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Show 1906.] NEW AFRICAN CURCULIONUXE. 9 3 5 and very prominent; sides not rounded, broadest at base and very gradually narrowed towards apex; scutellum distinct, prominent, densely squamose; upper surface convex, with regular stria? containing rows of deep punctures more or less hidden by the scaling ; the intervals plane, closely set with large rounded scales, which stand almost vertically and thus give the insect a velvety appearance; each interval has a row of pale depressed seta?; the colour of the scales is dark brown with a common V-shaped lighter mark behind middle, immediately followed by a broader similar mark of the ground-colour, the apex again being lighter ; but in the cotype the whole ground-colour is much lighter, and thus only the darker posterior band is noticeable. Legs densely covered with golden-brown scales and with depressed yellow seta?; tibia? dilated at apex, with a stout spine at the inner angle and a shorter one just above i t ; tarsi very broad and short, fourth joint entirely absent. M asiionaland : Salisbury (G. A. K. J/.). T ype in the British Museum. H ypsomus parvus, sp. nov. (Plate LXYI. fig. 1 1 .) Long. 2;j-3, lat. 1 mm. Head globose, with dense brown scaling and closely punctured, without impressions or carinae. Rostrum elongate, as long as the prothorax, cylindrical, gently curved, slightly elevated at base and separated from the head by a faint impressed line, with close punctuation and dense brown scaling throughout, and without carinae or sulci; scrobes disappearing rapidly beneath the rostrum and continued to base, but not uniting there. Antennce piceous, scape not reaching the eye ; first joint of funicle thicker and rather longer than second, the remainder very short, subequal, but gradually widening apically. Prothorax longer than broad, subcylindrical, sides almost straight but slightly narrowed anteriorly, basal margin arcuate, apex slightly lobate, ocular lobes feebly developed ; upper surface convex, very closely and evenly punctured throughout, with dense brown scaling and a narrow longitudinal white line on each side. Elytra elongate, basal margin jointly sinuate and not broader than the prothorax, the sides rapidly dilated to form a rounded humeral angle, thence subparallel to beyond middle and rapidly narrowed to apex, where each elytron is shortly and separately acuminate; upper surface subdepressed and very gradually declivous posteriori)', with regular and distinctly punctured striae; the intervals rather narrow, scarcely convex and finely coriaceous; colour piceous, with dense even brown scaling, except along the extreme lateral margin, which is greyish white like the whole of the under parts. Legs densely squamose; first tarsal joint as broad as, but a little longer than, second, third rather broader, deeply bilobate; claws free. Orange Colony: Botliaville (Dr. H. Brauns). T ype in the British Museum. Proc. Z ool. Soc.-1906, No. LXII. 62 |