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Show ‘T/Jc Hlfl'wy of the Alla/clan Chap. XIII. f tion, where they are inferred into the Skin, which I have often feeu, when the thin hath been parted from the Body, by‘a gentle and dexterous Hand. learned Stem) hath made the fame Oblervation of the Ligameuts in 2! he 9. .ts Skait, fpringing from the common membrane of the Mufcles, which i, e "rm," ""101 W § m (it ""l ° 512-" of a mw I verb in his Epillle to Fifi), in a Dilleetion of a Skait. Al) zizcumbentzlim AbCutem flpamir ' «ii in Cmem , ant L zltem j1026? a," zpfir i ' " i , mflmtam domnzz if ' ' Elm/culls" (Illcfdrlfii Fibre, ut magnum fe. tendinoflc ahcimrcr m (mi arfi'ifllmc Membrnna [midi (Iiflfrulrarcm manibm pariimt, fie Ocular mm exigiw rcrreant obleélamento 3 tranfmrfi) 7mm 'Duflu [e alternatim fecante, q'ult'berrimum (ozrfia'zmt Plenum, ml. f2 mavir, relrmz illi mm abfimilcm, (11mm in telir mm ufqm: aden fibril; rexmm Compofitir detesmit Microfcopia, ad latent feflionem longiur, aromatiuflzut [i [autumn/grit etiam inter (amt/fa: Filmu, Tending/ax alidr ad CuIem afrcnderc notabir. I will not Tranflate, but give a lhort account of this Learned Authors fcnfe (by way of I'araphrafe) upon the Difleé'tion of a Skait, in which he difcovered a Membrane overfpreading the Abdominal Mufcles, clofely affixed to the Skin, to which divers Tendinous Fibres were conjoyned, in- terfeé'ting each other ( in their pallage to it) in a molt elegant manner, after a kind of Network (as I conceive) which was pleafant to behold; and upon an accurate Dilleétion continued to the Iides, this excellent Au- CI . X III. up 7796 Iii/lazy bf the MMfi‘lL'Ia 81 and Strufiure as integrated of Mulcles m- metal Conception of their various Figures, fgltfidpzflcfflfifd ' Solid and Fluid parts. The variety of mufcular Compages, are not only Inceguments of the Ab Pms‘ domcn,but alfo of the whole Trunk,arid Limbs; and Within the {oft inclofures of Flelh, the feveral Apartiments of the Body are immured and thefe nu- merous Mufcles framed, l'tiled Flelh in a common apprehenfioh, are not 'only the Clothing, but Food too of our Bodies, which being moft delicate in E"£§l""d' "highly fed? are very exc‘Sllent in great variety in our Nation Flelh ofél! and eminent only in one or two kinds in Other Countries; the Veal of Ital}:J7 iiiifnliiyri; ' and the Kid of Rome, the Mutton of Spain, the Beef of Hungary but all ""1'""‘~'b"" forts of Flelh'are very choice in England: As Fat Beef, Muttdn Veal gainivm" Lamb, Venifon, and all kinds of Fowl, Pullers, Turkeys, Pea-berth, Par: counim' triges , Pheafants , Woodcocks , Teal, Plover, mlails, Godwits, Ruffs Rieves, Snipes, and above all, Fat Chicken 5 which are found only where tht; high/l) Inhabit. And the Mufcular parts of Filh are very white and delicious, and very choice and plentiful in our Country; as Carps, Tench, Gudgeons Pikes Pearch, Truts, Lampreys, Sturgeon, Gurnet,Turbet, Bafe, Mullet,,Smelts) Lobl'ters, Prawns, Shrimps, Crayfilh, Oilters, and many other excellent Fiflimmv ilgfiniiic :Yoinu mirth". ‘ ' Filh (which would beinfinite to recount) in which the Mufcles are plainly difcernable: If you cut a Cod through the Body crofsways, wherein you may m‘ ""5"" difcover many ranks of Mufcles, lodged one within another, and are eafily Elulclgsfgcd thor did obferve many Carnous Fibres, allociating with the Tendinous, making their progrefs to the Skin: And, as I apprehend, this Membrane doth diltinguilhed by their proper white Membranes, invel'ting each Mufcle, aligniliimarid not only inveft the Abdominal Mufcles, but all others relating to the Body .whichh being .' . fl [1cut of a Skait, and of all other large Filh', and from this large Membrane, many Tendinous in confazderacy with Nervous Fibres, do climb up to the Skin, ing ttFfl (11 eStu, iy parts, Sand running "W Mml C d in various d . mxanders J plainly vifible in branes,as pros grea i i, igeon, a mon, o , an the like. Pchoms And becaufe the People of our Nation do mol't freely Indulge themfelves, and court their Appetites to excefs, in eating various kinds of fat Flelh at one time, as of Bruits, Fowl, and Filli; which may give us the advantage of reflecting upon our Errors, in the Glafs of our Punilhment, in confidering our great Difcompofures, caufed by our over-free draughts of generous Liquors, and luxurious Diet, producing an indigefied Chyle and grofs Blood, which eafily degenerate, and by making an unnatural Fermentation, do propagate as many Difeafcs, as we have different forts of Flelh. Emmi" (‘1‘, 93‘ , , . - ~ And fortie Difeales are more Endeinial, and peculiar to our Nation, as thauirdiiigi: Hypocondriacal, Goutilh, and Scorbutick Difiempers; the fad Confequents, do Pmmd of our over freel Careflin our felves in various d i ‘ 3&1??? Flelli, and great Bhwls of Bag'ccus crowned to the Brim. Cllcates 0f hlgh {Cd aim" or 1 And now I bgg your pardon forlthis Digreflion, which is not altogether Pop]! and ijh. ‘ ‘ ' of ' Bruits, it em g in y aim , to in ertinent, teat of Comparate Anatomy to fix it firmly in its due Situation. The third ufe of this diffulive Tunicle, is to cover the Mufcles, as with a Garment, and by emitting divers Ligaments into them, to conferve them right in their proper places, lefl they {hould be extended beyond their natural Sphaeres of Activity; whereupon they may bereave themfelves of their due motion, when their Carnous and Tendinous Fibres are difiended, or vio«- lently firetched beyond their native limits. C HAP. XIII. ‘T/ie Hi/lor} of t/ac Mil/c165, Mechanically dg'cribing tranfverfely, appear "MM" ~ _ like f0 . many crooked Lines interlard- tilted by their Arid now I addrefs my felf to the more excellent Mufcles of Humane Bo- their Figures and Integral Tam. dies, which if they be raifed by a curious Hand in Diffeélion, they will endear our Eyes,with different Schemes,adorned with elegant Figurespfvarious Ihapes ~ I» Aving meanly entertained you with a fight of the common Integu- and Sizes; fome great, fome little, fome round, asthe Rotundus major and Ema/[£31139 ments, as ['0 many Vefis of the Body, which being uncafed, the minor, the depreflbrs of the Scapula, and others Trianoular, as the Mufcu- litigitt‘iiifiii." 1m Triangularir, the Elevator of the fitll: Rib, and the gcalenm" the Flexor §"";-f:d‘i, of the Neck, and the oblique defcendent, and afcendent and tranfverfe agl , Mufcles of the Belly, and fame Pyramidal, the Pyramidal Mufcles of the Mufcles prefent themfelves, as the melt bulky and confiderable part of the Body, by imparting to it a greater Circumference and Dimenfions, and rendring it ufeful, plump, and graceful. Although it be my chief intention to give you a Hillary of the Mufcles of the Abdomen ( in my paffage to the inward Recefl'es of the lowelt Apartiment) and thofe of the lower Limbs, in order to Progreflive motion, yet by the way, as Ambulatory to it, Iwillgive you a view of the Mufcles in a gene Abdomen, fome quadrangular Ihort Mufcles, the pronators of the Arms, and alfo the (liadrati, tenfors of the Loins; the Rhomboides the depreffot 0f the scapula, or rather by which it is fafihcd to the Thorax, and Trapezn, |