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Show The ‘I'ar/Jologic 0/ the ‘TeeI/J. Part II, Part ll. it not been prevented by the Dexterous Hand of a Sltilfiil Chyrnrchn, Cutting, and Burning, the fpungy Bone. _ (mg-,- Difiiflletions are incident to the Teeth, wherein they are fomc. "mt,r1.per-abundant, and other times detective in number: Of which Slim[yr/r {Ii‘ieth an lnliance in his Obfcrru. 381. of a Cdl‘dllul; who had only Tm fix Teeth, whereas according to the ordinary courle of Nature, earl) jaw {lwiild be bell-t with Sixteen Teeth, placed in elegant order, and litl‘y mnioiaed to each other for the greater advantage of Maflication. Tm," "an 11"}, are mine'tiincs exeellive in number, out-doing the rule of Nature: C H A P. IV° 0/- the TAM; of the Tact/9., ‘I-le Pain of the Teeth, by fome, is rather made an object of Laugh~ A4; Learned Mir/Am inflanceth in a young Man, in whom be low the fore ter, then (lompafiion', but in truth, it much deferveth our pity Teeth doubled ; and the Daughter of King AllllJrM/ilfflf, "‘33 furnilhed with a double row of Teeth. And (‘Ululflblu‘ ipealteth otihis Son Pbttbm, that had a treble Rank of Teeth. Sometimes Performs have been found wholly deltitute of Teeth, and inflead of them, have had one entire Bone encompgfling the Mandible; as hath been oblerved in Erypbeur, and lirypIo/cmur of Lypmr, and in Prufiur, Son of the King of (Prujfiir, who had no diliinét Teeth, but one confined Bone, filpplying the defect ol' numerous Teeth. Animjshm Other Animals far exceed Man, in number and rows of Teeth: Ser- and help, as it is often productive of great Agonies, giving a high I)Iic01npofute to the Delicate, and choice 2con0my, relating to the' curious its? "‘"um' I ‘ frame of our Body, by taking aWay its Quiet and Repofe. for its feat, . the Nervous and Membranous Thqpain 9t _ The Pain of the Teeth hath . . lay no claim, as being wholl deflitutc of Senfe. ;::;;llil5d;il;ilr; The Antecedent Canto 0? pain relating to the Teeth, are ill Humours,con~ lined within the Veliels at form: dif'tance from the Teeth; whereupon the :7! 10:5,?" pents have a double row, and‘an India/z Bealt a treble row : And the Mouths H" of Fill], do far tranlccnd thole of Bruits, in various fets of'Teeth 5 l_.aiu~ Pain is then only in q'qfle, and in Aflu fignam, before the depraved Vital and Nutrieious Liquor arrive the parts afi‘eéted, the Nerves and Membranes preys have Four, Dolphins Nine ranks, and Pikes have their Mandibles, oil the Teeth. The Continent Caule of this DilEafe, proceedeth either from a grofs~ iTz-r- Fm- Palate 1-, and Tongues 'l-, accommodated with numerous Teeth, and the [etth is Filaments, as they are the fubyeéts of Senfation, to which the Bony part can ma in NCra nel}, quantity, or quality of the Blood, or Sumu Nutririm, affeéting the lh's'lig'i' Crabs haxe their Stomachs drelied with them. And Teeth are not only extravagant in Number, but irregular too in chl: Situation, Shape, and Size, not obletving the Symmetry, Proportion, and iiiig, Magnitude, inltituted by Nature, when the fore Teeth of the upper do not lint thole ol the lower Mandible; and the Eye, and greatTeeth above, by the External Carotide Arterial Branches into the Membranes ( encircling the outward Surface, and inward Cavity of the Teeth ) doth obltruél: Emmi?" do not hold a perfect Analogy, in order, figure, and greatnefs with [hole below, whereupon the Teeth of each Jaw not exactly anlwering eachothcr, king :1 Solution of the Unity of parts (integrating the Coats, both enwrap- Cdlfllgcanlihinin cannot be fit Coadiutors in reference to a due comminution of Aliments. A Laxity of A troublefome diforder happens to the Teeth, in relation to their Laxi- jgjf'gg'fiffig ty and Shedding, when they are not firmly fanned to the Mandibles, which giffi'jfnaffm proceed either from the difproportion between the Cavities of the laws, theTrcLh, uhith is cau- and the Roots of the Teeth, when they are not exactly fitted to each (ed by {harp other, or when the Gooms are not well cloled to the fiirface of the Teeth, anlmtllu- mum, cauled in the Scorbute, and Venereal Dillempers; by (harp, falt, and Ma- lignant Humours, eating away the fubftanec of the Gooms, and the Ligaments, and Roots of the Teeth, whereupon they either grow Loofe, or flip out of their Sockets. fiiilfiilliiiia pct-tarsus, In order to Cure the Laxity, and Shedding of the Teeth, Antifcorbutick, and Antivcnereal Medicines, are to be advifed; as Decoé‘tion of LiFnum Eirlli'cziiiglilc Sanctum, Sarfa Parilla, China, with the Tops of Pine and Fit, infill tdin boring, of them: Asalfo Cleanfing, Aftringent, and Drying Medicines, Adminilh‘ed ‘l‘cm‘h- in the form of Powders; and allo Gargarifms, to take away the Foulnefis, adhering to the l‘urfacc of the Teeth and Gooms, and to fatten them to their proper Repolitories. Nerves or Membranes belonging to the Teeth. The Blood being very thick, or tranfinitted in too large a proportion, the Intetllices of the Membranous Filaments, and caufe great pain, by ma- ii Mcbranous ping, the middle and roots, and infide of the Teeth) by ievering the ten- "mum" der Filaments one from another, productive of painful dilorder. The Blood alfo is incumbred with Heterogeneous, Saline, and Acid Par- friliiiaillgur ticles, whence arifeth a great Fermentation of the Vital Liquor, which Orin: Blood: being impelled by the l'ullittion of the Heart, through the Carotide Arte- 13:33:33? ries, into the empty Spaces of the Membranes ( enclolmg the Ambient and inward parts of the Teeth ) doth produce fad dolor‘ous effects. Another Continent Caule of this troublefome Difeafe, illueth from a {harp Effigy"; vaporous Mats of Blood ( allbciated with Flatulency) which being con- SETSESTFC \‘eyed by the Carotidcs to the narrow Spaces of the tender Coats, immu~ "[ccpth, ‘ ring, the Exterior and Interior parts of the Teeth, doth by its flatulent Elalliclt Particles, produce (booting afllié‘tive Pains, putting the Patient into an Agony. A Continent Caule alfo of this high Difcornpofur'e, may arife from [harp fliail'ziiilii: and Acid Particles, dililli‘eéling the Sumo" Nutritiur; which being tranl: of "1517;"; mitted from the Brain, by the mediation of Nerves into the Membranes, tigudircglmgorb (appertaining to the Teeth) conllituted of numerous Minute Fibres, which $21153?" being of an acute Senle, are highly incenfcd by the angry Particles of an ill Nervous Liquor, (peaking,r a great torture to the aflliéted Patient. _ Infants- not come to Maturity, being endued With a. . melt . tender ~ fi'ame, . mam-"mm . _ tortured in and an Impatient Temper, are highly difcompofed With Pam ll‘l breeding B;:::;°;;o_. their Teeth ( in which they alarm their Nurfes and Attendants wrth impor- gm Frivm' onvu 10M, Innate Crying) whereupon many fad Dileal‘es do accompany the pain of mantra: Demition, |