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Show Of Fermentation. Chap. V, Chap, V; 0f Fermentation, 43 cling various Liquors, fomc Alimentary, others Recteiriental. F t r swim 0""""""l,‘:fi:, f f I iiiiiiiifllfiiiy mm" 3t beling ordered by a melt Prudent and Supream Power, that ipirituous an vo an! arts of the Blood, perpetually tranfpiring the fecret avenues of the Body ‘d \ fupp 1'ies~ o f a S M cm:. Nutrielm: < ‘ Plliould be lupported f fome dSo that _ by new partsbeing in the Bud and Bloiiome, and othersin Maturity, oaiterwai s droop and die. 1 be blood being aéted With contmuallnrefiine Motion,fome parts being brisk and young, others grown old and decayed, doth perpetually dilcliai‘gc its Fuliginous and Effxte Particles With the unfruitful Air, by a free nation. m" EXPThe Alimentary Juice being extraéled out of Meat in the Stomach, the "‘ "L, more grofs parts are fcccrned by a kind of Precipitation, and turned into the warm.""j n W. iii-iii‘fi'liiii ;*.x"1;r""‘"‘° m " lntcfiines, while the Nutricious Liquor is impelled through the Lafieal and Thoracic Dufis, into the Subclavian Veins, where it Is made an affocrate of the Blood, and afterward by feveral Comminutions and Steps, turned into its fubfiance by Aflimilation; while other gtoifer parts, which cannot be fnhdued, do quit the converfe of the Vital Liquor, as unfit for Life and Nourilhment. ‘ The Blood is compofed of difierent parts, fome Alimentary, and others ' Excrenientitious: The firfi are integrated of more matured and crude Parumtivii-Y titles: The laft are indigelied Chyle, not turned into Blood,'whofe better Silvia"; parts of a Chrifialine Liquor, and a red Craffament, whichCoagulates 'lheAlian- ( when Extravafared) thereby gaining a more folid Confifience, produced Thefe different Ferments (as I Conceive) are preparatory to a farther Sccmion work of Secretion, which is lafily and chiefly performed by Percolation, {$332323 celebrated in the divers aparriments, of the elegant Fabrick of Humane en‘. ' Body, by the mediation of numerous Minute Glands, feared in the Mem~ branes and Vifcera, as fo many Colatories, to deputate the Choice Liquors of the Body. V The Glands may admit a divifion into Conglobared, and Conglomerated, Redut‘iivc or more plainly into Reduéiive, and Excretory Glands: The firff having no agdedgmmu‘ Excretory Duéts, do only clarifie the Nervous Liquor, whofe Recrements are Gan 5' conveyed by Lymphatduéls and Veins, into the Mafs of Blood, to give it a Fermentative Ingeny. V V The Excretory Glands are chiefly fubfervient to the depuration of Liquors, Depurationof which being percolated in the fubfiance of the Glands, where the more re- 53,3532?" fined Particles are received into the Lymphzduél's, and Veins 5 and the more "‘6 6""45' Faeculent into the fmall extremities of the numerous Excretory Dufis, which difcharge themfelves into one common Channel. But the glands (being fecretory Organs) area great and {elect appa- Th, mmratus of numerous Veiiels, Arteries, Veins, Nerves, Lymphaeduéts, and foine- 335515;: times excretory Ducts, whofe extremities being of diferent Magnitudes, and fiftrrfifgcr' Figures are receptive of fuch Liquors only, as hold a conformity with them riiicosiaiici in fhapes and files, which is the greatel't, if not the only reafon of perco- "‘1 5‘" lation of alimentary, vital and nervous Liquors, whofe various minute par- iii‘iiiiaiiiifc by manifold Fibres 5 whofe more compaéled parts are diluted by Serous Li- ticles, as being fluid Bodies, do hold analogy with the diflErent bores of §;}$§;",fil",:" quot, and by the more thin watry Lympha, and above. all by the more fubtil fubl'iance of Air, aé'ted with noble asthereal Emanations, and more grofs 2W!" manifold Veflels. The Aliment being broken into fmall particles by maf'tication, is impreg- nated with Air, big with various fieams, and being protruded down the Gulet by the contraétion of its Mnfcles, into the cavity of the Stomach, there reeeiveth afarther concoction by Ferments, derived from the extremities of the capillary Arteries, and nervous Fibres inferred into the inmofl; Coats of the Stomach, in whofe empty fpace the Compage of the aliment is opened by the elaftic particles of Air; whereupon the alimentary Liquor is fevercd by a kind of precipitation from the groifir Facets, which are again exonerated into the intePcines, where it is advanced by the pancre- 03mm". Eflinxes, ifliiing out of the treble order of Sublunary Entities. Alimentary VVhereupon the Blood is compounded of Confiituent, and Extraneous,.0f ""‘fmc‘ :Etlél,:vl£f Alimentary, and Excreiiientitious, of Crude and Digefied Parts; which being confidered in their Primitive Eifence, are made up of. dil'fietent, Ele- Printiylcs- merits, fome of one kind, others of another: So that thefe various PrinCiples, confiituting the body of the Blood, are atgreat variance with each other; among which the more aftive, as being near akin in difpofition, go hand in hand to preferve each other, and to bring the difagreeing parts at enmity with them, to a greater likenefs, and conformity in temper, to efpoufe a more inti- mate union and agreement. Th: di‘Torm iiihiililti'lh: iggjjfl'ffl', Q‘H‘miiiliiiiéi. ntdiitvin it """CC'MM' ' And the mol‘t fiubbom, and different parts, that cannot be brought to a Compliance and Concord, by reafon of their difi‘brmity, and difagreeing nature, are thereupon jufily divorced from the fellowlhip of the Blood, by a Secretion made in the manifold Glandulous parts of the body The Vital Liquor being verfed in perpetual Motion, is impelled through various Channels, and fubfiance of the Body, wherein the Laétefcent Juice is imported by proper chfels, into the Mafs of Blood, where it fuficers many Comminutions and Efi'ervefcenees,caufed by divers F erments, by which it is Etigtgmi‘, made fit by feveral degrees for Ailimilation into Blood; whofe grofs part8 nitride/i are being uncapable to be advanced, as requilite for Life, are thrown off as (1233-2153 by uprofirable by Excrerory \‘eilels. 1""‘5' Secretion (being a feparation of the grofs parts, from the more pure) i9 accomplifhed by various Ferments of the acid and fetous parts of the Blood, Nervous Liquor and Air ( infpired with athereal and fublunary Emanations) railing Fermentation, by infinuaring themfelves into the inward ReceiTes 0 the Alimentary and Purple Liquor, \vhofe body being opened, the Recrements are thereby capacitated to be fevered from the more noble and ufeful Particles of Fermenting Subjeéis. Theft vi Thcprogrtfé fiififi°ugfff {viiidishpiiis ortiicisody. atick juyte, and nervous Liquor, dil'tilling out of the termination of the Nerves, implanted" into the inward tunicle of the Inteftines; and afterwards this improved alimentary juyce is impelled by the contraétion of the Dia~ phragme and the perii'taltic motion of the Guts into the laé'teous Veffels, terminaring into the fubfiance of the mifenteric Glands, Where it being percolated and advanced by the nervous Liquors exuding out of the ends of the Nerves, is admitted into the fecond for: of laétex, and thence conveyed through the common receptacle, into the thoracic Duets, and fubclavian Vef~ "mm, fels into the mafs of Blood, with which it entreth into confederacy‘, and paf- {5,132,355 feth into the Cava, and into the right Ventricle, where the nutricious juyce {flights liifl'ereth great comminutions againfl: the Walls of the Heart, caufed by brisk iirrsciiirciii Contractions, forcing it with the purple Liquor through the pulmonary Arte~ "mammon with the FY, into the body of the Lungs, where it is embodied with Air, enobled with :jtffiefiiifi': mhereal and lublunary Emanarions, much advancing with their fpirituous and $3332, fubtilDifpoiirions the ingeny of the Blood, and by enlargi ng its Compag e, doth fever the Lympha, carried into the extremities of the Lymphazduéts, and purify it by emitting the fnliginous reak, embodied with efliete Air, into the extremities of the bronchia, and greater branches of the afpem arterid, While the purer part of the percolated Liquor is received into the pulmonary . 3:31:04?" critiiaiiic {5,3333% 2:253:53: neisorthcrfi- . yen merit- Veins, |