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Show Chap.~ XX 0f the Flying of ‘Birdr; i 119? and deprelllon of the Wing, produced by the Abduélors, and Adduétors, the Scapular and Peé‘toral Mufcles. And in order to the motion of the Wing, it is firft fireched out and ex- $32731ng CHAP. XX; panded by the Tenfors of the Cubit, which do begin with flefhy Origens, Tcnfors. near the lower region of the Shoulder Bone, relating to the head of it, and 0f the Flying of birth. do take their Progrefs along the upper fide of the 04' Humeri, and are inferred with fmall flelhy Terminations, into the beginning, of the greater Bone of the Cubit, and being Contracted, do firaighten the Cubir of the Aving Treated of Mufcles in a common Notice, and more particu. larly of thofe of the Belly, and of Progreflive Motion, performed by the Flexors and Tenfors of the Thighs, Legs, and Feet : Iwill now take the freedom with your Permiflion, to [peak of another kind of Progreliive Motion celebrated in Birds, by the aflifiance of Wings (which in reference to their great excellency, are very flgnificant in a Figurative Senfe) as they are afligned to divers ends and purpofes. (_,,._ Many noble Creatures, and thofe of the firll Order of Entity, the Hea3:??ch i venly Holt of holy Angels, our Guardians, are Painted with \Nings. And $3531: 3" infpired Bowler] was ordered by God himfelf, to Carve the Cherubims with Firm" Wings, over-{hadowing the Mercy Seat And the molt glorious Angel of the everlafling Covenant, the Sun of Righteoufliefs, arifeth With Healing in his Wings. And one of God's greatell Attributes, his everlal'ting Pro- Win Tlgie Tenfors of the fecond Joint of the Pinion , or lall: Bone of the Wing, are two Seminervous Mufcles, which take their rife with flelhy Originations, near the beginning of the lower Bone of the Cubit, and be- ing carried all along the upper fide of it, do terminate in oblong roundilh Tendons, inferred into the beginning of the third Bone of the Wing; thefe Mufcles being Contraéted, do extend the fecond Joint of the Pinion, and the third of the Wing. The Flexors of the fecond Joint of the Wing, have flelhy Originations ticxgrscan; (running under the Pea'oral Mufcles) near the head of the 0x Htwleri, "533,25" and run along the lower Region of it, and terminate‘ with round Tenn dons inferted into the inlide of the greater Bone of the Cubic near its head, and being Contraéted, do make a Flexure of the Cubi‘t of the Wing. The Flexors of the third Joint of the Wing, ar‘ife with fleihy Origina- 5:335:32; Flying Fin-r vidence, was defcribed by the Kingly Prophet, under the notion of a Shadow, proceeding from the Covert of his Wings, which fpeaketh the great and gracious Proteétion of the Sons of Men. And this Heavenly Agent hath formed many Sublunary Creatures, adorned with Wings, which are of a fine Sttuéture, and wonderful to behold in difiei'ent Animals, as Serpents and Dragons, which fElizm, and others make mention of, to fly in 153 pt. rPliny giveth an account out of Niger (if he may be Credited) that infide of it, and are inferred with long round Tendons into the beginning ‘ e '15' of the Ial‘t Bone 5 thefe Nqucles being Contraéted,do make a Flexure of the third Joint of the Wing. The Peéloral Mufcles, or the Adduétors, do take their rife in two flelhy' Points, near the termination of the ‘broad arched Bone (encircling the Vifcera and Inteflines) to which they are affixed all along their Progrels, l'iciiloril).dm fuch a multitude of Fifh, called Lalzgz'ner by the Latiner, flew out of the and do make the flefhy part of the Breall, and at lafl: climbing over the Sea, and relied upon a Ship and funk it. But to leave this pleafant Author: The more fober Ancients do mention in Hil'tory, a Sea Swallow, a Shoulder Bone, between the Tenfors and Flexors of the Cubit, do infer: tlECmelVCS into the upper Region of the 0: Humeri, not far from the head 0 it Thefe are the greatel't Mufcles ufed in the Flying of Birds, upon which Thinddudors Hawk, and a Filh not unlike a Herring, which have been feen by Seamen ( in their Voyage to dmerim) to Fly, which I apprehend to be performed by the help of Membranous Wings, not unlike thofe of Bats: And other Fiill and Serpents are drelfed with Wings, made of more thin and dry Coats And above all Creatures, which are embellilhed with proper Wings, Birds. are the molt excellent, both for Ftrrrqure, and Service, as being Beautiful Birds," Frames, made up outwardly of differ-tn: Feathers, full of various Colours, :iiifigidiis, and of feveral Sizes andShapes‘, and are compode more inwardly of Mem21:11:,3nd ' branous Mufcles, and divers hnall oblong Bones, as Integrals, imparting llrength and motion to the Wings of Birds, which beino anterior fine limbs, do hold great analogy with the fArms of Humane Eodies, as they confill of Coats, Carnous Fibres, and many Bones, rarely fittedin Joints. Thefe curious Engines of Motion, have a double pollute of Expanfion and Contraétion: The firft is the Wing, liraightned and enlaroed, performed by various Tenfors, fixed to divers Bones, in order to Mbotion: And latter pofition, is the Wing, contraéled by divers Flexures and {hortned into different folds, in reference to its Repofe, when freed frdm Aétion. The motion of the Wing in Flying, is celebrated by various Mukles, , making divers Tenfions, of the Cubit and lafl; Bone, and by the elevation and tions about the head of the greater Bone of the Cubit, and pafs along the tgirdwfigyc of the motion of the Wing doth chiefly depend, and being Contraéted, do pull Edeltflfrlziaelitv the expanded Wings downward, and fomewhar backward. The Mufculi Scapularct, or Abduétors of the Wing, have their fmall Carnous Origens, near the points of the Scapula, and grow broader, as . . _ they are carried along the Surface of it, and have flelhy Terminations ( running under the Tenfors of the Cubit ) inferred into the lower region of the (Jr Hmmri, near the head of it; Thefe Mufcles being Contraéted, do lift up the Wings, inclining them a little backward. So that the Wings being expanded by the help of the Tenfors, and the various ranks of Feathers, being difplayed to a great Circumference, they have the advantage of being boied up by a large body of Air, underpropping the Bodies of Birds, clothed with light Integuments, eafily floating in the fluid Air, which is highly follicited by the repeated firoaks of the opened Wings ( caufed by the Tenfors) accompanying them and their adjacent Bodies, whereupon frequent Impulfes puih them forward Prep by Rep, till they arrive the ends of their intended Voyages; which may be truly fo {tin led, becaufe Birds feem to Swim in the Air, by the frequent motion of their Wings, as by a pair of Oars, making frequent firoaks by the help of the Addut'iors ffi,‘;‘;fl‘:gf WinsiTl" "31'1"" otAddutlors arcmuchlers Eigviigirtshgr WWW" " |