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Show Part I}: T/Jc'tht/Jologie of the gulft. 26L m moi/1th, Liliorum, é» Mc/ilotz' cum pat/Ito ‘Mclle é Coclenre lambmdum dedi ,~ [:4 0mm): fruflra, fcqucmi enim die plztride ablit. . . . . I'afl obinrm Ifltifo toll‘o (jefophagum cum mam: partzbzu, fad e0 Prrtj/értim loco, ubi qflimlxmz iufixum fun-at, plane [ii/Javelatum, pummaxzmofxtore inwm'mm‘; ofliml/mz rycro nuflpmm, immo net 171 zpfl) Ventrttulo; pulmoner ob l'm' cm'c/tlcm I/ifltmmmlioizem liq/idi want, 0‘ Ventriculwfi plane wacum; a "film" extra ill/tr! prime noc'lr, (9v amequam ad me rz/eniret, in maxilla}: iflis comtz'bm‘, quot i/mniffl; digit!) in Oultzmfibi excitamrar, per fuperim‘a, rcyeéi'nzn, ant ad Vtwtricullmz7 c; III/tfliflrz de/apfimz trifle. . Deglurition is lometimes violated, when a {traightnefs of the paliage re- latingito the Gulet, ptoceederh inwardly from fome flelhy fubl'tance growingin the inlide of the ()eflwphagm, thereby leflening its Cavrty, [0 that it Drglurition is m . cannot give a reception to the Aliment. Other times Swallowing is prejudiced more or leis, when the Gulet is {traightned by a Tumour of the neighbouring parts 3 as in the Inflammation ‘ F _ of the MtIIEIes of the Larynx and Neck, which by the Compreflion of the Gulet, doth leflen its Cavity. A Genrlewoman of Quality, endued with a Fat Plethorick Body, caufed Part ll; 7716 "Parka/(gig OWL it; whereupon it cannot be conveyed through the entry of the Qtyéyzbggm, into the Chamber of the Stomach. Dcpravetl 11$ The third kind of ill Swallowing, is its depraved aélion, accompanied _ glutition Is with Irregular and Convulfive Motions, flowing from the unkindly contra- arcompanicd with Convul- {Hons oi the Carnous Fibres, relating to the Ocfizpbagtemz l\4ufcle5 Which I Navy, who was highly afliifted with unnatural motion of the Gulet, in the fit of Swallowing, produced (asI humbly conceive) by Acid and Saline Particles, difalfeéting the Tendinous and Carnous Fibres of the Mulbles (encircling the inward parts of the Oeflrpbagm) which were hur- tied with violent Agitations, when they were Contracted in reference to Deglutition. . A depraved action of Swallowing, may be derived not only from Convulfive Motions, which are tremulous agitations of the Carnous and Nervous Fibres of the Mufcles of the Gulet, but alfo from Convulfions, in which the MufmliCep/mlopbaringcei,Spbenopbaringoei,Stylapbaringcei, are rendred unnaturally tenfe and rigid in diforderly Pof'turesa f0 that they cannot accomplilh This Dif- eafe of the Gulet, being a confequent of the Inflammation of the Mufcles of the Larynx, is Cured by Blood-letting, and other proper Medicines, or fideways: In which unnatural pofture, the [kid Gentlewoman remained Eleven Hours in Twelve, and was not able to Swallow but one Hour in a which I will mention hereafter, in the Cure of aSquinancy, when I do flowers, and the like; whereupon lhc fell of a fudden into a violent Sqi~ mnev, flowing from a large quantity of Extravalated Blood, lodged in the Mtncles relating to the head of the Wind~pipe, which being highly Tume- fied, made a Compteflion upon the top of the Gulet, and gave allop to the reception of Meat and Drink into the Oeflipbagm ‘, fo that the Lips being {but after the taking of Liquid Aliment, it recoiled when it arrived the Pharynx, through the pallage of the Mouth into the Noflrils: Whereupon {he took her ultimate Vale of her Friends, and recommended her Spirit by a holy Relignation, into the Hands of her Gracious Redeemer. Another caufe prodttétive of an abolilhed or Iefiened Swallowing, may Day; whereupon I ordered an Hyf'terick Plailler to be applied to her Nan vi], and opening Hyfierick, and Cephalick Potions and Pills, both Purging and Alterative, to evacuate the grofs ol'tEnfive Humours, and to fweeten arife (which is very rare) from the unnatural firbflance of the Gulet, high- the Blood, and to reé'tifie the Nervous Liquor : And above all, I often ad- "_ ly indurated by Concreted, Earthy, at d Saline Particles, turning the Mem- vifed leeding (which was moft fignificant in reference to the Cure) where- in fome of the depraved Blood being let out, and the 1‘th Depurated, and Treat of the Difeafes of the Afpera Arteria. Le lTL‘nCd or or almliilied D"elutvriun - branous and Flelhy fubl'tance oi the Oghplngm, into n Cartilaginous nature, which being hard and Riff, cannot be Contrafted in order to protrude the Aliment into the Stomach. A Gentlewoman of Vertue and Honour , had her Deolutition fitft leflened, and afterward wholly taken away, as not able to recetive any fufienance through the Gulet, into the Stomach, whereupon {he grew more an more Languid, and at lal't Expired: And afterward, upon opening the Neck by Dilleétion, the Muftulu: Oefipbagmu encircling the Membranous parts of the Gulet, was found Cartilaginous, which took away the ufe 0f the Fibres, by wholly difabling them to Contract, for the tranfmiflion of Alim‘ent into the Ventricle. 'Lufl at lclfcn- A difficulty or Iols of Swallowing, may alfo be derived from the SWelling erl D glutin- inherimiichc m ma‘b dt- or Induration of the Membranous parts of the Wind ‘ _ pipe, ' ' on thc confining fuellingufihc Gulet, whereby igs Cavity is leflened, or wholly clofed up; and the Afpm Wind-pipe. Arteria being tendred hard, is not capable to give way to the Aliment 611' largmg the GUI": and Comptefling the Afpera Arteria in its palTage through it fi‘re motions. have lately feeu in a worthy Gentlewoman, Wife to an Officer of the their due Operations in regular Contractions, for opening the entrance of the Gulet, to give admiflion to the Aliment, and afterward the MufculmOefoplmgmw being Convulled, is not capable to Contract and lelTen the Cavity of the Gulet, upon the reception of the Aliment into it, and thereby to protrude the Meat and Drink into the Stomach. An Inltance may be given in the Daughter of a worthy Merchant of London, who was highly afl'liéted with Hyfierick Fits (as they are commune ly called) producing an Univerfal Convulfion of the Mufcles, relating to the Gulet and whole Body. named by the Greeks, Timur, in which the whole Body is rendred [0 Pull; lo that it cannot be bent backward, forward, bi; oifltcn indulging her {elf in the foul feed of grofs Flelh, Cabbage, Colly~ 26; the weakned Nerves Corroborated by proper Medicines; the Convulfions ceafed, and the Patienr, through the Almighty Phyficians Goodnefs, was perfectly refiored to her former Health. Dcpravcd Den glutitlon may protect! From the Mulch-5 of the (:ulet tendrc conrull‘cdn |