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Show The Hiflory of P L A N T S. broad, thick, juicy, a·nd of a fine bright green. The fialk. rifes to thre.e feet high; it is green, fucculent, £lender, and round; the flowers fiand m a long fenes toward the top; they are fmall and white. . • . . ~ It is a native of the fea-coafts of Spam and Italy. C. Bauhme calls It, Sc1lla vulga-ris radice rubra. Clufius, Scilla Hifpanica. It's root is fometimes reddifh, fometimes white and hen~e fame have made two fpecies of it, a red and a white rooted fquill. The :oot is ufed in medicine as an emetic and detergent; an oxymel is made of it io. the !hops. 2. Scilla radice fquammata corollis majoribus. The Jquammated-rooted Scilla, with large corollre. 3tbe btue, fiattp Il)p acpn tl). The root is a large, roundi!h bulb, formed ~f a number of thick fquammre, .and refembli 0 that of the lily ; the leaves are ten mches lo g, narrow, and of a bngl~t green : t 1e fialk 1s round, fucculent, an~ green ;. the flowers large, and of a. ~eauti.ful blue, fometimes of pale red, fomeume wh1te, whence Tournefort has divided It into as many fpecies. . . It is a native of the Eafi; we have 1t frequently m gardens. C. Bauhine calls it,' Hyacynthus fiellaris foliis et ad ice lilii ; Tournefort, Liliohyacynthus flare I. Creruleo. 2 Albo. 3 Robello. · ORNITHOGALUM. T H E R E is no calyx, except a few vague fulcra are underfiood to be fuch .' The corolla confifis of fix petals, of a lanceolated figure, from the bafe to the middle eretl, from thence to the points plano-patent; they are permanent, but they Iofe their colour : the fiamina are fix ereCt filaments, of an uncertain figure, of about half the length of the corolla ; the antherre are fimple : the germen is angular ; the fiyle is fubulated and permanent : the fiigma is obtufe : the fruit is a roundi{h, angulated capfule, formed of 'three valves, and containing three cells: the feeds are nume· rous and roundilh; the receptacle columnar : the fi11mina are in fome fpecies plane, erect, trifid at the top, with the anther~ on the middle fegment. 1. Ornithogalum fcapo angulofo diphyllo, pedunculis umbellatis Jimplicibus. The angular flalked, two-leaved Ornithogalum, with Jimple, umbellated peduncles. !Qenoru ~tat of 1J5 ttblebetn. The root is a fmall fle!hy bulb, full of a vifcous juice. The radical leaves are ufually two ; they are fix inches long, half an inch broad, of- a deep green, and ribbed longitudinally: the fialk rifes fingle, angular, greeni!h, or reddi!h, and about four or five inches ,high, and toward it's top has ufually two leaves, fmall and narrow near the top. The flowers fiand on long pedicles, and form a kind of umbel ; they are green on the outfide, with a rim of yelloW', and are perfeCtly yellow within. It is a native of Germany and Sweden. C. Bauhine calls it, Ornithogalum luteum ; Dodonreus, Bulbus fylvefiris. 2. Ornithogalum fcapo angulato diphyllo, pedunculis umbellatis ramofs. The angular-jtalked Ornithogalum, with two leaves, and ramofe, umbellated peduncles. The root is a round, folid bulb, not much larger than a pea; there ufually rifes from this a fingle leaf, three or four inches in length, very narrow, and of a whitifll green : the fialk is angular, very flender, about three inches high, and has ufually two leaves on it; at it's top it fends off a number of peduncles, which fubdivide into others, and thefe fupport the flowers; they are fmall, and of a purpli{h yellow with· out, of a pure yellow within. It is a native of Spain ,and Italy. C. Bauhine calls it, Ornithogalum luteum minus. The The Hi.ftory ~ of P L A N T S. 3'77 The other fpecies are, r. The common, gre~nifh , _white Ornithogalum. 1. The great, white-fpiked Ornithogalo.m. 3· 'the _fmalle.t-fl w~red, fpiked Ornithogalum. 4. The great, broad-leaved Ormthog:tlut;n, With fi1ow~wh1te • flowers. 5· The great, umbellated, Arabian Ornithogalum. 6. The common, umbellated Ornithogalum. 7, The blui!h-white, umbellated-flowered Orni,thogalurn. 8. 'the very- narrowleaved, yellow Ornitholagum. 9· The fingle, ru!hy-leaved Ornithogalum. 1 0 . The comofe Ornithogalum, with fnow-white flowers. I 1. The bifoliate, ' large, blueflowered Ornithogalum. 12. The purple, ftarry, autumnal Ornithogalum . • 1 3· The blue, vernal, fiar ry Orniehogalum. 14. T~ e great...J:plked, t blu,ith,i fiarry Ornithogalum. 1 5· The flower upon flower, Indian, purple, fiarry Ornithogalum. 16. The Eriopherous, fiarry, Indian Or,nithogalum.· Many of thefe · fpecieS"Iate• called, by the generality of writers, fiarry Hyacymhs; they are moil: Of them received into our gardens, and have afforded a multitude of varieties by cultQ:re, whiG:h Tournefort and two many others have given as fo many difiinet: fpecies, as the Jed-flowered, the white ... flowered, the double-flowered, &c. ASPARAGUS. '.; T HER E is no cqlyx ; the corolla is of' an · oblong, campanulated figure ; it is compofed of fix petals, cohering at their tips; they are oblong, formed into a tube, and though three inner ones are alternately placed, and reflex at the extremities, they are all permanent : the fiamina are fix filifor.m. capillaments, inferted into the petals: they are ereCt, and of about half the length of the corolla; the· antherre are roundi!h: the germen is trigonal, of a turbinated form: the ftyle is very !hort ; the fiigma is a prominent point: the fruit is a globofe berry, with an umbilicus, and contains three cells : the feeds are two in each, fmooth, roundilh, but internally angular : the figure of the corolla varies; it is fometimes ered-, fometimes plane, fometimes re-volute. It may not improperly be called a monopetalous flowet. .. , Afparagus foliis Jetaceis, caule herbaceo. ' The Jetaceous-leaved Afparagus, with an' herbaceo~s flalk. The root is compofed of a multitude of long and thick fibres, ariiing from a fmall tuberous head, and difperfing themfelves every way : the fialk is at firft thick, fucculent, and tender; it afterwards grows .£lender and robufi, hard, green, fmooth, round, and very ramofe : the leaves are very numerous, an inch in length, of a fine green, and fcarce thicker than a thread : the flowers are fmall and greeniih; the berries large, and of a bright red. The plant grows to two feet and a half high, 'when wild; in gardens to much more. It is a native of mofi parts of Europe in damp places, but it is greatly improved in the thicknefs and tendernefs of it's efculent lhoots.in gardens. C. Bauhine calls it, Afparagus hortenfis et pratenfis. It's roots are an excellei?t di.uretic, as indeed are alfo the ihoots eaten at our tables. · The other fpecies are, I. The thick-leaved, herbaceous Afparagus. 2. The herbaceous, prickly Afparagus. 3· The prickly, woody Afparagus. 4· The acute-leaved, fpinofe Afparagus. 5· -The great, prickly, Indian Afparagus. LEONTICE. T H E calyx is very fmall and deciduous ; it is compofed of 'fix little leaves : the corolla confifis of fix petals, of an oval figure, narrowe'ft at the bafe; the three. interior ones are alternately fmaller : the fiamina are fix very ihort filamep~s; the antherre are ereCt:, formed of two valves, divided into two cells, and open lengthwife from the bafe to the apex, where the two valves are united firmly: the germen is of an oblong, oval figure; there is no fiyle : the fiigma is obtufe, and of the height of the fl:amina : the fruit is a large, globofe, acuminat~d capfule, inflated, fomewhat fuccul~ nt, and containing only one cell : the feeds are numerous and globofe. I. LtontHI |