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Show ,. •.: . A G E N E R A L T A B L E of B 0 T A N Y, IN WHICH All the G E N E R A are arranged under their Claifes, Orders, and Diviiions, as they follow one another in this Hifl:ory. PART I. 0 F thoft ufually called imperfetl plants. BOOK I. S U B M A R I N E S. I. Thqfe which are of a Jlony hardnefs. Mycedium Afl:er<Ba Madrepora Efchara Tubularia Acetabulum Ormus Coral1um Corallin a Alcyonium. 2. Thofe of a firm, tough, and elaflic texture. Campylium Spongia Fucus Strongylium. 3· Of a tender, berbaceouJ flruffure. .. Algi~ B 0 0 K II. FuNGI. I. Thofl which grow hori-zontally. Agaricus Poria Odontia Amphitretia. . 0 I 2. 'I'hofe 'which grow .ereel, and have heads. . ~epiota Solenia Porium Acontia Leotia ,.;, DiCl:yaria. 3· 1"hofe which grow ereff, and have no heads. Clethria lt • Arcyria Lycoperdon Carpobolus Cyathia Encrelia Cia varia Merifma XyJaria Acidium Ceratofpermum Ifaria Phyfarum · Monilia. 4· Cfhofe which grow under the Jitrface of the earth. Tuber. B 0 0 K III. M 0 SSE .s. I. 'I'hofe which conjljl of tender filaments . Byifus Conferva. 2. Cfhoje which are if a foliaceous, or a gelatinous matter. Phyllona Ulva Collema. 3. 'Ihofe cr;nfifling of firm or rigid jlalks. Ufnea Platyfma Cladonia Pyxidium. [ c ] 4· 'Ihofe confifling of a cruftaceous, dry, or gelatinous matter. Placodium. 5. 'I'bofe which produce capfides covered with opercula. Bryum • Polytrichum ~phagnum Mniurn Fontinalis Hypnum. 6. Cfhoje which produce cap-jitles without calyptrce, Lycopodium Trifpermium. Selago Polycocca. Opeca. PART II. Plants appr~aching to what are called the more perfeCI ones, but with.fcarce diflinguijhable fruelijicatiow. CRYPTOGAMIA. Salvinia Lemna Chara Equifetum Ficus Ophiogloffum Ofmunda Pteris Lonchi.tis Adiantum Afplenium Hernionitis Polypodium Tr iclfomanes. PART |