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Show ,____.-__‘- am_-v~-' "A X The cloicc TthREFACE. The PREFACE. This long llory of Man's Body is immured With the a'bdoa haxiLii‘ES minal Mufcles, Rimme of the belly, and Call, as with thOice iiiiiiiioiii. Hangings, and beautified with diverfc‘ toifrtri, i s w;th the fine iiiiilitiiil-c furniture of the Stomach, Guts, h/lefentety, I'WCi'U'J; 51216031; partimi‘m- Liver, Kidneys, Bladder of Urine, and the parts of Gene» _ I ration in Man and Woman. Thmreof The oblique Defccndent, Afcendent, Tranfvcrle, and rignt eydf‘ffi‘ml abdominal h/lufcles for the molt part curiozi-liy enc1rcle each. J" C H other, and are perforated by the fpermatick 1 metres and Vents, and pafs in flraiglit, oblique, and tranfverfe petitions, to pie» ferve the littellines, after a various manner of bondage, in their due fituation, and to relaxe the Midrifle, and to alsifi the Guts by comprefsion, in the ejection of grofs excrements, . as the reliques of the firll Concoétion. The Rimme of the Belly adjoyneth to the abdominalMu» lemmm oftiichlly. fcles, and is reputed a common parent of the Outward Coats, covering all the oi ccm; it is a curious contexture of many nervous Fibrils (running in llraight, oblique, and tranfverfe poltures) Whereupon it may bedillended, and contracted right Anglesgj rite firlt coat is a covering to preferve the Helhy Fibres, and to {til‘YC as their Tendon, in reference to motion. The middle Coat of the Stomach is befet with many tranf- The mid« verfe, or rather circular carnous Fibres, which are principal- high? 0f ly concerned in the motions of the Ventricle, this Coat is alfo mad" accommodated with other ranks of carnous Fibres, which fpeak the great Artifice of the Divine Architect, and are l‘ubfer/ vienti to various Contractions of the Stomach, relating to dis verle Offices or" Concoction of Aliment, and excretion of All, mentary Liquor, and more grofs Facet, into the lnteltines. The Third and finelt Coat is wholly nervous, and in its in, Them", ward l‘urlace is cli‘elled with right Filaments, perpendicularly $55,353" inferte d into its Coat, which is full of folds incrtilled with (11» verfla alperities, and befetwith many finall Glands, furnifhed with variety of VelTels, as they are Colatories of the Blood, Tome of whole ferous Liquor, as well as that ofthe Nerves, is tranfinitted by fecret Ducts into the Cavity of the Stomach as Ferments to open the compage of the Aliment, and extract an alimentary Tin€ture. between which, the preparing Vellels make their progrefs to The Intertines are akin to the Stomach in likenefs of Na, Thelriteture, as well as nearnels of place, and are membranaceous great mm uflinihave , ,. Tubes (of greater and lefs, bores) ‘thl conipofe d of three Coats,.tsmadgje and from the Tefiicles for their greater fitfeguard. The Call being another fine Hanging of the lowellt Apar; Th, C,"timent, is from red of various VefTels, Arteries, VCiIIS, nervous the firft is very thin, beingr a nervous or tendinous filbance, to The M . v . . coat of the cover the middle Coat, belet With numerous carnous Fibres, Guts. ' confilting of two ranks, the one being annular, encirclincr the 553:3?" without laceration, which appears in great belly'd Women and Hydropick Bodies; it is compoled alfo of two vMembranes, 'i‘hcstoWh‘ Tm", Pibrils, and adipofe Ducts, {loading the fine contexture of the Call, after the manner of Network, interfperfed with max Inteftines, and the other oblong, running the length of them, which make various contractions long/ways, and crols-Vvays, ny finall Glands; it is endued with a double, thin, tranfpa» rent Membrane, befet with many finall holes, molt confpicu' and produce the peril'taltick motion of the Guts, impelling the alimentary Liquor into the milky veflEls, and grofs Hem from. ous, where it is dellitute of Fat, and is furniflied with ma~ the origen of the Inteltines, towards the Ilia, Colon, and IMF/Z1; ny fine Cells (the repolitories of an oily concreted Liquor ) to fecure it againll‘ outward alTaults. 7mm refrain. The Stomach being an excellent utenfil of the lowell {lo/ ry, is endued with a long Neck, made up of various carnous The third and inward Tunicle ofthe Guts is nervous (made Thc'tliird up of innumerable nervous Fibrils) in which are implanted the 53%;," extremities of the milky veflEls, as alfo Arteries, Veins, and Fibres, 11'1V'Cll6d with a membranous Compagefind hath a right Nerves, and this Coat hath many tranfverfe folds, as To many The "M" and left Orifice, the one giving reception to Alimentaranfinitz red by the Giilet, and the other is called the ‘Pflorui, through which the Alimentary Liquor, and more grofs Pryce: are little receptacles, receiving and retaining the Chyle, Iefi it vcrrefoicis {hould move with the folid excrements, and be difcharged gamma the confines of the 80d . I The Intellines are hirnilhed with many Glands, which are 51*;de difcliarged into the Guts. o‘pmcgtofl The Ventricle is compared of three Coats , the outward is macilmembranous, or nervous, framed of many long Fibres, in/ terll‘c‘ting the carnous Fibres of the middle Coat (according to colatories of the Blood and nervous Liquor, Ibme part Crag"? which is carried b fecret Pores into the Cavity of the Inte,' 1m flines, where it (TEDZOCliCEhWiElI Chyle, and renders it more thin and white. right In |