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Show T e l lina (T e l l in id e s ) vestal is Hanley. I. Karachi. Dredged at 3 fathoms. T el l ina (T e l l in u l a ) c l a u d ia Melvill. (Plate LYI. fig. 3 .) T. testa delicata, papyracea, albo-vitrea, cequivalvi, compressa, antice late rotundata, postice breviore ; umbonibus minutis, contiguis; clentibus carclincdibus duobus in utraque valva prcedita, dente later all antico obscuro; pagina interna alb ft, llnea pallidi conspicua. Alt. 10, lat. 14, diam. 3 mm. Hab. Persian Gulf: Gulf of Oman. Lat. 25° 19' X., long. 50° 10' E. ; 140 fathoms. A delicate, thin, compressed species, somewhat intermediate in appearance between. T. (Arcopagut) savignyi A. Ad., also found in the same seas, and T. (Tellinula) tenuis Don. = exigita Poli. T e l lina (P eron.e a ) e r y th r .e en s is H. Ad. P.G. Jask. From 3 fathoms, mud. T e l l in a (P eron.e a ) micans Hanley. M.C. Half-valves common off Charbar at 40 fathoms.; lat. 25° 10' N., long. 60° 34' E. Referred to Psammobia by E. A. Smith (Ann. & Mag. N. H. ser. 7, xviii. p. 260), judging from Persian Gulf examples, dredged by s.s. ‘ Investigator/ at 31 fathoms. I. Lat. 19° 30' N., long. 71° 43' E. Dredged at 30 fathoms upwards, in soft mud, but not common. T ellina (M e t is) an g u la ta Chemn. I. Karachi (Major Baker). Bombay (Abercrombie). Bombay to Ratnagiri and southwards to Goa (Lt.-Col. H. D. Olivier). T e l l in a (M e t is ) lacunosa Chemn. I. Karachi. On mud-flats at low tide. T e l lina (M e t is ) tu r g id a Desli. I. Karachi, Very rare on mud-flats ; up to the present only one live and one dead example have been collected. M acoma a l a Hanley. I. Karachi. At low tide on mud-flats. Bombay, common (Aberct'ombie). Macoma b l a in v il l e i Desli. I. Karachi. At 5 fathoms, on muddy sand near rocks. Macoma b r u g u ie r i i Hanley. (Gastrana auct.) I. Bombay (Abercrombie). Thence southwards to Panjim and Goa (Lt.-Col. H. D. Olivier). P roc. Z ool. S o c .-1906, No. LY. 55 1906.] MOLLUSKS FROM THE PERSIAN GULF. 823 |