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Show 12~ The Hiflory of p LAN T S. 4· Jungermannia foliqfa divaricata vagina globofa: Divaricated, Joliofe Jugermannia, with a globofe vagtna. · · fi II but a very beautiful fpecies. It confifis of a fin gle leaf of about Thts IS a very rna ' . d f . nch broad and fo divaricated, that it extends often an inc~ l??g, anld ~i~:~te~ ~~tin it's length. It is of a beautiful pale green colour, as far n; It s ~l~o e ewhat ehucid . it's feveral fegments are not finuated at the edges, very thm, an . om. bt p[( poin;s They have a rib running all along -the fegments, and they ~ermmhate m o ~ e lull:ers. though more ufually fingly; on the lower part of and fometlmes t ey grow 1D c ' . f r ft ua: Ire th the middle ribs of thefe leaves there ftand vaginre, o a very p~clu tarf rb t ; • ehy 1 b fc hal·r and fucculent . fi·om thefe there grow ped1c es o a out an me Iaorne gow hoiceh, fuftayin, each it's anth' era, wh1·c h t·s 1r. ma1 1 , roun d'{} d of abrow11·a 1 1, an I 1- redg~olour, and foon after it's appearance divides into four fegme!1ts. Th_e feeds, both in this and the former fpecies, are very fin all, and are placed m clufter s toward the edges of the leaves. . d r h 1 This rows about the frumps of old trees m Hornfey-wo?d, a? 1ome ot er p aces ab out Lgo n do n. It flowers 1'n April · Dillenius has. defcnbed· nI t und1e1 r ·t he Hna me · of Lichenall:rum tenuifolium furcatum thecis glo bofis ptlofis. .Y a! anflt c~b s J t, . ei~a~Ic~ ar b orea g1 o .t, ..... u I'1 gera ; an;.~~ Mic'~·J·e li , • Marfilea • minima , ang• ull:Hoha, on us ex m enon foliorum parte e fuhhirfuta et turbmata vagrna erumpenttbus. . It is to be obferved, that Micheli makes all the much-branched .Jungermanmre Mt~fcoides, and all the foliofe ones Marfilere. The more fin gular fpec1es of J ung.ermannia, befide thofe defcribed here, are, r. The purple, . hollow-leaved J u ~ge rm ~nnta. 2. The korpion-tail'd kind, with fimbria.ted leaves. 3· The fine., fern-like kmd: 4· The rounder-leaved, arbor vitre-like kind. 5· The woolly, fern-ltke J u n ~erma.nma. · 6. T~e round-ftalked, purple Jungermannia. 7· !he jagged J~ngermanm a, With long .vagt-. nre. 8. The multifid, foliofe Jungermanma. 9· The little areolar Jungermanma. M 0· S S E S. Clafs the Seventh. Genus the Fifth. A N T H 0 C E R 0 S. A N T H 0 C E R 0 S is a genus of Mo!fes, confi ll:ing of a foliaceous matter, extended on the ground, and producing male and female fru ctifications ; the former very evident. · The male flower rifes immediately from the plant, without a pedicle : it confifis of a mpnophyllous calyx; of a cylindric figure, with an undivided edge; there is no corolla, nor even fiamen, but a fingle anthera of a very fin gular form arifes. From the bafe of every cup, this is very long, flend er, tubulated, and compofed of two valves, between which is a capillary filam ent, covered with fa rina. 'The female flower. is fometimes on the fame, fometimes on a different plant. It grows to the leaf without any pedicle, and is monophyllous, and divided into fix fcgments, and contains three feeds lodged in it's bottom. There is not, however, an abfolute certainty, as to the num bcr of the feeds, or of the fegments of the cup : fometim es there are only two feed s, fometimes only one, and the number of fegm~nts is in proportion. 1. Anthoceros foliis magis laciniatis. Tbe more jagged-leaved Anthoceros. This. fpeci~s appears, firft, i~ form of a clufter of fmall green leaves, growing together m a circular, or nearly ctrcular, form, and of the diameter of half an inch or an inch ; the leaves are fepara tely of an irregularly oblong figure, rounded at 'the ends, and finuated both there and at the fides: they are very thin, of a gloffy furface, and fomewhat pellucid. From feveral parts of the furfaces of thefe leaves, there The Eijlory of P L A N T S. there rife vaginre of an oblong fig ure, and out of thefe. there grow certain oblong bodies, one from each ; thefe are at firft as fine as hairs, but they afterwards grow thicker, and to two or three inches in length ; thef~, when ripe, f~lit from the top half-way down, and appear to be an therre, loaded w1th a yellow fanna. Sometimes on the fame plant, and fometimes on others which do not produce thefe antherre, there appear in feveral parts of the leaves little prominences like warts, which, when ripe, open into fix parts, and fhew that they are the female flowers, containing each three feeds. This fi·utt:ification is very fmall, and it requires a microfcope to dill:ingui{ h it well ; when thus examined, fix is the ufual number of the fegments, and three of the feeds, but it is not certain. It flowers in April. It is found in damp places, and by way- fides, in many parts of England. I have met with it about Mendip-hills in great abundance. The flowers appear in April, and are ripe in June. It has been defcribed by Merret, under the name of Lichen capillaceus ex plurimis capillamentis nigricantibus confians, a ftrangely wlld and imperfect name. In the third edition of Ray's Synopfis it is called, Lichenafirum gramineo pediculo et capitulo oblongo bifurco. Micheli calls it, Anthoceros minor foliis magis crenatis fubtus incurvatis ; and Dillenius, Anthoceros foliis minoribus magis laciniatis. 2 . Anthoceros foliis minus laciniatis. The lifs jagged-leaved Antboceros: T his fpecies makes it's firfi appearance with two, three, or four leaves together which do not form a tuft, as thofe of the other, but .fcatter feveral ways; they ar~ near an inch long, about a third of an inch broad, and flightly iinuated about the edges ; they are very thin and tranfparcnt, and of a. bright green colour. From the feveral parts of thefe leaves arife vaginre, fmall at tile leaf, and fomewhat undulated about the rim ; from thefe there grow antherc:e of an inch and half in length, which burft open, when ri}Jc, and fl1ed a greeniili-yellow farina. On other plants of the fame fpecies, never on the fame individual, fo far as I could obferve, there grow fm~ll pr.otuberances like warts, which open into an uncertain number of fegments, and contam one, two, or three feeds. I found this fpecies abundantly at the foot of an old wall, by the road to Shepton Mallet in Somerfetfl1 ire. It flowers in May and June. Micheli defcribes it under the name of Anthoceros major ; and Buxbaum, under that of Lichen hepaticus pediculis gramineis. There are three other fpecies referred to this genus by authors. r. The narrowleaved Anthoceros, with a {hort flower. 2 . The Anthoceros, with a finely divided leaf ; and, 3· The thick-headed, iliort Anthoceros. None of thefe have been found in England. M 0 s s E S. { Clafs the· Seventh. Genus the Sixth. RICCI A. I CC I A is a genu~ of Mofies, confifting of a foliaceous matter, procumbent on the ground, on whtch there are evident male and female fructifications fame-times both on the fume, fometimcs on different plants of the fame fpecies. ' The male flower has neither. calyx nor corolla, but confiil:s of a fing le anthera, of an oblong, ~ubulatcd. form, wh1ch grows to the leaves without any pedicle, and opens from the pomt, to dtfcharge a fine greeni!l1 farina. !he female flower has no corolla,, and ~carce any calyx ; it. confifts principally of a pencarpmm of a globular figure, 111 whtch there are contamed a number of feeds. ! he male flowers in this genus grow in fome fpecies from the middle rib of the leaf, m others on other parts of the fuperficies, but ufually in a double row. The female ~owers in fame are placed in the chinks, and ilellated fcrobic ul re on the leaves, and n fe above the furfac~; in .others th~y are contained wi thin the very fubftance of the leaves, and are not vtfible till the outer membrane of them is decayed. The pericar-pium |