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Show The Twiguer (f flnimd/r. Part II. nencies feared about its Bofs in Bullocks, Sheep, and the like, aim der Brifles found about the tip of the Tongue in Lions, Cats, and the lat: ger about the more fubfianrial parts of it, being attended with Excretor fT.t.F.:ict. Ducts, hold great Analogy with the red pointed Prominencies + feared about the Anterior part of the Tongue of Man, interfperfed with round tun-ff- Pmmberaneics 1-, and larger pointed Afperities about the thicker part of of it 3 and theft} Acuininated Procelles, as well of Bruits as Man, being hollow, fpue out a clammy Liquor into the Mouth, to meliorate the Mafiica ted Aliment, in order to a more perfeét Concoé‘tion in the Stomach. rite Tongue The Tongue of a Lion is (harp, and drefled with numerous pointed P or a Lioi. is ' r0: bci‘etwithma. CCfTCs (bent toward the Gulet) as in many Pikes, feared about the fore his in Animals finall kill and catch can he which by Blade, tllC Of Part 30333;? Mouth, as in a Slaughter-Home, and fuck out their Blood, which is of a delicate mite, and very grateful to this Animal. 3: this??? The Tongue of agChainelis very remarkable, hath the Anterior part behm-araaim fet With ProininenCies, coming from without, and tending inward as in fi‘jfllfm" other Animals; but the hinder part near the Root, being thick, is beauti. 252,351,322 "3,, MS Tongue iii-Ti.- 2z9 Of the Tongue: qf ass-,1; zmrz' 5/1,. The fecond Diviiion, or Story, relating to the Roots of the Tongue of and enclofeth fome 3,21-4-53-2:1 Swan, is made up of many pointed Protuberancies 1-, with a double ' part of the Fifliire ( appertaining to the Afpcm Arterin) Arch, and is inferred into the Origen of it. much The Tongue of a Buftatd, is pointed in its beginning, and enderh broader, and is fringed with a double row of Comblike Oblique Proceiles, and towards its termination, hath on each tide loine indented l'rocefiZ‘s. 'l he Tongue of a Goofe, being fringed on each fide with Cartilaginous Saw-like Teeth, hath for the molt part a red {oft Glandulous tubitance, except in its termination, where it is furniihed with a white plump body, ending in two or three Rows of white pointed Glands. The Tongue ofa Duck, is alfo garnilhed on each fide With Saw-like Procef- Thames: fes, refembling thofe of a Goofe, and hath two Glands like thofe of a iiidiiiiiiiis Goofe in Colour, and hath the fame Rows of final] pointed Glands, near $53,123:", {33' the Root of the Tongue, which are only different in length and flendernefs, "El" and are much broader and (horror in a Goofe, then a Duck. The Tongue of a Turkey, being of a Pyramidal Figure, hath its Blade covered with a white. Membrane, and is patted from the Root by an Inci- tied with a final] Circle, pafling between many Protuberancies, and the mid. fure, fringed with a double Row of fmall indented Procelies 9 and its Root dle of the Toiigue is garnilhed with many folds of Annular Figure, runni between the Prominencies : The lali and middle part, is alfo furnifhed wiii'i two ranks of Folds, fpringing out of the fiuall Circles (feared between the Prominencies) and pafling in a firaight Line. is of a reddifh Colour, and of a more [oft glandulous fubfiance, then the The Tongue of a Chameleon, is as long as his whole Body, and is Cori- ttaé‘ted in his Mouth into divers Annular Folds, and can extend his Tongue in a moment, and girk it out of his Mouth a great length to take Flies ( which are his Prey) by his Tongue, as befineared with a 'Vil'cid Matter (deftilling out of the Glandulous fiibftancc of the Tonoue) in which the flies are cultured, as in Bird-Lime : The Tongue of thiiAnimal is hollow in its Origen,~ and near the Roots of it‘, of a Spungy, Camous or rather Glandulous iubf'tanc‘e, covered with a clammy Matter; and ihrough its middle palfetii .i Cord (which this Animal can Contract and Extend at plcafure With great nimblenefs) which is inferred into the tip of the Tomcat. Blade. The Tongue of an Eagle, being three tranfverfe Fingers long, and one The Tpngac broad, and being fomewhat Concave, was befet on each fide about the $32.35;; middle, with a pair of Teeth, refembling in hardnefs and fharpnefs thofe ggfxgvg‘;c:m. of Filli, and with a whole Rank of fmaller Teeth (guarding the upper furiace of the Tongue) {et in a Semilunary Figure, and bending toward the Throat, to give a check to the return of the Aliment received into the Mouth; and the {ides of the Tongue are garnilhed with divers Minute Glands, furnilhed with Holes, which are the terminations of the Excretory Ducts, through which deftilleth a thin Liquor, fomewhat refembling Spittle. Some Fifh have no Tongues, but are endued with foft Palates, iiipplying figmrgsgg‘f' their Defect; which [earned @ndeletiw calleth Fleihy: But indeed, are galvcdthlcir Glandulous, as being Compofitions of many {mall Glands ; WhiCh is VCry which" The Tongue of :1 Swan is thin, and finaller in its Oriaen of a Semiciit‘u- eminent in the Palate-s of Tenches, Breams, and Carps, and in other Fifh >}Ti4.£z.:t:- larJFigute +, modelled according to the fhape of the DBeak in which it is longed 5 and after a {mall (pace, the tip of the Tongue groiveth fomewhat defiitute of Tongues. Other Fiih have Tongues, as all Ceteceous kinds, as Dolphins, which have broad and {hort Tongues: And according to Giondeletim, have a free« dom to difplay themlees up and down. A Porpcls, is allo a Cetaceous kind, having a flelhy Tongue ( befet with Salival Glands) fringed with divers Indenrments about its Margents, and is falhied to the lower region of the Month. broader and thicker, and is adorned with a Fringe ( for fome {pace} wrought With numerous Membranous Filaments 1*, and is afterward beautificd on i 1eachdfielc ton/Std the end of the Blade, with divers indented Proceffes 1': 1:36:13::tlilehrgalgegugdogiplllzttg‘ll an their Extreamities, ‘confilting oi: divers the Ton uc inroe 1 a e 'f- runneth in the middle, divrdlng the {d g . ‘ qua parts, and hath pornted Proceffes 1- feared on each i enof thle‘ Fiflures, which [conceive to be Glands. e w rite termination of the Ton ue is more th' ' . Egt,"§:1}:ltifi-cogpofed fof two Glands 2T) ,and beyondlciis tilieringe: fftrtii‘l; in ows oareptoligtfidglzhommenctes ‘ ‘ ‘ 1‘, fer . one above another, 0f wliiclh'!(,1: upperinofi ie oot of the Tongue, confifieth of two Divifions and iscom ofed Eff: gfeclandulous fubi'tance, covered with a thin Membrane 2115 the t. lelfion, ‘or Story +, is the broadefl, and Ihortefi, and moi} full‘ of giftirbiicefmceflfij encloling the beginning of the {econd Apartiment min E": Esprit? is Murcuiar. The Semicircles belonging to the Mouth of a Gurnet, being parted in "kph,"- the middle, are compofed of a Bony fubfiance, and furnilhed with many {mall Teeth, which do adjoyn to the Tongue, in the Arterior part of the Mouth, which is encircled by it : Thefe bending Confines, have fome fem- blance with the under Lip 1', both in fhape, and as capable of Motion up HUI?" and down, and is dilcriminated from the under Lip of Man ( which is Fleih)' and Glandulous) as it is of a Bony fubftance, befet with Teeth. Between the under Lip 1-, and the tip of the Tongue, is lodged a Glana whiff;- ,2 gulous Body, made up of fmall Glands, covered with a thin Membranous ‘ . oat. Ooo The if"; 33$: ismovca'ule. Th6: |