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Show No. 32. OF THE ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON* May 15th, 1906. Dr. J. R ose B rad ford , F.R.S., Vice-President, in the Chair. ABSTRACT OF THE PROCEEDINGS The S ecretary read a report on the additions that had been made to the Society's Menagerie during the month of April 1906, which stated that they were 171 in number. Mr. F. E. B e d d a r d , F.R.S., exhibited a nearly full-time foetus of Lemur rufifrons, and called attention to the carpal vibrissa*, which were extremely conspicuous, though the rest of the ventral surface of the arm was devoid of hair. Mr. B eddard also exhibited, on behalf of Dr. C. G. S e l igm a n n , a cock of mixed breed which had been caponised for commercial purposes whilst young. The bird, which had been under observation for over a, year, at no time showed any evidence of sexual attraction for or towards either sex. On dissection, there wras no trace of testicular tissue. The head was lien-like, but the bird possessed well-marked and rather stout but short spurs, whilst the tail, which contained sickle-feathers, was " over-furnished." Mr. R . I . P ocock, F.Z.S., Superintendent of the Gardens, exhibited and made remarks upon a specimen of a Leaf-insect (Phylliuni) from the Seychelles, which had been brought to the Gardens by Mr. E. G. B. Meade-Waldo, F.Z.S. Mr. H e n r y Munt, F.Z.S., exhibited, on behalf of Mr. B u s s e l l , a skin of the Spotted-necked Otter (Lutra macidicolUs) obtained * This Abstract is published by the Society at 3 Hanover Square, London, W., on the Tuesday following the date of Meeting to which it refers. It will be issued, free of extra charge, to all Fellows who subscribe to the Publications, along with the ‘ Proceedings ' ; but it may be obtained on the day of publication at the price of Sixpence, or, if desired, sent post-free for the sum of Six Shillings per annum, payable in advance. |