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Show L I S T OF C O N T E N T S . 1906, p p . 759-1052. November 13, 1906. Pape The Secretary. Report on the Additions to the Society's Menagerie during the months of June, July, August, and September, 1906 .................................................................................. ....7*r>9 Dr. F. L. Sclater, F.R.S. Extracts from a letter of Capt. P. H. G. Powell-Cotton on the Okapi .............................................................................................................................................................................760 Mr. Arthur Dicksee. Exhibition of a variety of the Golden Pheasant, ( Thaumalcci picta).. 761 Mr. Horace C. Beck, F.Z.S. Exhibition of a skull of a Capybara showing abnormal dentition.....................................................................................................................••••*....................7fil Prof. E. A. Minchiti, F.Z.S. Exhibition of diagrams of Trypanosomes from Tsetse-flies .. 761 1. On the Embryo of the Okapi. B y Prof. R. B u rck i iard t, C.M.Z.S....................................... ....762 2. List of further Collections of Mammals from Western Australia, including a series from Bernier Island, obtained for Mr. W. E. Balston ; with Field-notes by the Collector, Mr. G. C. Shortridge. By O ld f ie ld T i iomas, F.R.S., F.Z.S............................................... 763 3. Zoological Results of the Third Tanganyika Expedition, conducted by Dr. W. A. Cunuington, 1904-1905. Report on the Turbellaria. By F. F. L a i d l a w .................... 777 4. The Rudd Exploration of S. Africa.- VI. List of Mammals obtained by Mr. Grant in the Eastern Transvaal. Bv O ldf ibld T i iomas, F .R .S . , F.Z.S., and H akold S chwann, F.Z.S...................................................................................................................................................... 779 S. The Mollusca of the Persian Gulf, Gulf of Oman, and Arabian Sea, as evidenced mainly through the Collections of Mr. F. VV. Townsend, 1893-1906; with Descriptions of new Species. By James Cosmo M e l v i l l , M.A., F.L.S., F.Z.S., and R o b e r t Standen, Assist.-Keeper, Manchester Museum.- Part II. P e l e c y p o d a . (Plates LIII.-LVI.) .. 783 November 27, 1906. The Secretary. Report on the Additions to the Society's Menagerie (luring the month of October 1906 ..................................................................................................................................... 849 Mr. E. T. Newton, F.R.S. Exhibition of leg-bones of Foxes that had been caught in snares. 849 1. On some Habits of the Lesser Horseshoe Bat (Bhinolophus hipposiderus). By T. A. C owa rd , F.Z.S.................................................................................................................................... 849 % 2. The Marine Fauna of Zanzibar and British East Africa, from Collections made by Cyril Crossland in the Years 1901 and 1902.-On some Species of Solenidai. By E dgar A. Smiti i , I.S.O., F.Z.S., and II. H. B loomer .............................................................................. 3. The Duke of Bedford's Zoological Exploration in Eastern Asia.- IL List of Small Mammals from Korea and Quelpart. By O ld field Thomas, F.R.S., F.Z.S..................... So8 4. On the Anatomy of Ccntrophorus calceus (<crepidalhus Bocage & Capello) Gunther. By W . W oodland, F.Z.S., Demonstrator of Zoology, King's College, London (Plates l v i l - l x l i . ) ...................................................................................................................................; ; ........... 866 ;>. A Suggestion concerning the Origin and Significance of the " Renal-Portal System," with an Appendix relating to the Production of S,ub-abdoininal Veins. By W . W o o d l a n d , ¥ Z.S., Demonstrator of Zoology, King's College, London ............... * ....................... 880 Contents continued on page 3 of Wrapper. |