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Show 308 The Hijlory of P L AN T S. juice, :u;d has no leaf on it. In the alee of the denticle~ there fi~nd lhort, fuccul~nt, greeni{h, or purpli{h, pedicles, divided into three fine, fohaceous pomts at the extremtty, and each fupporting a large yellow flower. . l . , It is a native of the Cape of Good Hope. Herman calls 1t, Apocynum JUm1le a1w zoides filiquis ercCtis Africanum. A S C L E P I A S. T HE calyx is a permanent perianthium, divided into five ~e~men~s, acute and {mall : the corolla confills of a fingle petal, plane or reflex, divided Jnto five oval, acuminated fegments : the neCtaria are five in number! and furr_ound the parts of fruc .. u' fic au·o n ; e ac h of them is of an oval figure ' but o. bhqudy aunculated d outhw ard, and, from the bafe of this auricle, arifes an acute cormculum, bent towar s t e parts of fruCl:ification : the parts of fruCtification are covered by a truncated body, furroundcd with five fquammuhe, and opening at the fides by a many fiffures ; there are fcarce any filaments : the antherc:e are five; they are _affixed to the truncated body. of the neCl:arium, within the fquammulre : the gern:~una are two, of an oval .fi~ute, and acuminated: there are fcarce any ftyles; the fitgmata are fimple. The frUJt confills of two large, oblong follicles, ventricofe, and poin_teq, _formed ~ach .of one yalve, and containing only one cell : the feeds are numerous, tmbncated, and wmged wlth down: the receptacle is membranaceous and fr7e. This genus comprehends the Afcleptas and ~h~ Apocynum of authors. ~n the Af .. clepias the corolla is plane, in the Apo.cyn?m 1t 1s re~e~; but, as the netl:ana, and all the other parts of fructification, are ahke 10 both, thts lS to be regarded no more than as a fpecific, not a generical difference. 1. Afclepias cau!e ereflo Jimplicijjimo ber!Jaceo, Joliis cordato-lanceolatis, racemis conglomeratis alternis. The erefl, herbaceous, Jimple-flalked Afclepias, with cordated-lanceolated leaves, and alternate1 conglomerated c!ujlers. mltbttc ~ll.lal~ lO\b;:;l1)1Ht~ The root is fibrous and white: the fialk is round, thick, hairy, jointed, erect, and without divarication. The leaves fiand two at a joint; they are two inches long, an inch broad, cOJ·dated at the bafe, and lanceolated ; they {l-and on very ihort pedides, which rife upwards; the ribs are hairy. From the alee of the leaves arife pedicles, on each of which fiands a clufler of white, fmall flowers: the pods are an inch and a half long, and the feeds winged with a very fine down. This is a native of Germany. C. Bauhine calls it, Afclepias flore albo; Dodonreus, Vincetoxicum. 2. Afclepias caule fubvolubili herbaceo, foliis ovatis lanceolatis, jloribus confertis patenti.ffimis. The herbaceous-fialked Ajclepias, with oval, lanceolated leaves, and open, clu.flered flowers. l/Olatk ~war~ lOUJ;:; lbo~t, The root is compofed of a number of large fibres. The fialk is round, tender~ weak, and fupports itfelf by twining about any thing near it; by this means it will be carried to four or five feet high: toward the top it is ufually branched. The leaves nre large, oblong, fomewhat oval, but pointed at the extremity; they are fmooth , [oft, and fucculent. The flowers fl:and in clufiers, and are finall, patent, and of a very deep purple, almoft black. The pods are long, and the feed winged with a very fine down. The whole plant abounds with an acrid, milky, but yellowi!l1, juice. It ~sa native ~f France ~nd Germany. C. Bauhine calls it, Afclepias pullo flore ; J. Bauhme, Afcieptas flore mgro quorundam, The Hiftory of P L A N T S. 3· Afclepias caule ereElo fimplici herbact!o, foliis ovalibus fubtus tomentojis, umbel/is nutantibus. 'Ihe jimple, erefl, herbaceousjlalked Ajclepias, with oval leaves and 1zutant umbels. ~Prtan l!Dog; tJ~ bane. The root is compofed of a multitude of large fibres~ The ftalk is round, erect and hairy; it grows to four feet high. The leaves fiand in pairs; they are large, and of an oblong, oval figure, of a duiky green on the upper fide, but whitifh and hairy underneath. The flowers are fmall and purple ; they fiand a great number together forming a kind of urn bel. ' It is a native of Syria. Cornutus calls it, Apocynum majus Syriacum reCtum; V eilin gius, Beideloifar. 4• Ajclepias foliis rotundo-ovatis, caule fruticofo. la.OUttb:::ltabtb The jhrubby-Jlalked, roundijh-oval leaved Afclepias. l!Dog' S:::bane. The root is fibrous; the fialk is round,· hard, woody, not very thick and divides into feveral branches. ~he l~a.ves are almofi round, or between that a;d oval; they are fmooth, green, and of a iJ.umng furface. The flowers are fmall, and of a pale red. It is a native of Egypt. Vefiingius calls it, Apocynum folio rotundiore. We have it frequently in our gardens. The other fpecies of the Afclepias are very numerous. The more fingular are of thof~ called by aut~ors ~fclepiades, I. The narrow-leaved, yellow Afclepias. 2. The Cretlc Afcleptas, wtth btfid pods. 3· The tall, eretl:, purple Afclepias. 4· The broadleaved, purple Afclepias. Of thofe called Apocyna, I. The broad-leaved, hoary Apocynum of Malabar. 2. The broad-leaved, purple, American Apocynum. 3· The green-fialked, white-flowered, Syrian Apocynum. 4· The long-podded long-leaved Apocynum. 5· The willow-leaved, purple Apocynum. 6. The tubero~s-rooted orange- flowered Apocynum. 7· The nerium-leaved Apocynum. 8. The undula~edleaved, hairy Apocynum. 9· The periwinkle-leaved Apocynum. 10. The digitatedleaved Apocynum. I r. The orange-leaved Apocynum. 12. The Apocynum of the Canaries. 1 3· .The narrow toad, flax-leav~d Apocynum. 14. The round-leaved, fcandent Apocynum. PER I P L 0 CA. · T. :f1 E caly~ is a very fmall perianthium, divided into five oval, permanent feg. ments: the corolla co.nfifis of a fingle petal, plane, and divided into five oblong, lmear, truncated, and emargmat.ed fegments: the neB:arium is very fmall, and furrounds the center of the petal, and emits five crooked filaments from it's fides, lhorter than the fegments of the corolla, and placed alternately with them : the fiamina are five very fhort filaments: the antheree are erect and connivent : the germen is fmall and bifid : there are fcar~e any fl:yles: the fiigmata are fimple. The fruit confifis of two large, oblong, ventncofe fo~ltcle~, each formed of a fingl~ valve, and containing one cell: the feeds are numerous, 1mbm;ated, and coronated With down: the receptacle is longitu-dinal and capillary. . 1. P eriploca Joliis lanceolatis, caulibus fruticojis volubilibus. I . I The jhrubby, twining-Jlalked Periploca, with lanceolated (:tr~nbtng leaves. i!Dog s~ bant. The root is woody, and divaricated; the fialks are round flender woody and covere d w1. t h a b rown bark ; they rife by the help of trees, wh' ich they' twifi t'h em-felves about, to the height of thirty feet. The leaves ftand in pairs; they are oblong broadeft in the middle, and pointed at the end. The flowers ftand four or five to~ gethe:, form.ing a kind of umbel; they are fmall, and of a dufky purple. ~t 1s a native o.f many parts of America. C. Bauhine calls it, Apocynum oblongo folio; others, Penploca rcpens angufiifolia, and Periploca folio longo flore purpurante. 4K The |