria‘ an unnatural excretion of the Aliment, little or no Ways altered, iiihii'iilv‘r'crhv ire/ring, from it in degree) is the lellened Concoétion, commonly iiiled rifletifizyfi Lug (ct/mm, wherein the Meat 15 in l'ome fort Digef‘ted, and reinaineth conv fined, as not Secerncd from the grols parts, by reafon the Chyle is not well attenuated by the l'ancteatick, and Bilious Liquor, and fierous and Nervous Juice, deltitute of Volatil Salt, and fine Oily and Fpirituous Particles, in order to render the Chyle fluid in the Iiiteltines; whereupon the damn)! :lhi‘fliih? , all Pancreatick Liquor; lo that this uleful Recrement, may be filblervient to Chalyhear WWWthe extracting and refining Chyle in the Guts. Another difaHEétiOii of the Inteltines, and that none of the leal't, by reafon it concerneth the Nutricion of the whole Body, is when the difiributive faculty of the Chyle is either wholly taken away, or much leiltned; which may proceed either from the clauiminefs of theChyle, or 'from the grolsnefs oi~ pituitous Humours, more or lefs oblirufting the (Phi-ices of the La- . . ~ - s ' ' 1 fequence in the Nerves of the Guts, produced by Cephalick Difeafes, Icom- cincs. prelling, or oblitruéting the Fibrils feared in the Brain. This dil‘afléfl'mn is Cured by proper Methods and Medicines, relating to the Dil'eal'es of the H5941 5 of which I will Treat hereafter, in the Pathology of the Brain. The C - |