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Show 5057 F. Johnson- D 3069 THE SPECIAL MASTER: I don't want to get in too much repetition. BY MR. BLACKMAR: Q The Violet Louise went down the stream? -- A MR. FARSWORTH: We have no evidence on the sub-ject, as far as I am aware. BY MR. BLACKMAR: Q At any rate, the Violet Louise went down the stream? A No, it didn't go down stream. Q What became of it? A The last I saw of it, it was out on the bank, decay-ing; as far as I know, it is there yet, the pieces. Q Did you hear your brother's testimony yesterday in regard to the Mullins' boat? A Yes sir. Q Does that correspond with your recollection? A Yes sir. MR. FARSWORTH: Was that the Mullins' or the Violet Louise they took out over to that lake? MR. BLACKMAR: The Violet Louise was taken over to Lake Mary. BY MR. BLACKMAR: Q Do you recall whether or not Spencer had another barge, other than the one you have mentioned here in your testimony? A |