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Show 8 3 8 MESSRS. MELVILL AND STANDEN ON [Nov. 13, C ar d ium ( A c a n th o c a r d ia ) a s ia t ic um Chemn. (-coronatum Spengler). I. Karachi (F. IT. T. and Major Baker; the latter as fvnibriatum Wood). Bombay (Abercrombie). Bombay Harbour, southwards to Ratnagiri, Panjim, and Goa (It.-Col. I I I). Olivier). After detailed examination of many examples in all stages of growth, it is the opinion of Mr. Alexander Abercrombie that coronatum Spengler is synonymous. C a r d ium (A c a n th o c a r d ia ) e xo ch um * Melvill, sp. n. (Plate LIII. fig. 6.) C. testa parva, incequilatercili, fere rotunda, pallide straminea velsalmonea; valvis convexis, cequalibus, solidulis ; umbonibus obliquis contiguis vix prominulis, latere antico rotundato, postico obscure quadratulo, salinoneo-tincto, margine ventrali rotundato, dor soli utrinque leniter defiexo ; costidis radicintibus numero ad 35, pulcherrime et arete imbricato-squamosis, interstitiis sub lente angustissimis, unisulculosis, duobus dentibus cardinalibus in utraque valra prcedita, lateralibus parvis ; pagina interna alba, postice salmoneo-tincta, margine pulchre serrulato. Alt. 9, lat. 8, diam. 8 mm. P.G. Thairi. Allied to the larger (7. sueziense Issel, but more globular and highly coloured, and with close imbricating scales. Also resembling somewhat in form, though not altogether in sculpture, the recently described (7. gilchristi Sowb.f, from South Africa. The squamae are all of the same character, closely imbricated and latticed. In form it is roundly convex, peculiarly stained both without and within posteriorly with salmon-pink, being a most refined and delicate species. C ar d ium ( A c a n th o c a r d ia ) omanense Melvill, sp. n. (Plate LIII. fig. 5.) C. testa parva, fere rotunda, iiuequilaterali, albida ; umbonibus subpromimdis, elevatis, contiguis; valvis subconvexis, cequalibus, solidis, lateribus ant ice, simul ac postice, rotunclatis, latere post ico superne obscure q uaclrat ulo, cost is radicintibus ad 25, crassis, nodulis squcimosis conspicuis preedit is, interstitiis angustissimis, sub lente cancellatis; paginci interna alba, cardine normali. Alt. 5, Za£. 5'50, diam. 3 mm. (.sy>. mcij.). ffab. Persian Gulf: Gulf of Oman. Lat. 24° 58' N., long. 56° 54' E. ; 156 fathoms, shell-sand. A small species, with ribs coarse proportionately speaking to the * A:£o^os, prominently distinguished. f ‘ Marine Investigation in South Africa.' Mollusca by G. B. Sowerby, p. 11, pi. vii. fig. 1. |