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Show The Hi}Jory of P L A N T S. white, and fharp : the leaves are ihort, pinnated, and <?f a whiti!h colour; the pinnre are fmall: the flowers are white, and moderately large. It is a native of many parts of France. C. Bauhine calls it, Tragacantha vulgaris. The Gum Tragacanth of the iliops is obtained by wounding the fte~ of this lhrub. The other fpecies are, I. The purple-flowered, ever-green, Alpme Tragacan th. 2. The woolly Tragacanth, called Poteriurn. 3· The larger-lea:ved Tragacanth. PH A CA. T. HE legumen, or pod, is but imperfeCtly divided inl:o two cells within. This genus comprehends the Aftragaloides of Tournefort . . P hac a inc ana leguminibus brevi bus. The jhort-podded, hoary-leaved P hac a. The root is remarkably thick, black on the outfide, and fibrated: the fl:alks are numerous, angular, as thick as a man's figure, and hoary : the leaves are pinnated ; the pinn~ lhort and hoary : the flowers ftand in a kind of fpikes, on pedicles, rifing from the al~ of the leaves; they are large aqd white. It is· a native of Italy. C. Bauhine calls it, Aftragalus lanuginofus radice ampliffima. The other fpecies are, 1. The yellow-flowered Siberian Phaca. 2 . The narrowleaved Phaca. HE D Y SA RUM. T H E carina of the corolla is tranfverfely obtufe : the arti.culations of the legumen, or pod, contain each a :fingle feed. This genus comprehends the Hedyfarum, Onobrychis, and Alcagi of Tournefort. ]Jerlyfarum Joliis pinnatis, leguminibus articulatis, acu-leatis, 1zudis, caule diflufo. The · diffufe-jlalked, pinnated-leaved Hedyfarum, with naked, aculeated, and articulated pods. jfrencb ~onepfucitlt. The root is long, thick, and divaricated : the fl:alks are procumbent, four or five feet long, hollow, fmooth, and thick: the leaves are pinnated ; the pinnre large, broad, obtufe, and hairy at their edges: the flowers are large and beautiful ; they ftand on long pedicles, in clufters, and are of a fine red colour. It is a native of Italy. C. Bauhine calls it, Onobrychis femine clypeato afpero major; others, Hedyfarum clypeatum. The other fpecies are, r. The undulated, crooked-podded Hedyfarum . 2 . The purple Hedyfarum, with yri~kly pods. 3. The roundiili-podded Hedyfarum. 4· The fmooth-podded, blue, S1benan Hedyfarum. 5· The ternate-leaved, American Hedyfarum. 6. The ternate-leaved, lhrubby, procumbent Hedyfarurn. 7· The capersle~ ved, dwarf Hedyfarum. 8. The little, purple Hedyfarum. 9· The fingle, acummated- leaved Hedyfarum. IO. The fingle, roundilh-leaved Hedyfarum. I I. The two-leaved, yellow-flowered Hedyfarum. I 2. The trifoliate Hedyfarum, with diftorted pod~. 13. The procumbent, hairy Hedyfarum. 14. The large-flowered He-dyfarum. . Of thofe called Onobrychis by authors, be:fide the beforementioned, there are, I. The pale-flowered, common O~obrychis. 2. The vetch-leaved, fcarlet Onobrychis. 3· The narrow-leaved Onobrych1s. 4· The great-fruited Onobrychis. 0 R N I T H 0 P U S. T HE I:gumen is articulated, cylindric, and fpirally crooked. ~~1s genus comprehends the Ornithopodium of Tournefort, and thf; Scorpi-urus of R1vmus. , Ornithopus The Hi}Jory of P L A N T s. Ornithopus foliis pinnatis, leguminibus fubarcuatis. The pinnated-leaved Ornithopus, with arcuated pods. · 551 lJl; 'tJ)'!J~ foot. The ~oot is oblong and white: the ftalks are numerous, procumbent, fiender, hairy, a~d fix mches long: the leaves are pinnated, and an inch, or more, in length ; the · pmnre are numerous, and very fmall : the .flowers are very minute but of a beautiful mixture of white and red; they fl:and three or four together: th; pods are near half an inch long, crooked, and much refemble the toes of a bird's foot. It is common i? dry paftures. C. Bauhine calls it, Ornithopodium minus. The other fpec1es are, I. The larger~ yellow-flowered Ornithopus. 2. The tuberousroote? . Ornitho_PUS. 3. ~he fc~rpio.ide Ornithopus, with compr effed pods. 4· The fcorp101de Ormthopus, wtth cylmdnc pods. 5· The undulated-podded Ornithopus. 6. The purflane-leaved Ornithopus. S C 0 R P I U R U S. T H E legumen is intercepted with ifi:hmi, and is cylindric, bent back, and revolute. . ~his genus comprehends the Scorpioides of Tournefort, and the Campoides of Rtvmus. There is but one known fpecies of it. S C 0 R P I U R U S. The root is oblong, yellow, and tough: the ftalks are numerous, procumbent round, hairy, and a foot long: the leaves are obbng and broad, obtufe at the ends:: of a bluilh-green colour, and a little hairy; they ftand on long pedicles, and have each two auricul:e at the bafe: the flowers are yellow; they fiand fingly on long pedicles, riling from the ahe of the leaves: the pod is contorted, and refembles a caterpillar. It is a native of France. C. Bauhine calls it, Scorpioides beupleuri folio. The pod varies in the degree of contortion, and other accidents, and hence have been made feveral new fpecies. H I P P 0 C R E P I S. T HE pod is crooked and compreffed, and is emarginated in feveral places, along one of the futures. Hippocrepis leguminibus confertis margine exteriore /obatis. The clujler-podded Hippocrepis, with the exterior edge of the pod lobated. ctornnton f)Olft~ fiJoe tlttcf). The root is very long, flender, and blackiih: the ftalks are numerous, procumbent, and ral:nofe, eight inches long, fiender, and often reddilh : the leaves are pinnated; the pinn::e are fmall and irregular : the flowers ftand in little clufiers, on long, naked pedicles; they are of a deep yellow colour, and pendulous: the pods are arcuated, and, in fome degree, refemble the figure ·of·a horfe--ihoe. It is a native of England, but not common. C. Bauhine calls it, Ferrum equinum filiquis in fummitate. The other fpecies are, 1. The :fingle-podded Hippocrepis. 2. The many-podded,. taller Hippocrepis. MEDIC A G 0. T HE pod is compreffed, and of a cochleated figure: the carina of the corolla bends from the vexillum. This genus comprehends the Medicago, Medica, Falcata, and Cochleata of authors. Medica go |