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Show 'lb/ Hifiory of P L A N T S. obtufely trifid: the fiigma is obfolete, and the rudiment of the fruit is abortlent: The female flower has the corolla very minu~e~ but divided alfo into three fegments: the germen is oval, and terminates in a fubulat.ed fiyle :· the fiigr:na is tripa,rtite ~ the fruit is large, coriaceous, r_ound, 'ang optufely tngQf\al.: the _.feed IS a large nut, o~ an oval figure, acuminated, formed of three valves, obtufely tngonal, and marked With three holes at the bafe. This genus comprehends the Teuga of the Hortus Malabaricus. B o· R ASS US. T HE male and .female flowers ' are on .dill:inCl: plants. . 'the male flowers have the general fpatha compofite ~ the fpadix is amentaceous and imbricated: the corolla is divided into three oval, hollow fegmeilts, refembling petals : the fiamina are fix thick filaments : the anthem~ are thick and il:riated. The female flowers have the fpatha and fpadix like the male : the torolla is divided into three round, fmall, permanent fegments: the germen is roundilh: the fiyles are three, and fmall: the ftigmata are fimpie: the fruit is a roundif11, obtufe, rigid, unilocular berry: the feeds are three, oval, compreifed, difiintl:, and 1ilamentofe. . . . . This genus comprehends the Ampana and Carimpana of the Hortus Malabaricus j the Arnpana is the male, the Carimpana the female. CARY 0 T A. T H E male and female flowers are 'produced in feparate parts of the fame fpadi x. The general fpatha is compofite : the fpadix is ramofe : the 'corolla is divided into three hollow, lanceolated fegments : · the fiamina are numerous filamen'ts, longer than the corolla : the anther<l'! are linear. The corolla in the female flower is divided into two very fmall, acuminated fegments: the germen is roundi{h : the il:yle is acuminated : the fiigma is fimple : the fruit is a round berry, containing· a lingle cell: the feeds are two, large, oblong, rounded on one fide, and flatted on the other. • I BEGONIA. T HE .R E are difiintl: male and hermaphrodite flowers on the fame plant. The male flower has no calyx : the corolla is formed of four petals, patent and regular; two of the petals are placed oppofite, and are lanceolated ; th.e other two are oval, emarginated, and broader: the fiamina are numerous capillary filaments, fhorter than the corolla: the antherre are roundilh: the pifiil is deciduous. The hermaphrodite flower has no calyx; the gc;:rmen anfwers the purpofe of one: the corolla is compofed of five oblong, patent, and cordated petals : the fiamina are numerous capillary filaments, 1horter than the corolla: the antherre are roundi(h : the germen is triangular, with membranaceous angles, and is three-pointed and eretl: : the fiyles are three, bifid, and o~ the length of the fiamina: the fiigmata are globofe: the fruit is triangular, and contams three cells : the feeds are numerous and fmall. Genera mentioned & Plumier. · T HE corolla of .the mal~ ~owe: is divided into fix fegments: the corolla of the female flower IS alfo divided mto fix fegments; there is no pericarpium : the calyx becomes large, round, ~od inflated.,. and it's rim is undivided : the feed is a nut of an oval figure, fulcated, and containing only · one cell : the feed is globofe. ,) '17Je Hijlory of P L A N T S. HIPPOMANES. T ll E 1nale afld female flowers are produced difiintl: on the fame plant, The male flower ~~s no corolla z the fruit is a large, globofe berry, fomewhat umbthoa~ ed, and contammg only one cell: the feed is round and woody. Thts genus comprehends the Mancanella of Plumier. C I S S A M P E L 0 S. T' H E male and female flowers are produced feparate on the fame plant. The male fi?wer confifis of ·four oval, plane, patent petals : the fruit fucceedihg the femal~ flower IS a round berry, containing a fingle cell, and in it a fingle, rugofe feed. This genus comprehends the Coapeba and .Clematis fpecies 93. of Plumier. P L U J( N E T i A. T H E male and female flowers are produced feparately on the fame plants. The male flower has no calyx : the corolla is compofed of four oval, patent petals; the il:amina form a iliort, pyramidal body. The female flower has no calyx; the corolla is the fame as in the male : the germen is quadrangular; the fiyle is filiform, and very long, and declinate : the fiigma is peltated and quadrifid ; the fegments are obtufe and plane, and each is marked in it's middle with a fpot. The fruit is a depreifed, quadrangular capfule; the angles carinated. It contains four cells, each of them bivalve : the feeds are fingle, roqndHh, compreifed, and fomewhat acuminated at one end. H I P P 0 C R A T E A. T HE calyx is a. perianthium formed of a iingle leaf, patent, and lightly divided into five obtufe fegments, larger than the corolla : the corolla is monopetalous, oval, truncated at the top, and undivided at the edges : the fruit is a capfule of a deprefi'o- plane figure, patent, femitrifid, with trifid fegments, and contains three cells, each of them bivalve; and the valves carinato-compreifed : the feeds are oblong, and have a membranaceous ala. This comprehends the Coa of Plumier; the parts feem ill defcribed, MATH I 0 LA. T HE calyx is an eretl:, cylindric, undivided perianthium1 lho.rt and permanent : the corolla coniifis of a fingle, very long petal : the tube is fiender, and gradually opens into a limb which is undivided, but it's edge is bent back • the fiamina . are five fubulated filaments, lhorter than the corolla : the antherre are fimple; the germen is globofe, and ftands under the receptacle: the ftyle is filiform, and of the length of the cor.olla ; the fiigma is thick and obtufe : the fruit is a globofe drupe, co.ronated with the cup, and unilocular; the feed is a globofe nut; the kernel is globofe. ACHRAS. T HE calyx is a perianthium, compofed of five leaves; they are oval, acuminated, eretl:, and permanent: the corolla is compofed of five oblong, ereCt, and obverfely cordated petals; the germen is oval: the fi·uit is an oval, quinqu.elocular ~erry : the feeds are fingle, fuboval, compreifed, fmooth, and haye a promment denticle on one fide. This genus comprehends the Sapota of .Plum~er, who fays, that ~he Sapota h~s the fame charaeteriftics as the Anona ; but this deviates greatly fi·om h1s more particular account of it. 3 BROSSJEA. |