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Show 'I-qu The P R E r A o E. Xxxviii The PR1: FACE; "flour Supream Law/giver ; it is repugnant to the Love we have naturally for God as our GraCious hdaker: and Great Bene, factor, by our Difloyalty making him out Enemy, and angry is generous and Manly to annulate a kind of Eternity, in fffitgilui Judge, whom we ought naturally to Love as Otirkiud baa ther, and and mol'tlovmg Friend; and therefore it 1s‘oppo, propagation, by repairing his own Death in the Birth of anti) iii-Iiiiiiliiltir ther, in which l‘x/l anltind is perpetuated, to whom God giveth 1233,15]; "C , lite to our primitive Appetite of Man, to be akln to God in diiifliiim likeiiels, as we bear the Signature of his Image, and II) In iioziiciiiiwc fome part participate of the Divine Nature by Love, afsimi» his Council and Blefsing, in rendring him lociahle, according literiiity by to that Gracious Saying of God, recorded by the great Pro, 3513mm" phet of the Law, Itii‘ not good for 11/14}; to ['6 alone, and Let fig;";;:§;,:f" lating us to him. laim Junta/e and multiply. . _ . So the prime Appetite of Man is firit determined by an efa fential Goodncfs, and all limanations of it are more or Whereupon God out of his great Goodnefs, in reference to wonm lefs perfec‘tive of our Wills, as they partiCipate more or lefs complace Man, ordered a fit Companion like himfelf to fpeak $23,232?" a liitisfaction to his Appetite, which is regular, as confined 3:3";1'§:'|,1__ of that Supream Good, from which are derived all [the ob- within its due limits of God's direfiion, expreflecl in his re; ("Mathis ligations of Religion, managed by the natural hdinil‘try of Ttheli- Love. Some parts of Religion are intrinlical, engraven in vealed VVill: and therefore the fruition of this Appetite ltliiiiiiicle. tending to Man's Happinefs is made Legitimate, if not b $9,11de " a natural Law, yet at lealt by a pofitive and fuperinduced L" gion engra- venintlie natural Characters, primarily reprefenting it unto us, as all?" written in our very Natures, and Others may be Ptyled extrin' fical, as fuperinduced by politive Commands, and as the re, Command, from which when lvlan deflecf'teth, his unnatural actions prove deordinate, in lofing that proper and lawful end fults of regular debates confiituted by Governors upon mature to which they are deligned, and in the natural propagation of deliberation for the good and fafety of perfons,and whole Socie, himfelf, according to that provifion and fatisfaction of his ties committed to their charge, commanding a Duty to be paid Appetite, which God inititutecl; and by this inPtrument of production, Man made himfelf diffufive, and grew into are, gular Body in a politick capacity, as Fellowrmembers, afsii'ta to God, as the Creator, Great Governor, and the Supream Mo» ii iii So that the Brit Appetite of Man is Divine, to participate his Nature whofe Image he beareth ,‘ and his next Appetite Tl1CSchntl narch of the World. riieaasor The acts of natural Religion are when we perform fuch 31233311" Duties as are in fome degree proportionate to the perfection of that Elfintial Being, for which we ought to have a molt high veneration, inwhich we give great Homage and Eu4~ charitt, declaring the Glories and Excellencies ofthat Super» ing and promoting each others prefervation and felicity. And every one naturally loveth himfelf propagated in another, as his ll'lanlsmar own Product and Image, which he endeavoureth by Education £33212 3:2". to prcferve and advance to fuch a degree of perfection, as is fifaffll‘fij equal to himfelf; whence defcend Eternal obligations of Chile 0"" lative Perfian, We molt Religioufly Revere, and make our humble Addreffes to him, for fuch things our necefsities dren to Parents, as the fountain of their Being, and prefer, vation in taking them into their cuftody and tender care in prompt us to, being ever ready to pay an Obedience to his their Infancy, when they were utterly incapable to make pro: molt Sacred Commands: And when we fet apart fome of our Time and Fortunes in Dedicating them to Charitable ufes, v ifion for themfelves. And according to the Law of Nature, mutual obligations do intercede between Parents and Children; on the one fide, i . . . Patronage Advtce and Maintenance ; on the other, SubmifSion, Duty and Obedience, in being governed accordin gtO and giving Tribute to God's Vicegerent, an Offering of which God accepteth as Sacrifices paid to Himfelf, which be out of his infinite Goodnefs doth Gracioufly compenfate, we having within our capacities no greater means of {peaking our Service and his Glory, then by giving to him themofl excellent things we have within our Pofsefsion and Power. 32:32:53}: mimic be tween Parreittsantl Chum" their Directions, Precepts, and Commands. God giving to our firft Parents his Blefsing of Cat/cite (7‘ Godly". . . i . . _ . fingot‘C‘ea‘ Milrzplimmmz, rendred them fruitful in propagation o themaftiiiawii- felves, that this one Family being multiplied in the natu» ""°"""'""" ' ral defcent of many Generations, became fo' populous, that So they could not cohabit in one place, and were confirained to dill perfe |