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Show -..u__ Chap. X I. ., 7'3- 0/" the Cure of the rear. and grofs ill-breWed Ale, and "fine not fine, and upon the fret, and linall crab Wines, full of Tartar 5 and we muft all be very careful, that our Meat CHAP. and Drink be not prepared with Mineral \Vaters, which do infect the Mal} X. of Blood, with bad Elements apt to Concrete. In relation to more intimate Caufes, the impure Recrements of the Blood, Tl'iSDfr‘""° and Nervous liquor, dcbalcd with Tartar, and grofs Sulphureous parts, 3235333? Of the Cure of a Cutaneous ‘Dz'feafi', t/Je Lepro' fie (f the Greeks. Cathartick Medicines are to be Adminil‘trcd, which purge off the ferous parts giffiliiiicf: He Leprofie of the Grecian: is a degree of a true Leprofic ( not come I to aheight) and is produced by great corifaederacy of fixed Saline7 and fierce Sulphureous Particles, highly exalted; whereupon the Mafs of Blood being very much depraved, and unealie to the Noble parts, is tranf~ with Sarfaparilla and China, which may be taken with Chalybcate prepara- 521,11ij tions, made either in form of an Eleétuary, or Syrupe, and alfo Purging and Diuretick Minerals, are of great ufe in this Leprous DiIleper, to take of? the acide faline Particles of the Blood, and reitore it to its former mitted from the greater Arterial branches, and fmaller Capillaries into the A "MR,. fubf'tance of the Cutaneous Glands (the Interl'tices of the Vellels) \Vl'lere Purity. E‘Jfiggfiifi the acide faline Particles, are fecemed from the Mals of Blood, and thrown If this Leprofie ariveth to {0 great height, as to infeét a main part of the Blood, and Nervous Liquor, with corrupt Heterogeneous Particles, and 13a Rabbi of? by the Excretory Ducts into the confines of the Body, to which it con- b‘m' A rcpmfzc gets-Eh, and adhereth as to an outward Wall, like concreted Tartar of Wine, to the {ides of the Hoglhead, This Difeafe is generated oftentimes by ill Diet of Flefh, highly lalted, figfiii‘ifi and dried in the Sun or Smoak, or from the free Cups of {mall and acide grols Tartar, degenerating into a venenate nature, imparted to the Purple Liquor, impelled by the Arterial Branches and Capillaries, into the Cutaneous Glands, and by their Excretories, into the furface of the Body, incru- Red with a whitifh Scuiti‘and Scales; it is not to be Eradicated without Riftfifrféfin Wines, which are impratgnated with much Tartar; or from the eating of Purging Medicines, and {ornttimes with Mercurial, and other times with iiiigciunriaind rhgéggfgh Hogs-Hefh ill fed, and nafiily kept, lying in their own Exerements Antimonial Preparations, backed with Apozems of China, Sarlaparilla, Saf- W‘WUW lafras \iper \Nine, to‘ l‘weeten the Blood, and difcharge the Mineral Ad- giiiCdDrvxvn‘ili with- iiigcfgrc; out frequent change of clean Straw, which rendreth the Flelh foul and unfl‘mwh' . _ . . . . _ of china arid wholefome. This feurfy difaffeé'tion of the Skin, all‘o taketh its rife from eating much miniflranons, which canrot be effir‘ied Without turgauves in Decoélxons Sarfa.areve- of Sarfa and China, and with Qudorifick Medicines. $532? flimy and great Filh, which is familiar to them, that live upon the Sea-Coalr, as treating theml‘elves with well grown Fifh which. being of a vifcide nature, do fpoil the Blood, by making it full of grofs Recrements, and faline Particles, as living in r‘alt Water, which uecelrarily impraegnate their Blood And thereby the Blood difaft‘eéled with Leprous Ferments , confilting in a Malignant nature, is defiecated from acide faline parts, fevered in the Cutaneous Glands, and thence conveyed into the Skin; whereupon it is with the fame difpofitions -, (0 that Filh being eaten in too great Proportions, do produce grols Chyle in the Stomach, and afterwards a foul [vials of Blood, which is depurated in the Cutaneous Glands, and thence conveyed to the outward parts, where the Qkin is crufted over with concreted faline Particles ( (treined from the Vital Liquor) which being highly rubbed or fcratched, do fall off like Scabs. Thiéfiifiiific But this ugly Dil'temper doth not only proceed from ill Diet, but From Erdmyciierc- bad internal Elements of the Blood, confifiing of depraved Heterogeneous ffcindmsrfifiu. parts, often found in Venereal and Scorbutical Difeafes, which are founded We in Malignant Humours of a venenate nature, infecting the Blood; whereupon this Prognol'tick may be made, though it doth not threaten any eminent danger, as fpeedily cutting off the Thread of Life, yet it is hard to be Conquered, as being very flubborn, when deeply rooted, not giving way to the Adminifiration of powerful Medicines, f0 that the Acide, Saline, and Sulphureous Particles of the Blood being rendred more and more exalted (and the Patient being tired out with long Courfes of Phyfick) do degenerate into a perfeél Leprofie, which often proves an incurable Difeale. As to the Cure of it in reference to the prefervative Indication, which is fatisfied in the removal of the Caufes : The firfi is (Procataréiick, flowing from a gtofs flagnant Air ( produétive of the Scorby) which muf‘t be carefully exchanged for a‘free ferene Air: The other Caufe is an ill Diet, in which we muf't abf'tain from {alt Meats, either dried in the Sun or Smoak; and ' «main, of the Blood, which is allo to be leffened by opening a Vein. axl‘yggfim VVhev prepared with the tops of Pine and Firr, is a proper Medicine in A'Km‘mia‘l this Cafe; as alfo other Aritilcorbutical, and Diuretick Apozemes, mixed iii-liléiiiiisai‘i difguifed with a white dry Crufi, which doth indicate cleanfing and dry. ing Topicks (when Univerfals have been Adminiltted ) which confummate the Cure of a Leprolie. CHAP. XI. 0f the Membrana Adipofa (-vulgarb called Carnofa) of the Fat Membrane. HAving Delbribed the Cutitula and Cutir, the outward and inward Skin, the firf'c, the Scarfe Skin, being a thin white Vail, covereth the Whole Body with a fine Drefs, by which it is rendred Beautiful, courtlng the Spectator to Love and Admiration. The other more ufeful and warm Habit, the fat Membrane invefieth rs f M the noble frame of Mans Body, as with a thicker Robe, fafely to immure it braincaitsfi‘n Hgflmft cold blalts and Storms, lefi they fhould furprife the Vital flamE, and iilggiflilgcr: coudenlethe more thin and volatil parts of the Blood (floating in the Ambient :35??ng parts) rcndring> it more unfit for Life and Motion, X The |