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Show W Chap. III. 0/ Fermentation. 26 The Liquors therefore (in which Fermentation is refident in 'Mans Body) The Fermen- lativc Liquors of Man, are (‘hyic and mood. .riicmannsr are principally Chyle and Blood. The tilt receivethuts rudiment in the Mouth, where the Aliment being broken into fmall Particles by Maftication, is infpired with airy and aetheteal Atomcs, and impregnated with Salival Liquor, and then being conveyed through the Gulet into the Stomach, is exaltcd F roduéii- with the greater parts of ferous and nervous l iquors ( exuding out of . , ‘ ' grigndcxam firft ions of the Arteries and Nerves) by which the Chyle being :{a‘ifiyciirlil- terminat the prepared in the Stomach, is thence ttaufinitted throu gh the Pylorus into 31.315239" the Intef'tines, where it is improved by new Ferments of the Pancreatick impure Juice, and Nervous Liquor; the one coming, out of the Excrctory Dnrf'fs of VolatiliSaline, and fome oily and acide Particles very well commixed. This rudiment of the firft Concoction of the Meat, by the mixture of Salival Juice in the Mouth, is more elaborated in the Stomach, by Serous ward patfeth by a fecond kind of Veifels, into the common receptacle, where Liquor dteined from the Blood, and tranfinitted into the cavity of the Stomach, where it infinuates it felf into the fubftance of the Aliment, and feve- clavian Veins, putting it into a new Fermentation, by reafon of the crude Car u tuotis and Grofs, of Volatil and fixed, Salin and Sulphureous Particles, of Acid, and Alcaly, which varioufly aé'ting and reaéiing upon one another, do caufe Intefiine Motion in the chambers of the Heart,where the Blood receiv eth a farther Exaltation, as aifociated with Nervous Liquor, fqueefed out of the extremities of Nerves, terminating into the inward Walls of the Venn tricle; and out of the right, by the contraction of the Heart, the Purple Juice is briskly forced through the Pulmonary Arteries, into the fubfiance of promulclhy the Lungs, where it isinfpired with Nitroaereal Particles (convc ed thither through the Veficies, the appendant Vefliels to the Broncliia) giving it a Scarlet hue, and a gentle flame of Life. And the Blood being afterward tranfmitted by the Pulmonary Veins into the left Ventricle of the Heart, and thence through the common and afcen- dent Trunks of the Aorta and Carotide Arteries (Where it receivcth new 31:33:33,351,gciiii‘iiciiii any, map: various ER. mCfl". , And whereas other {imple and Heterogeneous Humours, as Water, Spirit, Oyl, Saline Liquors, and the like, being mixed, do. part again from each other, and neverthelefs do all alienate with Salival Juice; by whofe mediation tliefe different Principles are reconcded to each other: Therefore this [Eilival Liquor feemeth to be a univerfal Menfiruum, which embodieth with, ceiveth a farther elaboration by Nervous Liquor, dropping out of the Nerves of the Mefcntcry, inferred into its Glands: From whence the Chyle after, Clymous parts very different from the nature of Blood. The Vital Liquor being broken by impetuous motion into Minute parts, confiliiug of contrary Elements ( and various Figures) confifiing of Spiri- 2123,35 L" with it. the Milky Velfels, conveying it into the Mefenterick Glands, where it re~ into the Subclavian Veins, where it entereth into confaederacy with the Sub- l. K: and PropertiCS (which are as admirable as ulEful) becaufe in Mafticatiou, it cntreth into alibciatiou with the broken Aliments, very varioufly affeéied 5 as being Moifi, Dry, Oily, Saline; and there is no Alimentary Subflance of wharfoever qualilication,that will not mix with this rare Juice, and incorporate and prepareth all Maiticated Aliinenrs, of what difpofition fewer, and ac- fitted for Motion into the Thoratic Ducts; importing the prepared Chyle Saline and iiiiguaiiiiuoi 25‘," mfg. "i""mm‘ tiniws in the ‘ifl'iii‘liwr Of Fermentation. the Pancreas, and the other difiilling out of the more narrow extremities of of the Nerves. And then this Milky Liquor is farther impelled by the petifialtick motion of the Intefiines, and affifled by the compreflion of the Diaphragme into it is embodied with the Lympha, rendring the Chyle more attenuated and 1h: Blood tonfilling of Chap ll 1. impregnation of Nervous Liquor, diliilling out of the fmall nervous Fibres, inferred into the inward arterial Coats) into the Cortical Glands, wherein arifeth a {oft Fermentation; produced by volatil faline Particles, lodged in the fubfiance of the ambient part of the Brain. So that the various and chief Ferments fubfervient to Fermentation which it is highly promoted in the produéiion and improvement of Chyle (by and Viral Liquor) are Salival Juice, the ferous Liquor extraé‘ted out of the Blood, the Pancreatic Juice, and the airy and atthereal Particles. Salival liquor hath_a.fermenting Quality, and though it be a clear Tranparent Subflance, yet it is not a fimple Body, being compounded of many Elements; and is more grofs than Water, and more fluid than the mucous matter of the Nofirils: and is not frothy in it< own nature, being {0 rendred by the mixture of Air, and the motion of the Tongue and Teeth in Matti- Cation. And it is of as great difficulty, as importance, to defcrib e its Nature 0 and companieth it into the Ventricle, to give it a further Exaltation ; which the Salival Juice performeth by vertue of many Elemputspf which it is Integrated, it being, a Compofition, oflarge VVatry and ioinc Nervous Liquor, and of reth the Alimentary Liquor from the gtoffer Faces, by a kind of Precipitation, which it elfe‘fteth by its Watry, Saline, and forne very few Acidc Particles, affecting this Serous Liquor; which very much contributeth to the produéiion of Chyle in the Stomach, which being carried into the luteftines, is farther attenuated and improved by the Pancreatic Juice, which is of thin Tranfparent Subftauce, and of a fweetiih tafte, inclining fomewhat to Sub- 'acide, and is endued with Fermentative difpoiition 3 as it is a ferous and faline part of the Blood, imprazgnated with volatil faliiie Particles, derived from Nervous Liquor, tranlinitted into the body of the Pancreas, and mixed with ferous Particles, which are conveyed by a common l‘uéi into the lute« Silival Liquririsa kind ol'univeiiil inenlliuum, as embodiclh wth tliiicA'CEL Liquor. 'lival [wire is c (. no or M; and :vervous Liquors, im» pregnit. d \‘th Saline. t)ily,anil .itiJ l'J'thlCS, and is their," i ernicnt ufthc Alimentary Liquor in the Month. the femur] Ferincnt ot'cliylc in the Stumath, is the i‘crous Liquor ofthe Hood. The third Ferment of the (,hyle iil Interline, is l'anLl'CdElC Jum. Hines, where it meetetli with the Chyle; in which it raifetli an Effervefcence in it, by which it is exalted and refined by defaecatiug the pure parts from the impure. Another Humour, and that noble too, may be fiilcd the Nervous Liquor, impra-gnated with Animal Spirits, and Volatil Saline, and Aereal Particles, whofe fpii'ituous and elaftic body, doth much allift Fermentation in the produc‘iion of Cliyle and Blood, by relaxing the Compage of Alimen- tary and '\ ital Liquor, and in reducing the contrary Aliments in thefe Hete- rogeneous Bodies into action, whence arifetli an Elfervefcence of thefe Li- The fbnrth , : erment is the nervous Liquor, ex» alting the luv tciline Muti- on of rive Chyl: and Blood. qtiors commonly fiiled Fermentation. This Animal Juice aflbciateth with that limpid Liquor in the Salival Glands, where it is very much enabled by its fpirituous aéiive Ingeny, and giveth a farther improvement to the ferous Liquor of the Blood, which ex- uding the inward Coat of the Stomach, giveth a farther digeflioti of the Aliment, and entereth into fociety with the Juice of the Pancreas; by remdring it more fpirituous and active, to impartagreater attenuation to the Chyle in the Inteliines: From whence it being traufmitted, into the Mefenteric Glands, doth there embody with the Animal Juice, which giveth it a greater exaltation, and maketh it more fit to enter into alliance with the Blood, in the Subclavian Veins, and Ventricles of the Heart, and fubftance of the Lungs, where it giveth imprazgnation to the Blood, as much contribua ting to its Intefiine Motion : The Smart Nerwfwx, alfo communicatesa pow~ er to the ferous Liquor of the Blood, to be exalted in the Cortical Glands pt" I e Chyleis impregnatcd wirhncivous LiquorJiv the r lindsufihc Mefcnttty, |