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Show The H.iftory of P L A N T S. C 0 R I S. T H E calyx is a permanent, campanulated perianthium, formed of one leaf, divided into ten fegments at the ed&e, the a~ternate ones re~ex .. T?e corolla confi{\ s of a fingle petal, and is of the rmgent kmd: the tube IS cylmdnc, and of the length of the cup; the limb is plane, and divided .into five oblong, obtufe, emarginate.d fegments; the two upper ones {hort, and mor~ d1ftant from one a~other : the ftamina are five fetaceous filaments, of the length of the .corolla, and decimated : the anther~ are fimple; the ger~en is. ro~n~ilh ;_ the fiyle is ~liform, 9f the length of the ftamina, and declinated : the fttgma 1s thtck ;. the frmt IS a globofe capfule, formed of five valves, and fltuated in the bottom of the cup: ~he feeds are fmall, numerous, and oval. Of this genus there is only one known fpecies. C 0 R I S. The root is qblong, thick, and reddilh o,n the outfide : the flalks are round, fmooth, and firm, ufually qf a purpli!p colour, and grow to three or four inches high; they are very much branr;hed. The leaves are like thofe of th~ larger erica, but fomewhat tipall, oblong, and fet ,extreamly thick, and clofe together: the flowers fiand in clufters, at the extremities of the branches, forming a kind of fhort fpikes or heads : they are fmall, bqt of an extreamJy beautiful purple, or bluifh, colour. • It is a native of France ~nd Italy; we have it in fome of our gardens. C. Bauhin~ calls it, Coris crerulea maritima; Lobel, Coris Monfpeliaca. Clafs the F ijth. Order {qe Fir)l. Divifi~n tbe Fifth. fen;tandria Monogynia, with ~onopetalous Jlow~rs and berries placed 1fpon the receptpcle. R tl A M NUS. ! H ~ ~ E \s no ~aly.x. The coro\}~ h~§ ~een, \ndeed, by for:ne t~ke n fo r a calyx; but the fitmttion of th~, ftamina proves, that it \s not fo: the corqll ~ con. of a fingle? .unperforated petal: ~he tube is of a turbinated, cylindric figure : the ltmb patent, divide~, ~n~. ~c~t'r; the whole pe,tal is extreamly rude, but internally col? ur.ed, and of an m!und_Ibuli.fo~m Ql~pe, and at t:)le b~fe o.f every fegment it has a ~lttle fquamm~la, whtch I.~ conmvent mwardly. The ftamin'\ are fubulated, and are m number equal to the fegments of the corolla, and are inferted into the corolla under tl\efe fq\}ammulre; the antherre are f~all : the germen is roundifh ; the fiyle is filiform., and of ~h,e length of the ftamt?a:. the ftigma is obtufe, and divided into feg~~ n~s, few~r m nu~ber t~an th.e ftamm,a: the fr1,1it i~ a roun,d, naked berry, qivided wtth1~ ~ntC?. fe~e~ ~ells tqan therr are fegments of the cor91la : the. feeds are fingle, round~!11, gtbbous, ~Ifd comp.reifed on one fipe. Tht~ genus comp~ehends the Rharpnus, Frangula, CervifpiQa, Paliurus, Alaternus, and Z1zyphus of all~hors. The ftructure qf the flower is evidently the fame in all tl;tefe.. Th~ other ~tfferences are t~ be looked on only as fpecific. In · the Frangula, the fltgFa IS erparg!?at.ed ; the f~mt c~ntains two feeds, and the corolla has five fegm~~ ts. In the Cerv1fpqm, the fttgma IS quad rifid ; the fruit contains four feeds and the c?ro~l~ has four fegments ; in fhis genus the male anQ female flowers are on 'diff~rent mdtv1duals of the fame fpecies. In the Paliurus there are three fiyles ; the nucle· us has _three cells~ the corolla has five fegme?ts, a~d the berry is furrounded by a membranaceous nm. In the Ala tern us, the fi1gma ts trifid · the fr uit has three feeds the corolla five fegments. In this the fquammulre of the cor~lla are wanting and ther~ ar.e male and hermaphrodite flowers on feparate plants. In th~ Z izyphus,' there are two fiyles, and the nucleus contains two cells; the corolla has five fegments. 1 • Rhammt$ TI.Je -Hi)Jory of P L A N T S. 1. Rhamnus ramis JPina terminatis, jloribus quadrifidis dicecis. The Rhamnus, with· terminatory Jpi~es, and quadrijid, dicecious flowers. l15uctt~ tbo~n. The root is woody, large, and fpreading ; the lhrub grows to ten or fifteen feet high: the trunk is covered with a blackilh, external bark, under which there are a yellow and a green one .: the wood is hard and whitilh. It "is very ramofe, and every branch is full of Ieifer ihoots, befet with 'leaves, and terminated each by a very robuft and Jharp thorn. The leaves are an inch and half long, and more than an inch broad, ferrated at the edges, and terminating in a point : the flowers are very fmall and green : the berries of the fize of a pea, round, black, and containing four feeds ; they ·ftand on long pedicles, about the bafes of the fpin es. The feverallhrubs of this fpecies are fome of them only productive of male flowers, fucceeded by no fruit; others produce hermaphrodite flowers, fucceeded by berries. It is common in our hedges. C. B~uhine calls it, Rhamnus catharticus.; others, Spina cervina, and Cervifpina. The juice of it's berries makes the Syrupus de fpina cervina, or Syrup of Buckthorn of the £hops, in fuch common ufe as a purge. 2. Rhamnus iner_mis jloribus monogynis hermaphroditis The Rhamnus without prickles, with hermaphrodite flowers, and with Jingle jJyles. The root is woody, creeping, and full of fibres. The lhrub rifes to about fix or eight feet high; the fiem is feldom more than half an inch in diameter, and divides into a number of branches, fo that the fhrub is not of the robuft kind : the bark of the trunk is fmooth and brown, ufually fpotted with bluilh; the under bark yellow, and fiains any thing it touches; the wood is very brit~le and whitifh, with a pith withIn: the leaves fiand irregularly on the branches; they are large, roundilh, and ter• minate in a point ; they are near two inches long, and little lefs in breadth, of a dark green colour, and fhining furface. The flowers are fmall, and of a whitilh green colour; they grow in clufters from the alre of the leaves, each on it's feparate pedicle: the berries are round, green at firfi, afterwards red, and finally black, and contain two feeds. It is common in fome of our woods. Tournefort calls it, Frangula; C. Bauhine Alnus nigra ~accifera. , 3· Rhamnus ac._uleis geminif, altero inferiore rejlexo, Jloribus trigynis. The Rhamnus, with two thorns at a place, the lower one crooked, and with three jlyles. fltbttft'£5 '1rborn. The root is woody and fpreading ; the fhrub is ufually about fix or eight feet high, but it fometimes grows to the ftature of a tree : the trunk is thick ; the branches numerous, reddi!h, weak, and bent downwards: the fpines are frequent, lhort, and tharp; the l€aves are fmall, of an oval figure, lightly crenated about the edges, and of a pale green : th~ flowers fl:and in the alre of the leaves, and are fmaU and yellowifh • ~he fruit is edged on each fide· with a membrane. . ' It is a native of France,. and other parts of Europe. Dodonreus calls it, Paliurus . Camerarius, Rhamnus; C. Bauhine, Rhamnus folio fu"brotundo fructu compreifo ~ others, Rhamnus tertius Diofcoridis. , 4· Rhamnus inermis jloribu~ dif£cis, fligmate triplici. 'The Rhamnus without prickles, with diceciou:r flowers, · and a tryple jJigma. ~laternus. The root is woody and creeping; the fhrub rifes to fix or eight feet high, famerimes much more : the trunk is covered with a greyilh bark, under which is a yellow one : the branches are numerous; the leaves are of an oval figure, an inch long, and of |