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Show 1351-: l I. 0f the [Wig/clay of [/10 f4»). W upward; but the Drgaflrici give a contrary motion to them, and by pulling The third ptit them downward, do open the Teeth and Mouth. ot‘hlnlcltwpi The third pair of Mulcles, which concern the lower Mandible, are the p Mindiblcatc Q‘gadrafi, and are qufcular Expanfions, or Membranes interline d with Muf- the Quaint!) C H A P. i X. cular liiblianccs, and deriving their origen from the upper parts of the Stanza", 0f the [l/[u/E/es If the lower from (Idryiclc, scapula, and hinder part of the Neck are inferred with oblique Fibres into the Chin : Thele alfo being Antagonifis to the Temporal Mulcles, do allift Tiitlowcr mfizkfiffl i the Digaflrici: and in their Contraélions, do deprefs the lower Mandible, He {trong and various Motions of the lower Jaw, Upward, downward, outward, inward, are rarely accomplilhed by the difl‘e- [lmgby parting the upper Teeth and Lip from the nether, do open the Mouth. it}? rent Contraé'tions of Six pair of Mufcles. amongavhich the Temporal lead Care ought to be taken, leaf} they be wounded in a tranfver‘fe Incilion tvhencc may enfue Convullions ; to which fame attribut e the caufe of a the Van: Upon the Difleéiioii of this lVquclc, it is mofi pleafant to treat Tiievarium the Eyes, with the various courfe of the Fibres, prefentmg an elegant Sifilnffiif Scheme, curioufly drawn by Natures fine Penfil, from the acute Procels of l the lower Jaw to the Skull. formed in an The lower Tendon climbing up into the body of the Mulcle, is by little tlegant order. and little, as it were lhaved into a thin Expanfion, accompanied on each fide with Helhy Particles, rcfembling in a manner the Feathers of Birds, TheTcme beautifying their Quills. This pair of Temporal Mufcles, invel'ted with the @erirrzmium, for their 3,333: greater lecurity, do borrow their origen from the fevcral l-‘ones oi the Fore- head, Temples, and Sflzcz‘put, from which they fpring in a thin fielhy be- _ «i ginning, adorned withaSemicircular Figure and as they millet-rid lower, $383223: they grow more Fleihy, and at lall thinner again, a: they make their near l:,‘,':f§,jffl° approach to the O: yztgale, which is railed in alEgmentof a Circle, both if; "duff mm. ‘ Thefc Mufcles having a courexture of many carnous oblique Fibres, great Spgfmm Cynicur, becaufe the Muftuli antlratz' being chiefly inferted into the Chin, do alfo tranfinir fome Fibres into the Lips, which being violentl y Contracted, may contribute {omewhat to the diflortion of the Mouth. The fourth pair of Mufcles of the lower Mandible,are called Mzfleter ergnd having partly flelhy, and partly Nervous Originations, are derived from the lower and inward region of the 0; 71137412, and from the upper Mandible, beginning in a kind of Angle near the Bar, and running along with a broad Origination, and delceridirig, are implanted very broad and Ptrongly into the Thefe Mufcles being fiirnilhed with great Variety of' Fibres running different ways, do by iiiveral Contractions move the lower Mandible inward, outward, and forward. Contraéiion, clofeth the Teeth of the upper with fl]0{€ of the loWerMan- dible ' which may be acted with {0 great force, that the Mouth cannot be imoluntarily opened7 unlefs by the interpolition of an Infirument, which we are conltrained to make Life of in giving Medicines to Dil‘tracied fuller) The fixth pair of Mulhles fubfervient to the lower Mandible, are rigoeidci Exterui, confii'ting of double flefliy and Nervous Origens, the @teand take Potions. , This pair of Mufcles exert the flr‘ongelt motion of all the Mufcles of the traétions. their rife From the outward region of the Trovtfliu @terigocz ‘der, are inferred int?)r the infide of the lower Mandible, and pull them inward in their Contra ions. lower Jaw, which is more remarkable in Bruits, then Men; as Lions, Wolves, Dogs, Hogs, and the like, which proceedeth from many large Nervous Fibres, fpringing from the Third and Fifth pair of Nerves : Where- upon it is dangerous to make tranfverfe Incifions, chiefly in the lower part of thefe Mulcles, by reafon of the great variety of Fibres, feared there; which being wounded Crofs-ways, are frequently attended with dangerous and fatal Convulfions: VVhereupon our great Mal'ter Hypocrater, allerteth the Laxation of the lower Mandible to be fatal, unlefl‘. it be fpeedily reduced. Tli‘fgg‘cm‘l, 3 ia, and hinder part of the Neck, and are implanted uith oblique l-ihrcs it to the Chin, and do draw the loucrjaw downward The fourth pair of Mill'cle; ofthc loner Mandible the M152" l:1f:,rlo bur- row their the from the or fugzlgani at: iiiferted into the lower mandible. C H A P. The fifil'l pair are the Pmi< goiJai [mini which arife from the iulidc 0F Pra- "[14 1715775011" dti, and do terminate in the lower mandible, which they carry outward. The {ixth pair of mufclcs of the lower Mandible, the Purigacidn Exmm‘, do arile out of the outward region of the m Prcrigoei11:1, and are ‘ forced into I cinfiilc of the lower Jaw and pull it in: ward. XI. 0f the fimmzer of Chewing, preparing the Aliment or Contagion. The fecond pair of Mufcles appertaining to the lower Mandible, are fli- ‘~%-'J"{da"i‘ led 'DigzIflrici, by reafon of their double Belly, they take their rife behind 2'1 , i ke . , irbeyin; and near the rProcc nr Mammiformcr, and firfi grow flelhy, and alter dwmHill WW; Vitlc, scapu- lower Mandible. The fifth pair of Mtilcles ferving the lower Mandible, are the @tmgnez‘ dci intern], lhort and thick Mulcles, arifiiig from the infide of the Trottflm (Picrigoeidei, do terminate with broad and flztong Tendons, into the inferior and iniide of the lower Mandibles, which they carry outward in their Con- to ileum, and give reception to the lower region of the Temporal Mlilcle, which creeping under it, is inferred with a lhort and firong Tendon, into the acute Procefs of the lower Jaw, and dzawing it upward by a lirong and do take their rili: from the top ofthc Sternnn, Cla- dle into a Tendinous body in the middle, and afterward are rendred HCH‘Y "if; again ;. {0 that they fcem a double Mufcle, conjoyned in the middle by the "jg. medlmon Ofa {"13" round Tendinous fubltzmce, and afterward growmg [of Helhy again, are terminated inwardly into the fore and middle part oftllc .L. Chin, and are Autagonilis to the Temporal Mufcles, which in their Conw J. tiaétions do clofe the Teeth and Month, by drawing the lower Ja'W , and upward; THe act of Mal'tication, is performed by the joynt concurr The Mattie: ence of fame concerned in Mufcles , and fuccellive Motion of others , in which the Tem- Mnflication, poral, Mafiterer, @terzgaeialei Exterm', and Interni, are molt concerned With the Buctinatam, and the Tongue; for the motion of the Ely/hid is ambu- latory ‘0 the other Mufcles; which by deprefling the lower Mandible, open the MOUth for the reception of Aliment, and immediately after the Temporal Mufcles do elevate the lower Mandible, and clofe the Teeth with the eat. 8ff ' So are that: of the lower M231 diblc. |