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Show The Hijlory of P LA N T S. Clafs the rwenty Firjl. Order the Eightb. MON£CIA SYNGENESIA. P /ants having feparate ?nale and female flowers o1z the fame plant, aNd thofe Syngenejious. T R I C H 0 S A N T I-I E S. T H E calyx of the male flower has .five indentings at the edge: the corolla is divided into five fegments, and is ciliated ; the ftamina are three. The calyx of the female flower is indented in five places : the col'olla is alfo formed of a lingle petal, and divided into five fegments, and ciliated : the fiyle is divided into three parts: the fruit is an oblong apple. This genus comprehends the Anguina of Micheli. Trichqfanthes foliis cordato-fagittatis ferratis. The cordato-Jagittated, Jerrated-leaved Trichojanthes. The root is creeping; the plant rifes to a confiderable height, if there are things near to fupport it : the ftalk is flender and angular : the tendrils are long, fpirally contorted, and green; the leaves are large, cordated at the bafe, oblong, and terminate in a fharp.point; they are ~errated, and of a dufl{y brown_: the flowers are moderately large, whtte, and edged with a vail: number of long hairs or filaments : the fruit is oblong, and pointed at the end. It is a native of the Eaft Indies. Van Rheede calls it, Toti pira. ' The other fpecies are, I. The great, roundi!h-leaved Trichofanthes. 2. The angulatedleaved Trichofanthes. M 0 M 0 R D I CA. T HE calyx of the male flower is divided into five fegments: the corolla confilh of a iingle petal, and is divided into five fegments ; the fiamina are three. The calyx of the. f~mai: flower is divided into five parts: the corolla is formed of a lingle pet~l'. and divided mt~ five fegments ; the fiyle is divided alfo into three parts ; the frmt I~ an apple, budhng open with great elafiicity. Th1s genus comprehends the Momordica and Luffa of Tournefort, and the Elaterium of Boerhaave. Momordica Joliis cordatis integris plicato-dentatis. The cordated, plicato-dentated-leaved Momordica. man <!u:; cumber. The root is a foot long, and two or three inches in diameter, white, fle!hy, bitter,' and na_ufeous : the fialks are n.umerous and procumbent; they are angulated, rough, and thick: the le~ves are round1lh, but fomewhat oblong, and pointed, aurited at the h<rfe, .and ~hree mches, or more, in length; the t1owers are large, yellow, with greemih vems, and fland ~t the alre of the leaves ; the fruit is of a cylindric form and r?ugh furface, abo~t two mches long, and, when ripe, it burfl:s with violence on the llght~fi touch, fe!'ldmg out every way, fometimes to five feet high, a corrofive liquor. It IS comma~ m France. ~ut~10rs call it, Cucumis fylve{his, and Cucumis afininus? .but very 1mpmperly, as It IS not at all of the cucumber kind. The freculre of the JUice of the f~uit of this plant is the Elaterium of the fhops, a violent purge. . The other fpectes are, I. The angular-fruited Momordica, with fmooth, roundJ!h leaves., called the round-leaved, male, creeping Balfam. 2. The divided-leaved Mon~ ordJca, c~lled the ~eticulated, Egyptian Cucumber or Lufta. 3. The {hart-fruited, vme-leaved Mom0rdica. 4· The long, yellow-frLJited> vine-leaved Momordica. C U C U MIS. Tbe !Jijlory of P L !\. N T s. C U CUM 1 S. THE calyx of the male ~~wer .is divided into .five fegments: the corolla is formed of a fingle petal, and divided mto .five fegments alfo ; the fiamina are three. The calyx of the. f~mal~ flower is divided into ~v~ parts : the corolla is formed of a fingle petal,. and divtded mto five fegments; the pt!bl is trifid : the feeds have no tumid edge. This genus comprehends the Melo, Colocynthus, and Anguria of authors. Cucumis Joliis multifidis, pomis globojis glabris. The multifid-leaved Cucumber, with Jmooth, globife fruit. ({olocpntl). The root is fibrous : the flalks are fl:riated, rough, and procumbent, but they grow to a confiderable length : the leaves fiand fingly at the joints; they are placed on long pedicles, and are large, rough, hairy, and divided into a number of fcgments: the flowers are large and yellow ; the fruit is round, and of the bignefs of a man's fifl:, green at firfi, but, when ripe, of a pale, yellowifh colour: the pulp of this fruit is the Colocynth or Coloquintida of the !hops, a violent cathartic. It is a native of the Eaft. C. Bauhine calls it, Colocynthis fruetu rotunda minore. • Th~ other fpecies of Cucumis are, I. The common Cucumber. 2. The round-leaved, Egyptian Cucumber. 3· The common Melon. 4· The iinall-fruited, trifoliate, American Citrul. 5· The American Citrul, with echinated, efculent fruit. 6. The fmall, round-fruited, cordated-leaved Citrul. The varieties of the Melon-kind arc almofl: endlefs, but they are not to be accounted as fpecies by the botanift. They are all owing to accident or culture. C U C U R 13 I T A. T HE calyx of the male flower is divided into five parts: the corolla is compo(ed of a iingle leaf, divided into five fegments; the flamina are three. The calJ'X of the female flower has alfo five indentings at the edge : the corolla is compofed of a fingle petal, and is divided into five fegments; the pifiil is trifid : the fruit is an apple, and the feeds have a tumid edge. This genus comprehends the Pepo, and the Melopepo of Tournefort. Cucurbita jeminibus obfolete bicornibzts. The Cucurbita, with objoletely bicor,nate feeds. The root is fibrous ; the plant, if fupported, grows to a conliderable height : the flalks are moderately thick, angulated, and rough; the leaves are very large, often meafuring a foot and a half in diameter ; they are of a roundilh figure, {oft to the touch, downy, fomewhat divided at the edges, and placed on long furrowed pedicles : the flowers are large, [now-white, and hairy within, and fomewhat hairy alfo on the outfide ; the fruit is very large and long. It is a native of many parts of America. C. Bauhine calls it, Cucurbita oblonga flare alba. The other fpecies are, r. The great-fruited, rough,-leaved Cucu~·bita. 2• Th~ little, rough-leaved Cucurbita. 3· The common Pomp10n or Pumpkm. 4· The ltttle, yellow-fruited Pompion. 5· The compreffed Melopepo. 6. The gr~at, roug~leaved Melopepo. 7· The clypeiform Melopepo. 8. The common Cmul, or divided- leaved Cucurbita. SICYOS. T HE calyx of the male flower has five indentings at the edge : .the corolla is formed of a fingle petal, divided into five fegme~Hs ; the flarnma are three. The calyx of the female flowers is divided by five indentmgs at t~e e~~e : the cor_?ll_a is formed of a iingle petal, divided into five fegments; the ilyle IS tutid : the fnnt 1s a berry, containin~ only a lingle feed. 3 The |