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Show 224 The Hijlory of PLAN T S. and is furrounded with· a peculiar vagina, by. way ?f another cup .. The ftyl~ .is fi ll .. form and of the'length of the cor0Ua: the ihgma 1s 0btufe, ~nd ~bhquely emargmated, · · The;e is no pericarpium. but the common receptacle, which 1s of a conv~x figure, fupplies the place of one :' the feeds are fingle, and of an ovato-oblong figure, crowneq with their proper calyx. . ... · 11 1 The figure in this genus is very irregular and qncertam. 1 he extenor coro u ~. ar~ f 1 h th others and unequal· the coronre of the feeds alfo are of vanous ~. ten argTerlt. an ~ comp;ehends the Sc~biofa of Tournefort, &c. and the Afieroce~ u1apes. 1IS genu . phalus, Pterocephalus, ~pd Su~cifa, of V <pllapt. 1 • Scabiofa corolluli's quadrifidis, corollis radia~is. <ltonunon Tbe radiated Scaf;ious, witb quadrifid flowers, and ba;.ry.ftalks. ~cab! Ott~. The root of this fpecies is fingle, white, and long. From t~1is arifes a clufter of ob.,. long, hairy leaves, of a whitiili-green colour: among thefe nfe two ~r three fialks, which grow to nea£1 three feet high; they ar~ round, bolla~, and hauy: the le~ve~ ftand in pairs, at the jo~nts of th~ ~alks, which are very d1fian~ _from one another ; they are oblong, and vanouily lacm1ated at the edges, of a whitlili-green, a~d very hoary. At the top ofthe ftalk, and of the {everal branches, ftand the flowers, m l~rg~ numbers together, colleCted in~o roundi~, but depreifed, heads: they are ufually of 'l a beautiful blue colour, fometunes reddifh. . . This fpecies is very common in our c?rn-fields, and m dry. paftur.es. C. ~auhiil~ calls it, Scabiofa pratenfis hirfl,ltaqu$ officmarum; others, Scab10fa maJor vulgan$. 2, Scabiofa corollulis quadri.ftdis, caule Jimplici, ramis approximatis, Joliis lanceolato-ovatis. The quadrifid-jlowered Scabious, with lmzceolato-ovated /eaves, l!DtlJil'.s~ l5ttt The root of this fpecies is of the. thicknefs of a man's lit~le finger, ~ut iliort, anq feeming as if bitten off at the extremity, from whence. there tifu.e a multitude of fi bres, From this rifes a dufier of leayes, oblong, broadeft m the middle, of a dark green colour, and pointed at the ends, a little hairy, and, for the moft part, even at the edges: among thefe rife. the ftalks; they are fi~ple, . round, an? _folid, n~t hoi.,. low, as in the common Scabwus. The leaves ftand m pam, at the JOmts, which ar~ very far afunder; and at the top of the main ftalk and of the branches, which ifi'ue from the alee of the leaves at the fides, there ftand round heads, compofed .of blue fl9w~ rs~ all of the fame fize, This fpecies is frequent with us, in meadows and paftures. C. :{3auhine calls it~ Succifa glabra; J. Bauhine, Succifa five morfus diaboli. 3· Scabiofa capitulis oblongis, corollulis majufcu!is, foliis dif!eElis. The long-h~aded, large-flowered Scabious, with difJeEI~d leaves. ~u~k ~cabtou$'. The root of this fpecies confifis of a multitude of white fibres. From this arifes !l: clufier of oblong leaves, of a dark green colour, crenated, more or lefs, deeply about the edges: among thefe rife a great number of ft<~.ll~s, which grow to two or three feet high; they are very fiender, and have at every joint two leaves, deeply diifeBed an<l laciniated, and not at all like thqfe which grow immediately from the root. Toward the top of the fialk there grow a great number of branches, and, at the extremities of t~efe, ftand the heads: the flower~ anr of a deep blackifh-purple, and fmell pot (o much hke mufk as civet. This ~pecies is a native of the Eaft Indies, but it is very frequent in our gardens. C. Bauhme calls it, Scabiofa peregrina capitulo oblongo nigricante, adore zibethi. Befide t~1e~e, ther~ are a great number of fpecies of Scabious, and a very great number of vaneues defcnbed as fpecies. The moft fin gular and certainly dHl.inCt are, r, The blue-flowered, fhrubby Scabious. 2 . The agrimony-leaved, an nual Scabious. 3· Th~ The Htflory of P L A N T s. j. ~he yellow-flowered, multifid-leaved .scabious~ 4: The broad-leaved, proiiferous Scabwus. . 5· The ~a rrow-leaved, prol:ferous Scabwus .. 6. The great, centauryleaved ScabiOus. 7· The. red-floweted, Jagged-leaved ScabioUs. 8. The great, longheaded, red-flowered Scabious. 9· The round-headed, fmall, field fcabious. 1 o. The great-leaved, ilellate, Spanilh Scabious. I r. The little, ft ellate Scabious, called by Columna, Phy~euma. I 2. The {hr~bby Scabious, with procumbent branches. 13. The. great, Afncan, a~· borefcent Scabious. If· The grafs-leaved Scabious. 1 5· The fraxmella-leaved ScabiOus. 16. The a~ncula-leaved Scabious. 17. The yellow-~ owered, great, centaury-leaved ScabiOus. 18. The great; fcorzonera-leaved Scabwus. The common-field Scabious, internally, is a peCtoral, and it's leaves are a common in~redient in decoctions ?f. that .. kind. .E.xternal1y, it cures breakings out in the :ikm. The way of ufing 1t 1s bodmg the JUice to the confifietllce of an ointment with lard. K N AUT 1 A. T HE con:mon perianthium of the Knautia i~ fimple, cylindric, oblong, and erea. It contams a number of flofcules, arranged mto a fimple, orbicular feries, and is formed of a number of fubulated feg~ent~, e~ual to that of the flowers, and placed dofe to one another. The proper penanthmm 1S very fmall, and f6rms a kind of corona on the germen. The univerfal corolla is equal : the proper, or fimple, corolla is unequal;. it c?n~fl~ of ~ fingle petal, the tube of which is of the length of the cup, and the hmb IS dtv1ded mto four unequal fegments; the exterior one of which is larger than the reft, and of an oval figure. The ftamina are four filaments larger than the tube of the flower, and infer ted in the receptacle : the anther~ are oblong and incumbent. The gern:en ?f the pifiil is placed below the proper receptacle of the flower: the ftyle 1s filiform, and of the length of the fiamina ; the ftigma is famewhat thick and bifi~. .There is no pericarpium ; it's office is performed by the common receptacle, wh1ch IS plane, naked, and fcarce obfervable. The feeds are fingle of a fquarc figure·, and hairy at the top J This genus is nearly a.llied to the Scab!ous, b~t ~iffers in the calyx, being tob'ulated, and the flowers placed m a fimple, orbicular 1enes. Boerhaave calls it Lychni fca-biofa. ' , Of this fingular genus there is only one known fpecies. K N A u T I A. The root of the Kna?ti~ confifts of a number of white fibres, varioufiy implicated and entangled: from this nfes a clufier of leaves of a pale green colour oblong and in~ented at the edges; among thefe grow up feveral ftalks, round, ilend;r, green: and hairy. The leaves fiand two at every joint, and are alfo hairy and of paler green than thofe which rife immediately from the root ; at the tops of the ftalk and branches fiand the he~ds; they are not round, but compreffed, and have only one row of flowers furroundmg the bafe. Thefe are moderately large, and of a beautiful red colour . and the whole compound flower, froi? t~eir particular arrang.ement, has rather the ap~ pea.rance of that of fame of the lychms-kmd, than of what It really is, till nearly ex-ammed. .· Th~ ~nautia is a native of the Eafi Indies, but it is a hardy plant, and hears the open au m fome of our gardens. Boerhaave calls it, Lychni fcabiofa flare rubro annua ; and Vaillant, Scabiofa orientalis caryophylli flare. 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