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Show 178 Of Wind the ground of a fiimpmzitzln Chap. XXIX; Aninliance of A510 the iiri't Cafe of a Bafiai'd Tympmlitit, this Infiance may be given 13:32:? ofa Maid, by name "7/11/11,, living a Sedentary Life, and eating all mannet of Cooling Diet, fell into a great Swelling of the Belly, which being opened after Death, a great quantity of yellow \Vater flowed out of he; Stomach, and her Inteilines were firangely puffed up w;th a large proportion of Wind. V ‘ Aninflanccof A fecond Infiancc may be propounded of a true Umpflflima_a Tumour Chap. X X X. to open the Compage of the Meat and Drink, and hinder the production of a Flatus in the Stomach and Inteiiines. As to the Vital Indication in this Difeafe, Tefiaceous Powders of Crab! Eyes and Claws, Coral7 Egg-fliells, and Shells of Fiih powdered, may be talten in a large Cordial draught of Centaury Water, Carduus, Compound Gentian, Doé'tor Step/1cm his VVater, and the like, agluuc‘rimrr- proceeding from fimple Wind, feared to the Abdomen of a Maid, afflicted m" with a FCVCI‘, giving her a fatal firoak : And afterward an Incrfion being made into her fwelled Belly, nothing of watry Recrementsappeared, but . only a hiding7 proceeding from a great quantity of Wind. . The third Cafe of a Tympanitir, which is more ordinary, is produced by C H A P. X XX. friiiii‘fiiiiilf Wind, accompanied with warty Humours, lodged in the lower Venter of 3.2323122" which an Example may be offered of a young Lady, the Wife of an Artii't, {l‘lniioiicmm about Twenty Years of Age, who never had her Menftrua; and having vanish-5W 0f the Omentum, or 0m], been long afiliéted with an Intermittent Fever, often complained of a pain lillil‘chm. in her Side, being oppreflbd with frequent V omitings and Beltchings, which troublefome Life: And after Dtath an Apertion being made into the Bel- He Caul lodged between the Rim of the Belly and the Intefiines, in~ vefteth the latter as with a Garment, in which many Confiderables ly, a great quanty of Wind and Factide Humours, were difcerned to be lodged between the Rim of the Belly' and the Intefiines. offer themfelves, the Situation , Connexion, Surfaces, Magnitude, Figure, Subfiance, and Structure of it. The Cure of this Difeafe, is performed by fatisfying three Indications: The Curative, Prefervative, and Vital. The firft relating to the taking away the Continent Caufe, immediately are feared in each fide one, between which the Veffcls and Fat have their Ziortigbcaiii: ended in a fwelled Belly, fpeaking .1 Prologue to the fad Scenes of her progluélive of the Difeafe, doth denote brisk Purgatives, mixed with opening Medicines, frequent Carminative Clyi'ters, prepared with Venice Turpen- As to is Situation and Connexion, its Membranes being two in number, T13; é""""?"~ Allodgments: And the Membranes being taken in other Habitudes, may receive various Denominations, of Superiour, Inferiour, Anterior, Polterior, Exterior, Interior. That which is Superior in Men, is called Inferior in Bruits, as being lodged under the upper Membrane; and the Supe« tine, diilolved with the Yolk of an Egg: 5 and other Clyfters prepared with the infuiion of Stone-Horfe Dung, or Urine, mingled with Emollient, Dif- riot in a Humane Body, is fo named improperly, becaufe it doth not tran- cutient, and gentle Catharticks. fcend the other in hight. the "in; not I conceive, Bleeding is not f0 proper in a Dmprtnitir, becaufe the Patiiiiilhiiii: ent feldom labourerh with a Plethora, which truly indicateth a Vein to be But we will fit down with the Ancient and Mo- dern Anatomifts, not difputing their Terms, which Cuflome hath rendred Aurhentick, and eafie for Difiiné‘tion, Ufc being the great Mailer and Ar- opened; but with a Cachexy, which indicates Purging, Alterative and Diuretick Medicines, very proper as mixed with Antilcorbuticks 3 as Bay-berries, Juniper-berries, the Chips of Orenges, Limons, and Citrons, the tops of Pine and Fit, Garden Scorby-Grafs, Watercreiies, Brooklime, diililled in Mumm, or Whey, and White-wine, to which Millepedes may be ad- bitrator of Language ded ( as very powerful in this Difeafe) which may be alfo given bruifed, that part of it in which fomewhat of the Liver is lodged, from hence bend: 311°th and infufed in White-wine. 3:355:32? Top‘icks are often applied with good fiiccefs, after Univerfals have been pizvilflicvccnrms Adininifired; asfflaiilzers of Soap, and Red Lead, and Emollient and Difmmim cutient Fomentanons, prepared With Lixivral Salts, Sulphur, (9%. And after the Fomcntation hath been celebrated, Cow-dung may be applied as a Cataplafm. The fecond Indication being Prefervarive, bath a reference to the Antecedent, and more remote caufesof a DmpMin‘r, which denoteth bitter De- coétions, Purging away the grofs Humours of the Stomach, and IntefltinCS, The Omcnz'um is compofed of divers Membranes,as f0 many Leaves or Wings (enwrapped within each other) as they are phrafed by Aquapendeme, Spigc/lim, and others. The upper Leaf of the Caul is extended from the right Hypoconder, to The upper ing toward the firft IntePrine, the right Orifice, and bottom of the Ventricle, and Suture of the Splene, to which it is moil: firmly affixed; and again it paffeth from the Splene toward the Back, Where it altereth its Appellative, and is named the Inferior, or Pofieriot Leaf of the Can], and then taking its courfe toward the right Hypoconder, is fafined in its progrefs to the Back, and then hath its rccourfe to the Liver, where it is invefled with a portion of the Caul, which is continued to the origen of the Anterior Leaf; and f0 we have Treated of the Whole Circuit of the Anterior VVall of the Caul. And proper Alteratives may The hinder VVall, or Membrane of the Can], immediately after its fitfi Th, hinder be nil-d, as Bitter and Difcutient Medicines, which expel Wind, and reéti- rife, tending downward toward the Pancreas, is thence extended toward Ljfimh‘ tie the Ferments of the rtomach, and correEt its Tone, by taking Medicines the firft Inteftine, and then defcendeth from the l'ancreas: And its lower Membrane is fai'tned to the Colon, encircling all that part of it, which is Which vitiate the Concoéiion of the Aliment. both inwardly and outwardly, that firengthen the Fibres of the Ventricle; and alfo Chalybeats may be properly advifed in this cafe, which refine the Mafs of Blood, and Sums: Nutricim, and make laudable Ferments in order to lodged under the Bafe of the Stomach, performing the office of the Mefen- tcry to it, by keeping it tight and firm in its own Ration, as alfo the uppeé an ‘ |