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Show 'I'be ,Hi.ftory of P ~ A N T S. ontodon. r 3. The fmall-flowered, downy Leontodon. 14. The pilofella-leaved mountain Leontodon. 15. The dwarf, fmooth Leontodon. 16. The dwarf, rough Leontodon. 17. The great-leaved Leontodon. S 0 N C H US. T HE receptacle is naked; the cup is imbricated; the down is plumofe, and the calyx ventricofe. Sonchus caule ereEio, foliis pinnato-hajlatis, jloribus congeflis villojis. The ereEI, haflated-leaved Soncbus, with cluflered, hairy flowers. The root is long, creeping, perennial, and full of a milky juice : the plant rifes to ten feet high : the leaves are eight inches long, divided at the edges like thofe of dandelion, and ha!lated at the extremity: the flowers fiand at the tops of the branches. they are large, numerous, of a deep yellow colour, ~nd hairy. ' It is common in our fait marlhes, and elfewhere. C. Bauhine calls it, Hierachium majus folio Sonchi. . The other fpecies are, 1. The undivided-leaved, prickly Sonchus. 2 . T he dandelion- leaved, prickly Sonchus. 3· The dipfacus-leaved, prickly Sonchus. 4· The Cretic, prickly Sonchus. 5· The rough, broad-leaved Sonchus • . 6. The broad-leaved, fmooth Sonchus. 7· The fine divided-leaved, fmooth Sonchus. 8. T he lightly finuated- leaved, fmooth Sonchus. 9· The narrow-leaved, fmooth Sonchus. 10. The narrow-leaved, fea Sonchus. 1 I. The poppy-leaved Sonchus. H Y P 0 C H lE R I S. 1 J T HE r~ceptacle is paleaceous; the calyx is imbricated; the down is plumofe .. Thxs genus comprehends the Achyrophorus of Vaillant. Hypochceris calycibus cequalibus hifpidis. The rough, equal-cupped Hypochceris. T~e root is oblong, .flender, and white: the plant grows to feven inches high: the fialk 1s round,, green,. an~ fle?der : t?e leaves are of an obverfely oval figure, the narrower extremity termmatmg m a pedxde : the flowers fiand tingly on the tops of the ·branches;. they are ~oderat~ly large and yellow: the whole plant has a number of long,, whxte~ loofe hairS at dxftances upon it. ~tIS a nattve of Crete. Ray calls it, H.ie~achium ramofum foliis oblongis, obtufis, &c. Vaxllant, Achyrop~orus fere glaber, belhdxs glauco dentatoque folio. b Tdhe 1 other fpecxes are, I. The fmooth, dandelion-leaved Hypoch:eris. 2. The · roa er- eaved, large-flowered Hypochreris. C A T . A N A N C E. T ~ E receptacle i~ paleaceous; the cup is imbricated ; the down arifes from a httle calyx, termmated by five fetre, or hairs. Catanance .fquammis ca!Jcinis inferioribus lan~eolatis. The Catanance, with the lower leaves of the cuP. laHoe{)ktted. 1 The root is fibrous: the radical le~ves are broad and nervous: the il:alk is round, ra nofe, and fmooth; the leaves on 1t are deeply finuated at the edges· the flowers fl:and at the ext rem1' tx· es of t h e b ranc h es; t h ey are large and yellow and in· {hape much rtfe~ble thofe of the cyanus, or blue-bottle. ' · It 15 a native of Crete. Boccone calls it, Chondrilla cyanoides lutea corooopi folio. The 'lbe Hiftory of P L A N T S. 565 The other fpecies are, r. The blue Catanance, with finuated leaves. 2 . The willow- leaved Cacanance. 3· The broad, undivided-leaved Catanance. , $ C 0 . L Y M U S. T H E receptacle is £al~~~eous; ,the c~lyx, is .imbricated ; there is no down to the feed. , Scolymus annuus. The annual Scolymus. ~he r?~t is efculent, ~arge, . obLong, a~d of a. yellowilh-brown colour, and full of a m1lky JUice: the pla.nt nfe~ to four •feet h1gh : the leaves are oblong, finuated, prickly. and often blotched with white; the fialk alfo is very prickly: the flowers are large and of a beautiful yellow colour; they fl:and in the al:e of the leaves. , It is a native of France. Vaillant calls it) Scolymus chryfanthemus annuus. The other fpecies are, I. The lower, perennial-rooted Scolymus. 2 . The tall Af-rican Scolymus. ' CICHOREUM. T HE receptacle is paleaceous; the calyx is calyculated; the margin of the down is quinquedentated. Cichoreum caule Jimplici; foliis dentato-Jinuatis. mr.lilb The Jimple-jlalked Cichoreum, , w#h d,entato-jinuated leaves. ~UCCO~p. The root is oblong, thick, and fu11 of a milky juice: the fialks are numerous, two or three feet high, and ramofe : the l~ayes· are three inches long, and a little more than an inch broad, varioufly finuated at the edges: th~ flowers are large, and of a beautiful blue colour; they grow without pedides, from the fides of the fl:illks. It is common by way-fides. r C. Bauhine calls it, Cichoreum fylvefire, .five officinarum. The other fpecies are, r. The common, blue-flowered, broad-leaved, garden Cichoreum. 2. The garden Cicho~eum, called Endive. 3. The narrow-leaved Endive. 4·- The prickly, Cretic Endive. 5· The large and deeply divided-leaved Cichoreum. ~ . N DRY ALA. T HE receptacle is hairy; the calyx is divided into many parts; the down is fimple and feffile. This genus comprehends the Eriophorus of VaiJlant. , L Andryala foliis integris. The undivided-leaved Andryala. ·nuoollp ~albklbeen. The root is large, oblong, and fibrated: the plant rifes to two feet in height': the fl:alk is robufi, thick, hairy, and ramofe : the leaves are two inches and a half long, very narrow, like thofe of the cyanus, and covered with a white, downy matter : the flowers ftand on the extremities of the branches ; they are of a bright yellow colour, but not large. It is a native of Sicily. C. Bauhine calls it, Sonchus Ianatus luteus major. E L E , P H A N T 0 P U S. T H E receptacle is naked; the corollulre ftand in a fimple feries, and are divided. into five fegments. 7 E Elephantopus |