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Show 5213 F. Bennett- D 3225 A The mouth of Comb wash, yes. Q Ever had any experience on the Green river? A Very little experience in boating; I made one trip in boating. Q When was that? A I can't recall the year I done that; I went down the river with Captain Yokey. I went down with him, and back, and then I started to take a trip down Green river from the town of Greenriver on that little boat. I think it was called the Cliff Dweller, one Sunday afternoon, they run an excursion. Run down a ways, and run aground. I don't know whether they go off, but I return around and walked back, didn't stay with the boat. It run aground and hung up, I walked back up. That was just below Greenriver a ways; I think it was the boat they call the Cliff Dweller; I am not sure. Q What kind of looking boat was it? A It was a boat -- it was supposed to have cabins on it; it had been on Salt Lake at one time, and moved over there; dismantled and moved over there. I think Mr. Openheimer was running it. MR. BLACKMAR: That is all. |