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Show 5132 Bennett- D 3144 we ought to have a little more information on the subject. BY MR. BLACKMAR: Q How large a raft was this? A This raft was about twenty feet long, about eight or ten feet wide, built out of logs, logs fastened together with ropes and cables to make a kind of hinge in it. As I understand it, when you fastened the logs with ropes to make hinges, it has a certain amount of flexibility? A Yes sir. Q How much equipment was loaded on this raft at this time? A There was one drill stem that weighed eighteen hundred pounds, if I remember right, and a few drill bits, and that waas about all. FURTHER EXAMINATION THE SPECIAL MASTER: Q No boiler? A No sir. This drilling equipment was run by a gasoline engine they had in there; very small outfit. Q How did the engine get down there? A Mr. Bennett and Mr. Hay and Mr. Rottinhouse took it down on a raft; I didn't go down on that trip. |