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Show MESSRS. MELVILL AND STANDEN ON [Nov. 13, 5 to 20 fathoms, but have never found a single specimen of the true Mother-of-Pearl shell, and very few, not more than a couple of dozen altogether, of the small Pearl-Oyster, which I take to be the same species as that of which rich beds are mentioned as existing to the northward of the Bahrein Islands. In November 1903 I dredged many of the small pearl-oysters oft" the coast from Ras-el-Khaima and Aim Thabi, but did not get a single specimen of the large mussel, though I saw many sacks of it at Dabai ready for export. It occurs very rarely on the old telegraph-cable, while the small A. marmorata is an abundant form. " The ‘ rope-pullers ' mentioned (in Mr. Gaskin's report) are, I believe, the men who pull the baskets of oysters up from the bottom when they have been filled. " When they so place them, at the same time the divers also include a great many other shells, notably Pecten crassicostatus, townsendi, Spondylus exilis-this in all stages of growth and coloration, from light orange to deep purple-Cyprcece, e. g., lent! ginosci, jumbriata, and turdus, also a species of Trochus, probably T. fidtoni. All these, and others, I have myself found frequently in large numbers among the refuse thrown out of the pearl-boats, after they have been hauled up on the beach at the end of the working season."-F. W. T. P ern a rostrata Sclium. ( = isognomon Klein). P.G. General. Found on coral-reefs at low tide. P in n a bicolor Chemn. P.G. On telegrapli-cable. P in n a (A t r in a ) n ig r a Chemn. P.G. & M.C. Local, and occasionally dwarfed, when the sliell-substance becomes considerably thickened. I. One specimen alone recorded from Bombay (Abercrombie). P in n a (A t r in a ) v e x il lu m Born. I. Karachi. Dredged at 3 fathoms, mud. M a l l eu s norm a l is Lamarck. P.G. Maskat, IT) fathoms. Fam. O str e id .e . OSTREA BICOLOR H a lil. 1. Bombay (Abercrombie). OSTREA CRENULIFERA >Sowb. I. Bombay (Abercrombie). OSTREA CUCULLATA Bom. P.G. On telegrapli-cable in two or three situations. |