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Show 394 The Hijl()ry of P L A N T S. The plant is common about waters. C. Bauhind calls it, Plantago aquatica latifolia J and, as it fometimes bas it's leaves narrower than ordinarily, he calls that variety Plantago aquatica anguftifolia; others tall itl Plantago aquatica major, including both varieties under that name. 2. Alifma fruEiu glo6ofo undlque echinato. The globqfe and echinated-fruited Alifma. Wttle ~mater ~lan tatn ~ The root is compofed of a number of white, thick, complicated fibres : the leaves fiand on flender pedicles, two or three inches long; they are oblong, narrow, fmooth of a pale green, and undivided at the edges ; the fialk is flender, hollow, naked and a foot, or more, in height; it fends out a great nutnber of fhort branches, ne~r the top, and on thefe il:and numerous, f~all, whitifl; flowers, with yellow ungues; the heads which fu·ccetd thefe are roUhd1fh ahd echtnated; thofe of tho fotmer fpeciea are difpofed into a trigonal form. This is common alfo in wet places. Ray calls it, Plantago aquatica minor. The other fpecies are, 1. The great, trigonal-headed, narrow, and long-leaved Alifma ; and, 2. The low, fiarry-headed Alifma. Cla/s t!Je Seventh. . H E P T A N D R I A. Plants which havefiven /lamina in every flower. OJ this clt{s there are on!J two genera, and theje hav~ both only a jingle · }lyle in the flower. . H E P T A N D R I A M 0 N 0 G Y N I A. T R I E N T A L I S. T HE calyx is a permanent perianthium, formed of feven narrow lanceolated pointed, patent leaves: the corollfl is plane and ftellated · it conGfl:s of a fingl~ petal, divided i{lto feven fegments, and t~at fo deeply, that th;y cohere only by their ungues;. they are of an .ovato-lanceolate figure, and fomewhat longer than the calyx: the fiamma are feven captllary filaments, qf the length of Jhe cup~ and infected into the ungues of the corolla ; the anthera~ ar~ fimple : t~e germen is glGbofe ; the {lyle is fili· form, and of the ~ength of the fiamma : the fi1.gma is capitated : the fruit is a dry, globofe. berry, havmg only one cell, a.nd covered with only a very thin cruft, which burfis trreg~larly : the feeds are few 1~ number and angulated; the receptacle is very large, and ts hollowed for the recept10n of the feeds. The parts of fructification though u~ually feven in this plant, yet vary fometimes from that number. ' There 1s only one known fpecies of it. 1"' R I E N 't A L I S, !~ root con~fis of a number of long, white fibres~ the radical leaves are oval, pomted, an~ an me~ and a h~lf long : the fialk is round, fmooth, flender, and about four ~r five 1~ches h1gh. It ts naked to the top, where there ftand fix or [even leaves m a kmd of c1rcle; they h~ve lhort pedicles, and are of the figure of the radical ones, but fmaller, a~d more pomted, and of a pale green colour. At the bafe of thefe there are fomettmes two or thr~e fmall and roundifh leaves, of a brownifh colour, and and from t~e center of them nfe ufually two pedicles, flender, of a reddifh colour, and near ~wo mches lo!1g, and . on the fummit of each of thefe ftands a fin gle and very beautiful ftellate wh1te flower. ~ It is ~ ~ative of England, but is fcarce with us: in Germany, Sweden, and Denmark, tt IS m?re common, . Ray calls it, Alfinanthemos ; C. Bauhine, Pyrola alfines fiore ; J. Bauhme, Herl?a tnentalis. ESC U L US. The /fij}ory of P L A N T S. 395 ES'CULVS. THE calyx is ·a fmall, ventr!cofe peri~nthium, forqted of a fingle leaf, divided in· to five par~s at the e;ctremlty. The corolla confifts of five roundilh petals, plane and patent; thetr edges phcated or undulated ; their ungues verr narrow, inferted into the calyx, and equally coloured : the ftamina are feven or eight fubulated, declinated fil~meats, of the length of t~e corolla; the antherre are affurgent: the germen is roundtlh; the ftyle fmall; the fitgma acuminated : the fruit is a roundilh echinated r;:oriaceous capfulet formed ~f three valv.es, and co,ntain~ng only oqe '1e}l 1 : the feed; are two, and globofe ; often !ndeed there 1.s formed only oneJ but it is from accident ; two are always the intent of nature. This genus comprehends the Hypocafl:anum of Tou ~nefort and the Efculus r nc\ Pavia of Linnreus. ' 1. Efcztlus flori6us hepta~dris, The Efcult~s, with feven .ftami7ta in the flower. 3tbt ~Otft::: <tbcfnut. The root is brad1~ated and fpreading ; the tree very large and ramofe : the leaves are palmated; each ts compofed of feven, others annexed to the fame pedicle ; thefe are of an oblong figure, broad, rongh, and indented at the edges : the flowers are very beautifu~ ; they .Hand in confiderable numbers, on feparate peduncles annexed to co~mon pedtcles, anfing from .th~ rifE. of the leav~s 1 they are large and white, \ ith ~ ~m~e of flelh colour:. the frmt 1s echmated and very large; the chefnut contained in 1t IS l~ke the ~ommon kmd, but larger,. rounder, a~d of a difagreeable tafl:e. I.t Is ~ nat~v~ of the ~~a ; we had It brough~ mto Europe in the year 15 so, fince whtch t1me Jt 1s common m our gardens, &c. Toqrnefort calls it flypocaftanuPl vul-gare ; C. Bauhine, Caftanea multifido folio. 11 2. Efculus jlori6us oE!andris. The Efculus, with eight jlamina in the }lower. 1tUt fcatlet ~otft:::C!befnut. The root is brachiated ; the leaves are compoul;\9, li~e thqfe of the common ho.r.fechefnut, but the fingle leaves fmaller and narrower : the flower is very beautiful, and of a · bright red ; it fomewhat refembles a monopetalous, bilabiated flower though in reality formed of five petals, as that of ~he former. ' Iti~ a na~i~e ~f the Eaft.; but we have it in our gardens. Boerhaave calls it, Pavia ; Plumier, R1cm01des Amencana cafianere folio; Plukenet took it to be the fea manna of Pifo, but erroneouO.y. Clafs the Eighth. OCTANDRIA. P /ants which have in every jlo'f,Ver eight flamina. Of thife fome have only one jlyle, fome have two, fome three, fome four, and .fome more numerous ones. T HE feveral genera will hence therefore be arranged into five orders : The firft containing fuch as have only one .!lyle; the fecond fuch as have two · the third, fuch as have three, and fo on. ' , Ordtr |