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Show '!be Hiflory of P L A N T S. Clafs the Ninth. Order the 7bira. E N N E A N D R I A H E X A G Y N I A. Plants which have in every flower nine .ftamina and fix Jlylii. Of thife there is only one R.nown genus. BUTOMUS. T HE calyx is a common involucrum, fhort, and ~ompofed of thre.e leaves: the umbel is fimple: the corolla confi!l:s of flx rou?d1!h, h~llow, fadmg petals, alternately exterior, fmaller, and more acute: the {l:amma are mne fubulated filaments; fix of them are placed exteriorly: the antherre are bilamellated : the germina are fix, oblong and acuminated : the fiyles are as many : the fiigmata are fimple : the fruit confifts of fix oblong and gradually attenuated capfules, erect, formed each of a fingle valve, and opening inwards: the feeds are num~rous, of an oblong, cylindric form, and obtufe at both ends. Of this genus there is only on~ known fpecies. BuT 0 Mus. The root is oblong, thick, and divided, part penetrating into the mud, part creep .. ing upon, or but jufi: under, th~ furface of it. The ~dicalleaves are numerous, a foot long, of a triangular figure, and dufky green colour. The fi:alk is round, thick1 naked, and two feet high; at it's top ftand ten or fifteen large, beautiful, reddifh·white flowers, in a kind of umbel. It is common with us about waters. C. Bauhine calls it, Juncus floridus major~ · others, J uncus florid us. • · • I Clafs the Tenth. DECANDRIA. P /ants which have in each' flower · ten jJamina. , 0 F the Decandria fome have only one fiyle, fome two, feme three, fome five, and fome ten. The genera of this clafs are, therefore, to be arranged into five orders, under the names of Monogynia, Digynia, &c. Clafs the Te~th. Order the Fir .fl. DECANDRIA MONOGYNIA. P !ants which have in every flow~, te~ jlamina and only one .Jlyle. T HE g~nera co£?prife? ~it~in the limits of this order are very numerous, bnt there IS an ob~1ous di!l:~nctJOn among them, fome having the il:amina declinated, o~h~rs erect; accordmg to this, therefore, they may be conveniently arranged into two dlVlfions. Clafs The Hijlory of P L A N T S. C!afi the Tenth. Order the Firj}. I j Divijion the . Fir.ft. Decandria Monogynia, with declinated jlamina. J. S 0 PH 0 R A. 'I 1 I! I I T HE calyx is a fhort perianthium, formed of a fingle leaf, and of a campanulated figure ; it's bafe is gibbous upwards; it's rim is divided into five fegments, oblique and obtufe : the corolla is of the papilionaceous kind, -and compofed of five petals : the vexillum is oblong, gradually broader, il:rait, and it's edges reflex: the alre are two,, oblong, of the length of the vexillum, and appendiculated at the bafe : the carina is formed of two petals, like the alre, with their )ower edges approximated, and is of a navicular figure: the fi:amina are ten difiinct, parallel, fubulated filam ents, of the length of the corolla, and buried in the carina : the antherre are very fmall, and atfurgent: the germen is oblong ancl cylindric: : the fi:yle is of the fize and fituation of the framina: the fi:igma is obtufe: the fruit is a very long, ilender logumen, having only one cell, and nodofe at the feeds ; thefe are numerous and roundi01. There is but one known fpecies of this genus. Dillen ius makes it a fpecies of' E r· vum .. ~t agrees with diadelphous papilionaceous plants in all things, but that the fi:amina are diftmct. Thefe characters fuffici<mtly difringuifu it, without a farther defcription. CERCIS. T HE calyx is a? extremely fhort perianthium, of a campatmlated figure, fornied of one leaf, g1bbous below, and containing a honey· juke; it's rim divided into five fegments, ereCl: and obtufe: the corolla contifts of five petals, inferted into the calyx, and greatly refembles a papilionaeeous floweli : the alre are ten patals, bent upwards, and affixed to long ungues t the vexillum ts a fingle petal, of a roundilh figure~ unguiculated, and placed under the alre, which are inferior to it in length: the carina confi!l:s of two petals, which co_nverge fo. as to form a cordated part, including the fructifications, affixed to the ungues: the nectarium is a gla~cfule of a ftyliform figure, placed under the germen : the .!lamina are ten diftinet, fubul'ated filaments; four of them are longer than the teft, and eovered: the antherre are oblong, inaumbe.nt, and affurgent: the germen is of a lincari~lanceolate figure, affi:x<ed t0 a long ~yle: the ftyle is ?f the length and fi_ruation of t~e ftarnina : the il:igmn is obtufe a:nd affurgent : the fruit 1s an oblong, obhquely-acummared legumen, having only one cell : the feeds are roundi(h, and annexed to the upper future. This genus c0mprehends the Siliquafirum of authors. ~ : J I. Gerais foliis cordato-orbiculatis glabris. The Cercis, with fmooth, cordato-orbiculated leaves. The root is brachiated and fpreading: the trunk moderately thick; it fometimes grows to the height and il:ature of a moderate tree, but more ufually it has the appe~rance of a !hrub. The branch.es ~re few, and purplilh: the flowers appear early in fpring, four, or more, together, m bttle clufters; they are .q10derately large, and of a beautiful purple. The leaves il:and alternately; they are fmooth, of a roundilh figure and three inches in diameter. ' It is a native of Spain, France, and Italy ; we have it in gardens. Dodonreus calls it, Arbor Judre. I 2. Cercis foliis cordatis pubifcentibus. <! artttlltt 3Jtt~ The Cercis, with hoary, cordated leaves. lla.S':::tt tt. The ~oot is br~chiated and vety long; the {hrub fifteen feet high ; fometimes, though , rarely, 1t grows I~to a tree. The leaves fiand ;alternately; they are roundilb, of the fize of a crown-piece, foft to the touch, and a little hairy ; the flowers are of a pale red colour; the pods very long, and nodofe. It |